Tuesday, October 31, 2006


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Nana and Jim left for the United States again today, and as they left, I cried. Partly because I was going to miss them and didn't want them to leave, partly because it was my nap time and I was tired, and partly because I was hoping I'd get to go for a ride in their car.

After my nap and some lunch, Mommy and I carved pumpkins for tomorrow night and stuff. I have something of a snotty nose (a cold?), so Mommy felt sad for me and let me eat whatever I wanted... and what I wanted was pumpkin seeds and Grandpa's sugarless oatmeal cookies!

Mommy had a dentist's appointment tonight, so before Daddy came home from work and while Mommy was out, Gamma looked after me. We read books, drew pictures, and I pooped in my pants.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Nana and... ...Jim!

Bunny Ears
Originally uploaded by Clover_1.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

For some reason, Mommy and Daddy cleaned and cleaned and cleaned this morning. I stayed out of the way as much as possible, and assumed they knew what they were doing.

When I woke up from my nap, Nana and Jim were here! And they brought me lots of toys! And vegetables! I was mostly excited about the toys. Mommy and Daddy appreciated the vegetables.

I had fun being cute for Jim and Nana, and after some lunch Daddy drove Mommy and Nana and I to Ikea, since Nana hadn't ever been there. I wanted to run around and play with stuff, but they wouldn't let me. We did some quick grocery shopping on the way home, and then it was dinner time! Due to some daylight savings shenanigans, I went down for bed pretty promptly.

Listening to: Simon And Garfunkel - Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Pumpkin Patch

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning, as is customary on Saturday mornings, Mommy and Daddy and I went to the butcher, and while Mommy waited in line, Daddy and I went to the bookstore. Good times.

After my nap and some lunch, and before a leisurely stroll through a Newmarket mall, the bunch of us drove out to a pumpkin patch north of the city. We had a lot of fun browsing through hideously mutated giant green pumpkins, getting kissed by fenced-in goats, watching a 'performance farmer' shoot pumpkins at imaginary aliens with a massive cannon manned by a non-English speaking Nicaraguan, watching two newborn kittens freeze in a cold barn, digging our car out of a massive pile of oatmeal, and almost freeze to death ourselves. With the car loaded with three freakish melons, we went home, and I fell down in the tub a bunch of times.

Okay, I made up the part about the oatmeal pile.

Listening to: The Rolling Stones - Aftermath

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Papa... Car?

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was markedly different from yesterday, sleep wise. Once Mommy came into my room last night, I stopped screaming and fell asleep in my crib, so long as I knew she was at least in the room. Today, my schedule is pretty much completely back to normal, although I did have an episode this afternoon where I spontaneously started really screaming out of nowhere. Mommy changed my diaper, and I was fine. Weird!

It was cold, windy, and wet outside today, so Mommy and I just kinda hung out at home. A few times I asked about the whereabouts of Papa... I asked "Car?" and Mommy explained that he went home. I don't really follow. I thought 'Home' is where we live.

In anticipation of Nana and Jim visiting in the next few days, I practiced saying their names. Me saying "Jim!" makes everyone laugh.

Listening to: Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth

Friday, October 27, 2006

Too Wound Up

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Poor Mommy... I was such a spaz last night that she had to stay with me until the morning. She didn't sleep so well, needless to say. Anyway, today Gamma and Mommy and I drove Papa to the airport, and said bye-bye as he flew back to South Carolina. We'll definately miss having him here... I asked about him several times after he left.

Mommy and I hung out at home during the day, and I wrecked the place just for the heck of it. Luckily, I went down for a nap as scheduled, so my sleeping's not completely ruined ... right?

When Daddy came home from a bust day of work, we drove to the supermarket and ate dinner there, cafeteria-style. We went to the bookstore, and we were gonna do our full-on grocery shopping, but I had to go and poop in my pants, and we didn't bring any diaper stuff along, plus it was past my bedtime... so we just bought the diaper stuff, changed me in the car (where I did a lot of past-bedtime-dancin'), and headed home.

Of course, it's a repeat of last night - I'm really really wound up and I just scream if you leave me alone in my crib. Daddy got me to sleep, but I freaked out when he put me back in my crib. Mommy is in there with me yet again, keeping me snoozing through the night. Let's hope this doesn't become a nightly problem. She was hoping to play video games tonight.

