Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Clean (for now) Room

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today, Mommy and I (well... actually it was pretty much just Mommy) prepped my bedroom for painting. I was pretty happy to have my mess cleaned up, and can't wait to re-scatter all my stuff! Later in the day, I played outside with Grandpa, and finally started to get the hang of 'Go Fish.' It's a bit of a complicated and strange so-called-game, but I have to admit... looking at cards is neat.

After Daddy came home from work, we played with my toys and then we all had some dinner, which we followed-up with a trip to Starbucks, Fabricland, and the pet store to buy snacks for Basil. Once we got home, I conned some extra TV-time out of my folks, and then it was off to bed in my nice, clean (for now!) room.

Listening to: Flight of the Conchords - Folk The World Tour

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Nolmaglia Trees

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was pretty sad to see Daddy head back to work this morning (the transit strike is over)... we had such a nice weekend, I was hoping to hang out with him some more today. Ah well. I was a bit grumpy and out-of-sorts... the cool and miserable-ish weather didn't help, either. At one point I spilled water on my shirt, which really made me freak out. Mommy cuddled me and we both accidentally fell asleep for quite some time.

I was pretty happy when Daddy came home from work - we played a lot, hung out with my grandparents, and headed out to do some (Monday evening?) grocery shopping. We came home, ate dinner, played video games, and I fought going to bed. I've been talking in my sleep about all the "Nolmaglia (Magnolia) trees".

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Seaton Trail

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I crawled into my parents' bed pretty early this morning - I stepped on Daddy's face, and then his groin. He stormed off and went to sleep on the couch - an hour later I found him there and kicked him in the groin. He stormed off and went back to bed - and woke up a few hours later in a lot of pain.

After Daddy was feeling well enough (and after another nap on the couch), we drove to Best Buy for some stuff, and then picked up Leslie and drove up North for a hike along the Seaton Trail. At first I wasn't into it, but as the trail got interesting, I got interested. We made it as far as a riverbank, where I threw rocks into the water, and then headed back.

Mommy and I did some quick grocery shopping, and then Daddy (!?) made dinner for us all. I got to watch him play his new video game before bed.

Listening to: Queens Of The Stone Age - Era Vulgaris (Canadian Limited Tour Edition)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Spooky Swamp

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I crawled into bed with Mommy last night, kicking Daddy to the couch... he was kinda grumpy and prickly all day long. Maybe there's a connection. Anyway, this morning Mommy and Daddy and Cinnamon Bunny and I went to visit Babak so that Mommy could get her back fixed. There was a surprise total transit strike last night, so the traffic and parking was awful. We somehow managed to get to Best Buy and Linens N' Things before heading home for lunch.

We made it out of the city and went for an okay hike up north... I was kinda afraid of a swamp, not into walking so much, and really slow. Somehow my folks dragged me out of the forest and we drove all the way home again. Daddy and I did some grocery shopping, and I kinda tested his nerves by acting up at the checkout counter.

At bedtime, I was pretty wound-up... Mommy stayed with me, though - she stayed so long that she totally fell asleep (with her contacts in) for hours and hours.

Hopefully the transit strike will end tomorrow and this now-furious public can go back to normal.

Listening to: Ministry - Cover-Up

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Daddy's Office

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I intended to leave before noon to go and have lunch with Daddy at his office... but we misplaced our bus tickets. Blame was passed around, I refused to help find the missing tickets, and it led to some hurt feelings and some drama. But... then we found the tickets, so... good stuff.

We took the bus and subway to visit Daddy at work, who was happy to see us! We tried to go to a nice Indian restaurant, but I was acting up so we went to another, less fancy one. We took the food to Daddy's office, and I got to run and play and meet a whole bunch of Daddy's co-workers, including his fun and cool friend Ray and his friend Tracy, who even got me a camera as a present! I had a great time.

We went for a walk through the most beautiful cemetery we'd ever seen... unfortunately, Daddy didn't bring his camera (because there were some seriously fantastic photo ops). We took the subway and bus home (we were all exhausted), had some dinner, and I passed out in the car on the way to the mall for the bubble tea I'd been promised two days earlier.

