Saturday, March 31, 2007

Filling in the Blanks

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a nice day at home with Mommy today. We didn't do anything extra special - just some more reading, learning, singing and playing. In fact, some of my books aren't surviving my constant enjoyment. I'm still being a bit of a tantrummy ogre when it comes to having a nap, so Mommy's been falling asleep with me mid-afternoon for the past few days.

One thing my parents really seem to find adorable is how I will 'fill in the blanks' nowadays. For example, they'll read one of my books to me and leave certain words out and I'll complete the sentences. The same works with songs, rhymes ("This Little Piggy Went to Market", etc etc), and seems to be encouraging my active participation in reading. Yay for learning!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Helping in the kitchen

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I scribbled on some paper, and when I ran out of room I scribbed in a colouring book, and when I ran out of room I scribbled on my tummy. Had a long nap, went for a walk with Mommy, that kinda stuff. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

After our walk, I developed a hankering for cake. When I told Mommy about it, she decided that we should start baking together. I was really into it - I told Mommy how "excited" I was to be helping in the kitchen. At one point I dropped a small bowl in the big electric mixer (which I really thought was cool when it went fast). It shot out and clipped me in the cheek. I cried, but I got over it when we had cupcakes.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Keeper of the Cheese

[As transcribed by Daddy]

While Mommy was making omelettes for lunch today, she gave me some cheese to munch on. I got paranoid and became convinced that Basil was going to try to steal it from me (which he often does)... I ran at light speed across the house and ate it in the corner, hoarding it like a troll.

Later on, when I got up from my nap, I was in the foulest mood. Dunno why. I coloured my chin with a purple marker and felt better.

I played dressup with Gammy and Grandpa upstairs before bed - I wore some of Gammy's shirts, and it kinda looked as though I was wearing a dashiki. I recounted to her the story of Basil and the cheese, but when I told it, I made it sound like he was actively trying to steal it from me.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Gorgeous weather meant many walks outside with Mommy today. On one of them, just after lunch... I sawa rock on the ground, and happily picked it up...

Clover: Rock!
Mommy: Yes, that's a rock.
Clover [smelling the rock]: Smell.
Mommy: ...does the rock smell?!
Clover: Yes. Honey.
Mommy: The rock smells like honey?!
Clover: Yes. Food. Food?
Mommy: You want food?
Clover: Pancakes. Hungry!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fun-ner! Boom! Boom!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I awoke to my very first thunderstorm. I thought it was awesome - every time I'd hear thunder I'd track down Mommy wherever she was in the house and say "Fun-ner! Boom! Boom!"

After the rain cleared, it finally became gorgeous outside. Mommy and Basil and I took a fantastic post-rain walk around the neighbourhood, despite Mommy's blistering migraine. We had an early nap, a late lunch, I asked to go to the zoo, I watched some ants eat some lettuce (and got sad when they went away), and when Daddy came home from work (and made dinner!) we went for another walk.

Walk number three, with Gammy, was for the sole purpose of visiting Angus, the dog a few doors down. He wasn't around.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Walking and Rocking

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After a lovely breakfast, Mommy decided to clean the apartment, so Daddy and Gamma and Grandpa kept me out of her hair. We were really expecting gorgeous weather, but... it was cold and grey.

After lunch we figured if the good weather wasn't going to come to us, we'd go to it. So... we loaded into the car and drove northwest until we found sun and warmth, up at Hockley Valley. Daddy loaded me into my backpack carrier and we hiked for about an hour through muck, mud, sludge, slime, slush, sleet, and some unidentifiable yet enormously large animal poop while Mommy made sure we didn't slip and fall.

Less than twenty minutes later, due to some prompting from me, we stopped at The Forks of the Credit to do some more walking. How it could be so much colder and overcast such a short distance away staggers the mind. I found and collected several fistfuls of rocks that kept me fascinated on the way home.

Listening to: Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Job Offer?!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

The weather today was supposed to be fantastic - but it never really was, which was something of a letdown to all of us. It was neither really warm nor actually sunny. In the morning we went to the butcher and then back to the little shoe store where I wowed the staff the day before... and I wowed them all over again with my enthusiastic sweetness. So much so, in fact, that - and I'm not exaggerating - they offered me a full-time job as official store greeter. I'm not even two and am getting job offers! We bought some shoes, came home, had lunch, and I napped.