Listening to: Electric Six - Switzerland

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Loose At The Mall

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another great day! Daddy took the day off from work, and so this morning Daddy and Mommy and Papa and I drove to a Middle Eastern restaurant that Daddy's been planning on taking Mommy to for years - we all really loved it. The food was great and the staff thought I was adorable!

Next, we drove around for awhile until I finally fell asleep in my car seat and had a nice, long nap. When I woke up, we were enjoying the muddy side-roads of Vaughan and King City. We next headed to Vaughan Mills Mall, and I had an absolute blast. Mommy and Daddy and Papa all took turns letting me run around wherever I wanted (the mall was unusually empty)... I especially liked the fish tank in the Bass Pro shop and the Build-A-Bear store. My family loves to watch me scurry and play!

When we came home, I did not want to go to bed. Things seemed alright at first, but then I woke up during Mommy and Daddy's favourite show, and wouldn't go back to bed without one of them there. So... Mommy is snoozing next to me in bed as Daddy writes this.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Provoking gifts of Marmalade

[As transcribed by Daddy]

While Mommy vacuumed, Papa and I took a walk this morning. I decided that I like him today... we had a nice time with one another today.

After lunch today, Mommy and Papa and I took the subway downtown and went to the Market. We saw lots of meat, I split a cookie with Mommy, and I had fun sticking a drinking straw up my nose. Next, we visited Daddy at work, and I showed off for Daddy's friend Michele.

On the way home, I entertained the entire subway. I danced, did my animal impressions, waved to strangers, and compelled some strange old lady on the bus to try to give me a jar of marmalade.

Mommy and Daddy are very glad that I was in a great mood and that I spent so much quality time with Papa. I've been a bit grumpy over the last few days, and they felt bad that Papa came all the way here just so I could give him the cold shoulder. It was a nice change of pace!

Listening to: LCD Soundsystem - 45:33

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fifteen Months (and five days) Old!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I'm still recovering from Saturday's interruption of my sleeping patterns. I was mean, clingy, cranky, and completely resistant to any attention from Papa. Amazingly, I remained sweet and loveable despite being in such a rotten mood for most of the day.

There were some hints of good weather today, and Mommy and Papa and Basil and I were able to get in a quick walk, but things turned cold and windy again, so we just stayed in and tore the apartment apart (well, that's what I did). I got to try on my new snowsuit - see the photo above for the result. We all had a nice rib dinner with Gamma and Grandpa and Anisa tonight.

Daddy blogged pretty late last night, and in his half-asleep stupor forgot to mention how Mommy & I made a cow run away (uphill!) from us yesterday.

Listening to: The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Tapdance Lessons

[As transcribed by Daddy]

We were gonna go apple picking today, but it was (once again) pouring with rain. So, after my morning nap, Mommy and Daddy left me with Gamma and Grandpa when they went to pick up my new hot pink snowsuit. While I was with Gamma, we ate lunch together, and then taught me some sweet tapdancing moves. I'm really intent on getting my shuffle-step down.

After lunch, Mommy and Daddy and Papa and I took a leisurely Sunday drive. We headed northwest, and showed off the Cheltenham Badlands for Papa. I was kept from being overtly cranky (I'm still recovering from yesterday's sleep deprivation) by being fed muffins and even some Cheetos (thanks, Papa!).

After dinner, I made my first-ever digital painting with Daddy's Wacom tablet, chased Gamma around her house (and she cased me in turn) and did some more tapdancing. Fun times!

Listening to: Chris Isaak - Best Of

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wired in Rochester

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After we were all up and had our act together, Daddy drove Mommy and Papa and I all the way to a small town just outside Rochester New York. It was a pretty long drive, and I didn't appreciate being stuck at the border for an hour, but I held things together pretty well.

Once we got there, we visited Papa's cousin Johnny and his family, who were really wonderful! I played outside a bit, ran around indoors, followed my six-year-old cousin Abigail around (we figure she would be my fifth cousin), and behaved like a sweet little angel. Basically - I did everything but nap. As a matter of fact, I didn't fall asleep until about thirty seconds after we finally started on the long drive home!