Listening to: The Black Keys - Attack & Release

Friday, April 25, 2008

Bike Repair

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I followed-up last night's tantrum with an early morning tantrum as Daddy left for work. My emotional psyche seemed a little fragile, so Mommy decided to take it easy - and aside from a brief freakout when Mommy punished me for hitting her over the head with a broomstick ("Naughty Mommy!"), things were calm and collected. I watched her sew, watched some TV, the usual.

After Daddy came home from work, we went outside to dust off our bikes and my bike trailer. I helped him wash and clean them and re-inflate the tires, and then I made him take me for a ride around the block - a ride that seriously wiped him out. Pretty pathetic... a whole 90 second bike-ride rendered him comatose as we went out for dinner.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Really Into It

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was off to Playschool for Mommy and I this morning - I was pretty excited to see Julie and Sarah (Mommy got to spend some time with James, who didn't seem to appreciate it) and I was really happy to play with the whole gang. I was really into it... I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran all over the place! It was nuts!

I got my customary post-playschool grilled cheese sandwich on the way home, and hung out on the deck with my grandparents while Mommy and I waited for the freak thunderstorm to pass. Once the sun was out, we went back to what we were doing - weeding and gardening (and being bored with weeding & gardening).

After Daddy came home from work, we had dinner, played hide & seek out on the front yard, peed on the grass, went inside to wash off, threw a tantrum, and went to bed early.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning Grandpa drove Mommy and I to Home Depot so that we could buy some grass seed and several bags of soil. Once we got back, we had fun 'soiling the yard'... I wasn't very good with the grass seed, though. Mommy set up the sprinkler, and I engaged in a traditional rite of childhood by running through the sprinkler for the first time in my life. I loved it, but nobody appreciated all of the dirt and mud I tracked through the house.

After another picnic on the front yard and more playing outside, we waited around for Daddy to come home from work, enjoyed some dinner, talked to Cool Uncle Gareth over the computer, and then Daddy took me out for ice cream! I really love it when Daddy does stuff like that.

Listening to: Guillemots - Red

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Cone Free!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I went for a really long walk this morning - we walked almost all the way to Julie & Sara's house, and ran into them (plus Baby James) on the way - we all had a really nice walk together. Mommy and I headed home soon afterwards... I asked for scrambled eggs for lunch, and Mommy indulged me. It was such a nice day out today that after a few minutes of television I actually told Mommy that it was too nice outside to be inside!

I ran around the yard with Gammy and Grandpa and stuff, and then it was time for Grandpa to drive Mommy and Basil and I to the vet. Great news - while I was spastic in the waiting room, the Doctor gave Basil a clean bill of health, commended us for taking such good care of him, and took off his neck-cone! We're all so happy (partly because it means that cone won't be slamming into the backs of our knees anymore)!

After Daddy came home from work, we hurried to get over to the butcher's before it closed - I asked for chicken wings, and once again, I got what I asked for.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Croc Quest

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another great day - Mommy and Daddy and Gammy and Grandpa and I had a nice time playing outside! There was tag, hide & seek, and then we had a nice picnic for lunch. I walked around eating a huge chunk of watermelon... I couldn't have been much happier.

Mommy and Daddy and I drove out to buy me a new pair of Crocs to replace my older, smaller pink ones. It took us the better part of the afternoon, and we looked in so many stores before we finally found the perfect pair in a large mall in Markham (where we also found a great tent store where I curled up and pretended to sleep in a sleeping bag).

As something of an afterthought, since it was so warm, we stopped by Rouge Park again and went for a quick hike which quickly turned into a fantastic, long hike. On the walk back, Daddy told me the story of The Wizard of Oz - when he got to the part about Dorothy and co. getting captured by the Wicked Witch, I interrupted with my own ending - "And then the Wonder Pets swooped in and rescued them and saved the day! THE END!"

Listening to: R.E.M. - Accelerate

Sunday, April 20, 2008

1000 Days Old!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Apparently I turned 1000 days old at some point within the last few weeks, and Daddy just figured that out now. Yay!