I woke up and watched Mommy play a video game for a bit before we decided to go for a late hike at the mall. We made something of a mission out of it to grab as many cell-phone plan flyers as possible. Looks like Mommy and Daddy are gonna take that leap, soon.

Listening to: Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fun with retail clerks

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It's really nice that the weather has finally gotten good. It may be muddy and squishy, but having the freedom to go outside and not freeze to death is gonna do wonders for my family and I.

Cool Uncle Gareth headed back to New York today, so I played with him a bit before he left. After lunch, Mommy and I went to the beaches to do some shoe shopping. We didn't get any shoes, but we did buy some cheese, a little toy piano, and a bra. The entire time I was cute, friendly, and sweet - all of the clerks, service people, and strangers on the bus thought I was adorable. I even led one of the shoe-store ladies around by the hand and had her help me try on every single pair of shoes they had available!

Mommy and I had a late nap, and when Daddy came home, I demanded rice for dinner. So... we had rice for dinner.

Listening to: Ted Leo And The Pharmacists - Living For The Living

Friday, March 23, 2007

Dismissing Mommy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another day, another few million joules (watts?) of energy for me to burn off. I was absolutely bonkers today - happy, ready to play, ready to eat, and ready to destroy. I got to spend a good chunk of time playing with Cool Uncle Gareth this morning - when Mommy showed up to join in, I looked at her and told her "Buh-Bye." That got quite the reaction, so I kept on 'dismissing' her all day long.

We wanted to take some walks today, since the weather was so warm - but the rain prevented us. I stayed home and wished Daddy was home instead. Once he did arrive, his hair was really short. To smooth things over, he brought me a new book.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Return of the Donkey Mittens

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I had a really early nap together today - before we even ate lunch or got dressed! Once we were up and rested, we were ready to take on the day! After lunch we decided to go for a nice afternoon walk to the toy store. On the way there, out of the corner of her eye, Mommy saw something strange... of her missing donkey mittens! She lost them months and months and months ago, but lo and behold, there they were, half-buried in a melting snowbank. The warm weather revealed them! The two of us did some searching and found the other nearby. Mommy is pretty happy - they were easily her most favourite mittens ever. Then it started to rain, so we had to go home before ever getting to the toy store.

Daddy was late coming home from work. I was kinda out of sorts when he wasn't around for dinner, but I got to stay up until he came home.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Day of the Needles

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a fairly low-key morning, which included a visit from Cool Uncle Gareth and a lot of reading with Mommy. After lunch Grandpa loaded Mommy and I into the car and we drove downtown to the Doctor's office. On the way, I made sure to show everyone nice fancy booger I yanked out of my nostril.

At first I was happy to be there - I love playing with the toys in the waiting room, and it's always nice to get out and about. Once I went into the exam room and saw the Doctor, though... well, let's just say my instincts kicked in, and as usual they were right on the money. The man stuck me with two needles! And one of them really hurt! Needless to say, it made me really angry, and I let everyone know.

I was kinda mad at Mommy for conning me into going there, so I kept asking to be with Grandpa instead once we got back.

New art here, here, and here.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Another Crayon?!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After one heck of a crazy night, I slept like a rock. I was a bit cranky during the day though - I was still kinda sneezy and a bit snotty. Around noon I had one heck of a monster sneeze, and pop! Out came a second crayon - this one red. Mommy quickly scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, just to make sure there's nuthin' else up there (they're hiding the cutlery and Wii remotes, just in case I get any ideas.

Right before I went to bed, Cool Uncle Gareth came over to visit from New York City. It was really nice to see him - I made sure to show him my feet. Actually, come to think of it - showing off my feet is something I seem to do to a lot of people (family members, friends, crayon-extracting doctors)...

Monday, March 19, 2007


[As transcribed by Daddy]

The day was pretty quiet and uneventful, which is a good thing, because this evening was quite the odd experience.

This morning we went for a chilly walk to buy some groceries - Mommy made a pretty good cake for tonight's dessert. After lunch and a lot of playing with Daddy, I had a late nap. I woke up and was so excited about the prospect of dinner with Gammy and Grandpa and Anisa and our friends Nick and Alice that I jammed a white Crayola Crayon up my nose and got it lodged up in there. Not that it seemed to really bother me in the slightest, mind you.