Of course, once we got back, I was awake and wired once again. My sleeping pattern is all screwed up, but my parents don't mind - we all had a really great day, met a lot of new family members, made some new friends, completely blew our diets, and tired ourselves out!

Listening to: The World Series, Game 1

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Modified Peek-A-Boo

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Poor Papa... he flies all the way to visit me, and the best the weather can do is rain. So much for taking him for a day out on the town! Ah well. As soon as it let up, we went for a bit of a walk, but we all stayed cooped up for the most part. He watched some TV, I pulled all the books off of the shelves, and we and had simultaneous naps.

Mommy and I invented a new game today that I thought was absolutely hilarious. She'd crouch low on the futon and hide her face behind the armrest. I'd stand on the other side of the armrest and try to get her to look at me. She'd say 'Boo!' and I'd laugh and laugh! It's kind of like a modified version of peek-a-boo, only funnier.

I was extremely clingy with Mommy today. Perhaps its because I'm not used to Papa lingering around the apartment yet... but I definately seem to be warming up to him!

Listening to: Paul Revere & The Raiders - Midnight Ride

Friday, October 20, 2006


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was something of a surprise. Gamma drove Mommy and I to the airport (by way of some seriously confusing detour-related wanderings), where we found Papa! Remember him? I'm starting to. He's come over to visit me. Isn't that sweet of him? On the drive home I immediately started calling him 'Papa' by name, which made Gamma want to drive into oncoming traffic (because I still don't call her anything by name).

We all had a nice visit, and I made sure I demonstrated my vast toddler vocabulary and animal mimicry super-powers. Hopefully Papa will be able to stay over for a while, because I like the attention he showers me with, even if I'm still a little bit unfamiliatr around him.

Listening to: The Mamas And The Papas - If You Can Believe Your Eyes And Ears

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Spiffy Shoes of Mystery

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I invetned a new dance this morning! It's easy to do (if you're low to the ground like me) - you squat and then wiggle your butt up-and-down, as though you're hammering a nail with it. It's guaranteed to make your parents laugh!

I got a big, mysterious package in the mail - a new pair of cool pink adjustable futuristic shoes (see picture). The sender was later revealed to be my Cool Uncle Gareth, who always manages to keep me well-supplied in all manner of stylish footwear. Thanks, "Ga-Ga"!

I did a lot of drawing today, also. I really seem to be getting the hang of it - I've moved past simple dots and short accidental lines and towards broad, purposeful strokes. I'll have Daddy put a gallery of my recent works up on this site soon.

Listening to: Beck - The Information

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Cheese in Guelph

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Pouring with rain again this morning! Yikes! Oh well... a little rain wasn't enough to stop Mommy and Gamma and I from taking a drive out to Guelph, to visit my Great Grannie. We brought some food and all had a nice lunch together... I was a perfect little angel, but I wasn't very interested in eating any of my lunch, due to the presence of some delicious-looking cheese in GG's fridge, which I was quite taken with.

On the way home, I was completely zonked, and had a pretty long nap. When we got home, I was kinda grumpy and crotchety with Mommy... I'm tall enough to reach things on tabletops now, and every time I reach for something (usually blindly, hoping I'll find something) I get in trouble. S'not fair!

I paraded around a bit in Gamma's big coat, too. The empty sleeves dragged behind me... it was cute.

Listening to: The Monks - Black Monk Time

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I can play all by myself, thank-you very much.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I didn't do very much today, aside from tidying and stuff. I'm getting more and more self-sufficient while I play, so Mommy was able to take a bit of a breather and actually managed to read a book - while I was still awake and in the same room!

After Daddy came home from work, I played with him a lot and then went to visit with Gamma, Grandpa, and Gamma's friend Debbie, who was also visiting. They wanted me to run through my library of animal impressions and to demonstrate my growing vocabulary, but I was somewhat shy and distracted by all of the food in the room.

I also got a letter from Naisa today - the last she sent from Thailand. We haven't heard much from her (or her family) since she made it to Swaziland... hopefully she reads this and knows we're all thinking of her.

Listening to: Bob Dylan - Blonde On Blonde

Monday, October 16, 2006

Trimble Trail

[As transcribed by Daddy]

While Mommy went to the butcher shop this morning, Daddy and I took our regular walk to the bookstore... but it was closed! We were too early. Ah well. We went home, I napped, Daddy watched a movie, and Mommy did some home upgrades.