Mommy and Daddy and I were gonna go help one of Daddy's friends make a documentary about Dodgeball, but didn't have the car - so we played hide & seek in the backyard / yelled at neighbours dumping garbage in our yard instead.

Once the car arrived, we went to a new supermarket for a late lunch run - we got some sandwiches and stuff and had a nice picnic in the park! The weather was great - we drove and drove for quite some time to one of our favourite hiking spots, but the heat was just oppresive! It was like August in April! We walked for a bit and then just hung out in the forest and enjoyed the outdoors (and met some nice collies).

I slept on the drive to the grocery store where we stocked up on some much-needed groceries and new clothes. We came home, had some food, and after such a busy day - it was kinda hard to wind down enough to sleep.

Listening to: Air - Moon Safari 10th Anniversary Special Edition

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fat Lip

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I crashed with Mommy last night, relegating Daddy to the couch... and woke up in a grumpy mood. Mommy had to wiggle her bandaid-clad finger at me to cheer me up.

More fantastic weather - Mommy and I went outside to play catch, only to send my soccer ball falling down the ravine. We went for a lovely walk up to the store to buy flowers, and then came home and planted them outside. I played in my sandbox and put little piles of sand all over the place. At one point, I was climbing on the couch and fell off of the back of it, bumping my face. I have a big ol' fat lip... maybe that's why my parents keep telling me not climb on the furniture.

Daddy came home from work, rescued by soccer ball (I told him he was 'my hero') and drove Mommy and I out for dinner. We eventually settled on our favourite fancy sushi place, which was more expensive then we'd planned for, but the food was worth it! A little boy there alternately annoyed and and entertained me. I pigged out, and crashed - hard - when I was done.

Listening to: Flight of the Conchords - Flight of the Conchords

Friday, April 18, 2008

The 90-minute 20-minute Walk

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Man, do I ever go through a lot of clothes. Today I dropped a big ol' jelly sandwich on my lovely white pants - jelly-side down. My parents are really trying to wean me off of eating with my hands all the time... I mean, sure, I like using my fork and chopsticks and stuff, but my fall-back is always my hands.

After the last of the yardwork (for the time being) today, Mommy and I had some lunch and then joined Grandpa for a drive to and a walk around Ashbridge's Bay with Basil. We had a really nice walk - I saw lots of dogs, played in the sand, and posed for several photographs. Of course, the walk that usually takes Grandpa 20 minutes took 90 with me along for the hike.

Daddy and I drew some pictures together once he got home from work, and good lord, did I ever eat a lot of dinner. I ate everyone's leftovers, even.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Teaching Leslie to Draw

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Last year, when Daddy wasn't working and had a few months off between jobs, the spring yardwork seemed to get done a lot faster. For what seemed like the fiftieth day in a row, Mommy and I raked leaves outside, and for what seemed like the sixtieth day in a row, I got bored. Eventually I gave up and went over to my grandparents' and hung out with them... did some drawing, some jumping on the bed. The usual.

After lunch, Mommy and I did some quick tidying of the house before Leslie arrived in the later afternoon. I asked her to draw me some pictures, corrected her 'mistakes' and taught her how to draw people properly. Daddy came home and we all had dinner. I was out like a light at bedtime!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First Shower

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Grrr. Firefox keeps crashing right when Daddy gets finished writing this post. This is attempt #3...

Mommy and I did some yardwork outside - I got kinda bored and grumpy, which lead to be being disciplined in an outdoor version of 'The Naughty Chair.' I calmed down and was all right, especially when I found an earthworm to play with. Meanwhile, Grandpa caught a neighbour dumping loads of garbage into our yard.

After lunch, I got out of our scheduled trip to Home Depot by scribbling all over my body with a blue marker. Instead of a bath, though, Mommy put me in the shower... and to everyone's surprise, not only did I NOT put up a fight, but I really seemed to enjoy it! My first shower was quite the success!