Once dinner was over and Mommy and Daddy's taxes were all finished, Telehealth Ontario finally got back to us (after several hours) and suggested my folks take me to the hospital (my very first visit to the Emergency Room!). We only had to wait for about an hour and a half in a little room before the doctor finally came and performed a Crayoladectomy (see image). That seemingly small chunk of crayon turned out to be huge! It was traumatic for me, but... in the long run - ain't it kinda funny? In the future we'll look back and laugh about the time I got a crayon stuck up my nose.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The Adventures of Cow, Too

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Off to an early start this morning, amongst the crazy weather. We got lots and lots of snow last night, but it was almost completely gone by mid-afternoon. We did our regular butcher thing, and then did the rounds to pick up our major receipts for tax purposes. We went to the dentist first, and then paid a visit to Babak for our chiropractic year-end-tally. While we were there, Mommy and Daddy got adjusted (and Daddy was finally diagnosed with Temporomandibular joint disorder) and I played in the excercise room. I missed Debbie.

After lunch and a nap, we drove out to Rouge park for some sledding. Like I said though, the snow was pretty much mush by the time we got there - but I had a lot of fun anyway! On the way home, we picked up the long-awaited sequel to my favourite book, and I was a total chatterbox in the car.

Looks like I'm a light sleeper tonight.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

With my friends

[As transcribed by Daddy]

In Grandpa's words, today I was a real 'Live Wire.' While I wasn't tearing up Gammy and Grandpa's place, I was at home, being ever-so-sweet. I've started referring to my toys as my 'friends', and today I located the empty laundry basket, stuffed it with my toys, and sat in there with 'em. "With my friends," is how I like to put it. We watched some TV, just generally hung out, and even practices counting together. You know... "one, two, three, three, three, five, seven, ten!"

Mommy and I walked Daddy to the bus stop this morning, and after he came home from work and we had dinner (my folks taught me how to eat artichokes) we all went to the supermarket. All the while, I asked to go to the zoo.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Facing forward for once

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy tried to do some tidying today, but I thwarted her every effort. I unpacked a lot of my long-since-put-away toys and left them sitting around, wore my jammies really late today, and became really interested in this new backpack Mommy got in the mail (I called it 'car seat'). Mommy even put in in front of the television - I sat in it and watched some shows, including Toopy and Binoo, which I have officially declared to be "favourite."

After Daddy came home from work and we all had dinner, we took the new backpack out for a spin around the block. I really seemed to like it - I'm not used to hiking with my parents and actually facing forward.

Listening to: LCD Soundsystem - The Sound of Silver

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Who Pooped?

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today's conversation:
Mommy: Clover, did you poop in your pants?
Clover: Daddy?
Mommy: Did Daddy poop in your pants?
Clover: Mommy?
Mommy: Did I poop in your pants? I don't think I did.
Clover: Ah-hoo?
Mommy: Ah-hoo!? Did Ah-hoo poop in your pants?
Mommy: Did Clover poop in your pants?
Clover: ....yes.

New art here, here, and here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Waist-Deep in Snow and Sun

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Last night Daddy accidentally re-injured his once-dislocated jaw in a bizarre WiFi Network setup mishap. Don't ask. That plus an upset tummy kept him home from work, which didn't bother us much - it was such a beautiful day outside! While Daddy clenched his teeth for fear of hurting his swollen face, Mommy and I did some shopping down on the beaches, buying a book for Daddy and some new clothes for Mommy.

After lunch, we drove out to Terra Cotta to do some much-needed hiking. It was pretty weird - it was so warm we didn't really need jackets, but at the same time the snow was quite literally up to my shoulders! We got pretty tuckered out pretty quickly, and stuck in rush hour traffic on the way home. I chatted away to myself in the car for the entire three-hour journey!

Listening to: Francis Dunnery - Fearless

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Pretty Pink Poncho

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Nana and Jim visited with Mommy and Basil and I today... it's really nice to see them. I showed them all my toys and had them read books to me, and made sure we played with all of the fun stuff they brought me - especially the little pink poncho, which I put on and had to look at in the mirror over and over again. I look so cute!

Nana joined Mommy and Basil and I for a morning walk, we visited with Gamma and Grandpa, and at one point I accidentally closed my fingers in the door. Ouch! During dinner, I was full of energy, which was good because I had to spend a good deal of time defending my food from the dog.

Nana and Jim headed home, and we were all very sad to see them go.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Birthday Disaster?

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This is a tough one for Daddy to transcribe. The day started out well, as we set out for Mommy's 30th birthday adventure. I'm not clear on all the details (I'm just a kid - I'm not privy to the whys and wherefores of what we do as a family), but we went to the airport for some reason. I think Daddy was trying to fake Mommy out for her birthday, but it backfired. Badly. Way to go, Daddy. She was pretty upset, and it made the car-ride to Stratford fairly uncomfortable. I slept through it.