When I woke, it was time for lunch and our weekly hike. It was a bit chilly, but not too bad - we walked and walked and walked, and kept very warm. We ended up in Belfountain, where we found a great conservation area and some lovely trails. Despite the presence of fellow hikers who didn't think it was rude to push past Daddies as they carry infants along very thin cliffside slopes, we had a blast! Daddy and I made clicky sounds at each other, and it made me laugh.

In the car, I screamed for the heck of it, and talked to my reflection in my little frog-mirror thing.

Listening to: Justin Timberlake - Futuresex/Lovesounds

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pretending to Fly

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I took a pretty mean header into Gamma's coffee table this morning during a visit. I've got a big blue-green bruise right under my eye where I smacked into it. Ah well, I'll just add it to all my other bumps and bruises.

After lunch, Mommy and Daddy and I drove out to the new (and still widely undiscovered-by-the-Ikea-going-public) Ikea store in Vaughan. We bought a new medicine cabinet and a box, and while Mommy investigated curtains Gamma's smoking lounge, Daddy chased me around the warehouse. Miraculously (perhaps magically) I didn't break anything, although I did manage to abscond with some other little kid's stuffed animal.

After that Daddy bought me a hat and some mittens at Old Navy, and we browsed around Future Shop while Mommy bought some fabric. It was windy and cold, but Daddy and I had fun pretending to fly by flapping our arms.

After dinner, I yelled at Basil.

Listening to: The Killers - Sam's Town

Saturday, October 14, 2006


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another chilly day. Brrr! I really missed Daddy while he was at work today. In the meantime, I got a new book in the mail, which we all read (Gamma and Anisa got a big kick out of it). We did some bathroom tidying and some more baby-proofing, and at one point I sat down in front of the television and actually watched it for twenty minutes. Oh, uh... and I learned the word "egg".

While enjoying Japanese food for dinner, I observed Mommy and Daddy (a) eating with chopsticks and (b) dipping tempura into tempura sauce. So... I figured I'd just throw caution to the wind and give it a shot. I was surprisingly good at using chopsticks to get rice into my mouth, but man, did I ever make a mess with this whole 'dipping' thing. Not only did I dip my tempura into the tempura sauce, but I dipped rice, tofu, chicken, salad, my hand, and my face in there. After a while I gave up and just put anything I could find in the sauce and left them there.

Listening to: The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds

Friday, October 13, 2006

Coat and Necklaces

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I went to the drug store today, and found it to be surprisingly cold. In related news - It snowed outside today! The last time there was snow outside, I was to immature to really understand what was going on. I'm much more mature now.

Today I did two of my favourite cute activities - putting on necklaces, and putting on my coat. I love to put on my coat and just wear it around the house all day. Also, sometimes I like to wear leg warmers on my arms like gauntlets. Other times (like today), I like to put my necklaces around Basil's nose.

I may have started to figure out the long 'e' sound. Today I referred to my knee as my "Neeee," and not as my "Nay" or my "Naaa".

Listening to: The Beatles - Revolver

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Surly Drunken Dwarf

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It's been pouring and pouring with rain for the last few days, so today Mommy and Basil and I just basically hung out at home. I scurried around, ate turkey, pulled stuff off of shelves, and Mommy followed me around, cleaning up after me when she could. Basically, fill twelve hours with that algorithm (with slight random variations) and you've got the day.

Perhaps now would be a good time to address the issue of how large I'm getting. I don't mean fat - I seem to be evening out proportion-wise, what with all the running and demolishing. I'm now taller than the dog, and I often resemble a surly drunken dwarf more than I do a little baby.

Mommy and Daddy love me to pieces, but that doesn't mean that from time to time - they don't miss the teeny tiny, little baby that I used to be.

Listening to: The Who - My Generation

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

...and more turkey

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Turkey for lunch, turkey for snack, and turkey for dinner. Good thing I like turkey!

Today Mommy and I went for a nice afternoon walk in the park, where I tried to pick up any old piece of garbage I saw. Mommy had to make sure I was nice and disinfected. I did some whistling, which I spontaneously started doing the other day on my walk with Daddy (it sure surprised him, lemme tell ya!), and didn't complain nearly as much as I did when Mommy tried to put me down for my nap today.

Oh, and I peed on the bed again. I really gotta stop doing that... it's like I hold my bladder for that brief moment when Mommy changes my diaper, and then I let loose. This time I even laughed about it.

Listening to: LCD Soundsystem - LCD Soundsystem

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Turkey and Walking

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was so happy and excited to be wearing my cute little orange Thanksgiving dress that I fought off having my mid-morning nap for what felt like an eternity to my parents. By time the screams and complaints had ended, Mommy and Daddy had just enough time to eat lunch before I was up again.

Mommy had a turkey to cook for dinner, so Daddy took me off of her hands and rode with me on the subway all the way out to Ossington station - where our major city walk of several weeks ago had left off. On the ride, I befriended several beautiful Portuguese women.

The walk downtown was going by really quickly, so Daddy and I decided to walk the remaining fifteen kilometres home. By the time we got there, dinner was ready, and Daddy collapsed on the living room couch, unconscious.

Thanksgiving dinner was great... soon, my family will realize that inside my tummy there's a spacetime wormhole that teleports all the seemingly limitless food I eat across the galaxy.

Listening to: The Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man

Monday, October 09, 2006

Psycho Killer

[As transcribed by Daddy]

We had every intention today of actually going out for yet another a weekend hike today, to take advantage of the unusually warm weather and see the fall colours. Unfortunately, the highways were jam-packed (must be due to the long weekend) so we bailed and ended up driving around the hilly back-and-sideroads northwest of Toronto. Don't get us wrong, we really loved the beautiful drive... but we would have preferred to get out and do some walking around. We just couldn't seem to find any trails, and didn't have our maps with us. Ah well, like I said, the drive was beautiful. Beeton is a nice town. I got to have a snack.

When we got back, I played around in the Johnson's yard while everyone stood around watching and gabbing. Also, today I took my first foray into singing along with songs on the radio - and actually getting the lyrics right! More astute readers will have deduced which song (and which lyrics) I sang by now...

Listening To: Talking Heads - 77

Sunday, October 08, 2006


[As transcribed by Daddy]

After a trip to the grocery store / video store / butcher's, lunch, and a nap, Mommy and Daddy and Basil and I drove out into the country for another nice autumn hike. We had such a nice time last week, we decided to go to the same place - and this time, it was even better! We covered twice as much ground in almost the same amount of time, and this time it was sunnier, less mucky, and more 'orangey.'

The drive home was alright... we stopped at a little bakery outside Georgetown and got some of the best cookies any of us have ever had! Unfortunately, the highway was packed, so we had to drive through the city. I got fed up with being in the car, but my folks kept me entertained by having me do wolf howls. I sure do love doing wolf howls!

Oh, and, uh... I leared a new word today. "Poo Poo."

Listening to: The Beatles - Rubber Soul

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Precocious Pee Pee

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I was in a very 'sweet' mood - cuddly, quiet, and especially precocious. In the afternoon, though, I went back to being sensitive and irritable. Ah well.

Last night, Mommy accidentally destoryed the French Press, so in order to keep the coffee flowing, Gamma drove Mommy and I to Ikea to buy one. I had a good time while I was there, but hated being stuck in traffic on the way home. Mommy gave me her watch to play with, and I wore it as a choker.

Did I mention that I peed on the bed today? Well, I did. Mommy was changing my diaper, and I was so excited, I peed a bit. I got really embarassed about it though, and started to cry.

Listening to: B.B. King - Live At The Regal

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bumps and bruises

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Yup... still a little extra-sensitive today, which wasn't helped by all the falls and trips and wipeouts I managed to pull off throughout the day. In favt, I have two nice new bruises on my face - one on my cheek, the other on my forehead. Ah well, I guess it's all part of being a clumsy kid - tripping over my own feet, not looking where I'm running, and being a pummelling-bag for the dog.

Speaking of the dog, Mommy and I took him for a nice two-hour walk through the park today, which was great - we all had a really nice time, especially Basil. He got to run and frolic and play whilst off of his leash - Mommy called him back at one point, and I joined-in by calling "AAA-Hooo!"