Once we were in Stratford, we had a nice time - we went to a restaurant, and I made our waitress' month with my excellent behavior. We even go to go to a toy store, where I got some cool toys! The drive back to the city was, once again, tense. I decided against complaining the whole way, which is what I wanted to do.

Once we got home, there was a surprise party waiting for Mommy. I'm not sure it was what she wanted, but seeing Nana and Jim and Gamma and Grandpa and Anisa and Lucie and Jay and Arlynn and Corrin (but especially Nana) made her feel better. She got lots of presents, we all ate a lot of food, and got really tired.

Listening to: Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Well-Endowed Tapir

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning it was up and over to the Butcher's pretty quickly so that we could get to Daddy's tattoo appointment on time. I hung out there for a few minutes, and then Mommy and I went textile shopping. We stopped and got some lunch, met up with Daddy, and then headed home.

I fell asleep in the car, so Mommy and Daddy just kept on driving. Eventually, they kinda randomly ended up near the zoo. Since I had been asking to see the animals again during the week, they figured since we were there, we may as well visit for the second time in as many weeks. No complaints here!

The weather was halfway decent, and the crowds were ridiculously thin. We got the entire Gorilla pavillion to ourselves! We saw a bug exhibit, tigers and camels, and one heck of a gorgeous Polar Bear, not to mention my staple faves - the Orangutans, the Rhinoceros, and the Tapir. Let's just say that he was... er... well... really really excited to see us, and both my parents found it quite bizarre and somewhat disturbing. Tapir biology is weird.

Listening to: Stranger Than Fiction - Music From The Motion Picture

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hockey and Pine Corns

[As transcribed by Daddy]

The first thing I did upon waking up was ask Mommy to go to the zoo and see all the animals, like the rhinos and tapirs and monkeys. Unfortunately, we couldn't really make that happen today - but we did manage to go for several walks, since the freezing weather has warmed up a bit.

We took Basil with us this morning, and he was a bit of a handful. I think he has been missing the outdoors about as much as we have. He stayed behind when Mommy and I went for a second, afternoon walk. We saw some kids playing a game on the street that I have dubbed 'hockey', and while we walked I found a pine cone on the street. I called it an 'acorn' - Mommy corrected me, so I've decided to meet her hafway on the issue and just call it a 'Pine Corn'. Isn't nature wonderful!?

Friday, March 09, 2007

Bad Word

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was all right. Mommy and I took it easy, and had a relatively good day. You know the usual drill... we read together, had a nap, ate some food. No big whup.

I should mention that I know my first bad word. I won't specify which word it is - but let's just say it starts with "D" and ends in "ammit". The other day I spilled some milk on the floor and out came the word (the jury is out on who I learned it from, but I have a sneaking suspicion it has to do with Mommy and one of her video games). All I know about the word is that it's a synonym for 'Oops.' I've since been informed that I'm not to use the word anymore.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Kiss My Bum

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I really wanted to visit Grandpa. Mommy explained that he's in Las Vegas for a convention, but I didn't believe her. When we visited his place, I had to settle for Gamma and Anisa instead. I responded by stuffing my socks with fistfuls of cereal.

I learned how to throw balls around the apartment (hilarious!), Basil stole cheese out of my hand, I spilled milk on the floor and said "Oops! Milk. Clean it" (a pretty good sentence), threw a tantrum before bed, visited with Gamma's friend Debbie, and fell down on my bum.

When I hurt something (usually my head or my arm), I present it to Mommy and ask her to kiss it better. When she does, I say "better!" When I fell on my bum today, I asked her to kiss it better. Even I found that funny.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Fun and Games

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was in a much better and more agreeable mood today than I have been over the past few days. My cold seems to be on its way out, and I'm not putting up so much of a fuss when it's time to have a nap / go to bed.

It's still soul-crushingly cold outside, so Mommy and I had to figure out ways to play together. I suggested we draw on the furniture, and even demonstrated how to do it (for the record, folks - a dryer sheet will remove crayon from a flatscreen TV screen). Instead, we turned the laundry hamper on its side and took turns kicking a soccer ball into it.