We were pretty wiped out when we got home - Mommy had discovered that bathing a muddy pit bull while simultaneously keeping an excited toddler OUT of the tub ain't easy.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


[As transcribed by Daddy]

I dunno if it was that I was being particularly clumsy today, or if it was that other people (and dogs) kept bonking into me, but I sure had my share of trips and falls and collapses and slips and self-inflicted piledrivers today. Apparently it was a sight to behold - me, seeing a pillow on the couch and thinking that there was something steady and sturdy behind it. I flung myself at it and aaaaaaaaaagh, I went with it over the side of the couch, head over heels.

Anyway, I was pretty sensitive today. If you so much as tapped me, I'd start to cry. I bit down on a piece of chicken at dinner tonight and started wailing. What can I say - this many collisions and semi-accidents can really make a girl moody.

Mommy and Daddy and I went to Home Depot after dinnet today so that Mommy could buy more resources for bathroom repair. While sitting on Daddy's shoulders, I grabbed a package of screws off of a rack and started crushing them into Daddy's head. He didn't mind... he was too excited about the season premiere of his favourite show.

See - I can give as good as I get!

Listening to: The Changes - Today Is Tonight

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Rainy Day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was pouring with rain this morning, so Mommy and I just kinda held the fort. The Nixons are still aorund, and we got to visit with them and stuff, so it wasn't too dull.

Mommy did some more caulking work in the bathroom today, and I stomped around demanding attention. I had a few emotional outbursts, but nothing really out of the ordinary. I called Daddy at work on the phone, played around in Basil's water dish, scattered by toys and books all over the house... you know, regular rainy day-type stuff.

Oh, and a belated happy birthday to Cool Uncle Gareth!

Listening to: The Beach Boys: Today!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Maybe it was the hot pancakes

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I went to the beach today. On the way there, while we were there, as we left, and after we left, I waved at people and made friends. Sometimes all it takes is a wave, sometimes all it takes is a smile. I'm telling you, if I worked at the Unted Nations, the world would be at peace, because we'd all be friends with each other. Anyhow, while we were out, I got some clothes, a book, and a new toy cow to replace the one I ate. Mommy and I have named it "Moe".

When we got home, the Nixons had arrived to stay with Gamma and Grandpa again. All was going well and good until once again I took a header into the fireplace. Instead of an eye injury, this time I sustained a chin injury, and am sporting a nice red mark. It kinda goes along with my slightly burned tongue - only none of us have any inkling how I managed to do that.

I didn't nap much, and on days where I don't sleep well, I usually don't sleep well during the night, either. So... my folks are bracing themselves.

Listening to: Otis Redding - Otis Blue

Monday, October 02, 2006

Rear-view mirror faces

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Instead of waiting for me to wake up from my mid-morning nap, Mommy and Daddy loaded Basil and I into the car before I even had a chance to fall asleep! We all drove out to Terra Cotta, and had a really fantastic hike along a chunk of the Bruce Trail. Even though it was rainy and muddy, we had a blast - Basil (who likes to stand on cliff edges and scare the crap out of my parents) got to run and run and run, while Mommy and Daddy took turns carrying me in my carrier-thing.

Afterwards, we went for a leisurely drive through Peel and York Regions on the way home. The sun came out, the fall colours were in full effect, and for some odd reason, there was hardly anyone else on any roads. Wonder why... toxin gas attack on the city, or something? I made faces at Daddy in the rear-view mirror, and entertained my folks with my howling wolf impression.

Listening to: Sloan - Never Hear The End Of It

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Holstein, Angus, Jersey, and Balloon

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After lunch today, Mommy and Daddy and I drove out of the city, to the Markham Fair. It was pretty good... I got to see a lot of animals that I've heard of, but haven't really seen in person before, like horses, sheep, goats, chicks, bunnies, and cows. Lots and lots of big, mooing cows! They were neat and all, but I was still more enamoured by the giant cartoon baloon cows.

It got cold and rainy pretty quickly, and the sheep number of people was kind of confusing to me, so I kinda got tired. Thank goodness Mommy and Daddy decided to go against their diet for a quick minute and buy some fairground french fries, because let me tell you - they were magnificent. Well worth the trip alone.

On the way home, we stopped at a mall so that we could find me a new wallet to play with (since I can break into and empty Mommy's).

Listening to: The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls In America

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!