When Daddy came home from work, we all played Hide and Seek. I had a great time, but I kept hiding in the same place, and Basil kept getting really upset and worried that we were actually lost and gave away all of Daddy's hiding places.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Giant Purple Boogers

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Still sniffly, and still in an exceptionally grumpy mood. I wouldn't be so bold as to suggest on a blog for all to read that I'm suffering from the early stages of the so-called 'terrible twos', but it's kinda looking that way. I throw tantrums, freak out over the littlest things, and really obviously try to test my parents' patience.

Other than that, today I shoved a purple felt-tip marker up my nose and literally coloured my boogers. Pretty weird stuff. I watched a lot of television today, went with Gammy and Mommy to the chiropractors (where his receptionist taught me to the word 'awesome!') and made funny faces with Daddy in the bath.

New drawings here and here.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Uninterested in Gorillas

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Daddy finally got finished scanning in all of my various drawings and art projects from over the past few months and put them up on Flickr - he'll continue to do so on a regular basis, so you can keep tabs on my latest masterpieces.

It was decided after breakfast today that we'd go to the zoo, which meant that I'd have to have an early nap if we were gonna get there before it closed (winter hours and all). Once again, I did NOT want to go to sleep, and fought against it pretty hard.

After a very brief nap and a quick stop for lunch, Mommy and Daddy took me to the zoo, where I saw a Tapir, a Rhino, some fish, Orangutans, and stuff. I was mostly just interested in running around, to be honest with you.

Listening to: Matthew Sweet - Altered Beast

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Changing Rooms

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Would you believe that I started off the weekend by eating an entire chapstick? After that particular mess got cleaned up, Mommy and Daddy and I went for our regular trip to the butcher's and coffee place for meat and coffee, respectively. After lunch, I fought against having a nap, as I always seem to be doing nowadays. It's as though I've become the enemy of sleep.

After I woke up, Mommy and Daddy and I did some window shopping at the mall. I went from changing room to changing room with Mommy (I really liked one pink skirt that she tried on - I told her it was 'pretty'), and at one point became pretty fascinated by a movie poster. I ended up getting some socks and a shirt.

After dinner, I showed off for Nana on the webcam, and - you guessed it - tried not to go to sleep.

Listening to: !!! - Myth Takes

Saturday, March 03, 2007

No Sleep 'Till Bedtime

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Like I was saying yesterday - last night was pretty rough. The sound of wind and rain and hail and thunder and all manner of flying debris and broken tree branches and neighbourhood clutter kept every single one of us from having a very solid night's sleep. Somehow, though, Mommy and Daddy managed to get through the day intact. Sure, Daddy had to swim to work, but whatever...

I, on the other hand, had a weird day. It was plainly obvious that I was tired, yet sleeping was the polar opposite of what I wanted to be doing with my time. I fought every nap attempt tooth and nail, and when it was time to put me down for the evening - yikes! Watch out. I threw one heck of an awesome tantrum before screaming myself unconscious. Mommy's singing, which usually calms me, didn't even seem to be working.

Speaking of singing, you should hear me sing the alphabet song. All I can sing is the first two letters, but still - it's a start!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Yay Pee Pee!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Still sniffly, and still snotty. I guess that's how it's gotta be. Today started out fairly warm (for the season) and quiet outside, but then early in the afternoon the thunder and lightning started, followed by ridiculous amounts of snow. I've never seen the sky get that dark during the day! Daddy got to come home from work early because of the storm and everything. We hung out and danced... it was fun.

After dinner, I told Mommy that I wanted to sit on the potty. She put me on the potty, and I happily peed, causing much joyous celebration! I'm not saying that I'm fully potty-trained or anything, but it was a huge step forward.

After a tub and a visit with Gamma, Grandpa, and Anisa, I went to bed. Then the thunderstorm woke me up. Looks like it's gonna be a long night.

Listening to: Nine Inch Nails - Beside You In Time

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Napping with Rubber Bullet Boy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Upon waking this morning and checking in on me, Daddy was surprised to find me awake and sitting up in my crib, silently smearing Penaten cream all over my face. He was too groggy to think to take photos. Obviously, I needed one serious tub.

My cold is still in effect, and I blew snot bubbles with my nose all day long. I was once again pretty cranky, until I had a nap with Mommy (she dreamed she was a super-hero called 'Rubber Bullet Boy'). Then I was in a much better mood.

Also today, I forced Grandpa to play video games with me - which is funny if you know Grandpa, because you know that he's never played video games in his life, and never would unless his beloved granddaughter asked / forced him to.

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!