After Daddy came home from work, we had dinner and then took that trip to Home Depot. While we were there, I took Daddy by the hand and led him on a guided tour through the model kitchens and bathrooms.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Baby Bok Choi Incident

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was a decent Monday all things considered... not a whole lot happened. Spent some time outside and inside, played with my toys, and even helped Daddy take out the recycling.

I had an enjoyable dinner, but didn't want to eat my Baby Bok Choi. I grabbed it and threw it on the ground, which at first my parents laugh out loud, but when Mommy went to get me another vegetable and told me I couldn't leave until I ate it, which caused a major freakout.

I huffed and puffed, screamed and squealed, howled like a dog, and did this weird growling thing. I was sent to bed without dessert and without a storybook, which caused my super-tantrum to continue. My shocked yet somehow amused parents secretly chuckled away in the other room as I screeched and ran out of breath and yelled at the walls. Eventually Mommy cuddled me and I calmed down enough to hear a story - but learning that Goldilocks had a brother made me angry all over!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Surprisingly Good Hike

[As transcribed by Daddy]

We had a pretty standard Sunday morning today... had a quiet morning of video games, television, playing outside, playing inside, and waking Daddy up. After a quick lunch of alphabet pasta, Mommy and Daddy and I decided to get out of the house for a bit and go for a hike.

We ended up having an unexpectedly great hike - it wasn't too strenuous or far away (Rouge Park, in fact) and it's not like it was very warm, but we climbed a tall hill, slid down another steeper one, walked alongside a ridiculously long train, and threw rocks into the rapids of a raging river. All are in agreement that it was one of the best hikes of the year.

We stopped at Old Navy to get Mommy some new clothes, since she's lost so much weight recently - once we got home, Alice Panagopolous joined us for dinner and taxes. I ate a lot of dessert, and managed to not put any crayons up my nose this time.

Listening to: Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Happy Medusas Only

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I decided early this morning that Mommy and I should make Daddy breakfast in bed, so we did! He was very appreciative, and then tried to go right back to sleep. I got my revenge, though, when I ate his lunch.

It was raining and dreary out today, so no weekend hike - instead, Mommy and Daddy and I drove out to the mall and got some bubble tea and bath soap. We had a lot of fun for such a quick trip. We looked around for a new USB hub - and eventually found it at Staples, which loved because they had lots of markers and desk chairs to sit in.

We tore through a round of grocery shopping at the grocery store and at the butcher's, and then finally stopped off at an art store so Daddy could buy some French Curves.

After we came home, Daddy and I watched a cool movie that kinda freaked me out a little bit, but I really seemed to like it and drew several pictures of the monsters from it. I put in a request that the next movie we watch has no scary Medusas in it (just happy ones).

Listening to: Soulwax - Most of the Remixes...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Super Emma!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I snuck into bed with my folks late last night, and even managed to sleep in a little bit, which was a special treat for all. Once Mommy and I were up, though, it was time to get the house in order for our dinner guests.

The place wasn't as bad as we thought - we had the place in ship-shape pretty quickly. I helped as much as I could (...or something) and later in the afternoon, Mommy and I took the bus out to the butcher to buy some sausage for the pizza we were making.

Juha and Samantha and new baby Emma came over first, and we all had a nice visit. I really liked the baby, and especially liked it when proud papa Juha would make her fly around "Super-Emma!" style. Daddy and Leslie came home from work, and we all had a great visit and a really nice dinner (I was pretty tired & wired and snuck a few cookies early, though). Poor Basil, on the other hand, was really really freaked out by the baby. I think she brought back stressful memories of baby Clover!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Conversation Snippets

[As transcribed by Daddy]

So I'm on the potty today, and I asked to put on a diaper to poop (because while peeing on the potty is fine, pooping in the potty ain't for me). Mommy told me that if I pooped in the potty, I could have anything I wanted. She asked me what my favourite thing was, and I told her my favourite thing was "pooping in a diaper."

Later in the day, Mommy reminded me about tomorrow's dinner guests, and quizzed me on their names. I remembered all but one - 'Juha.' I told her that I didn't like his name, and decided to call him "Curtain-y" instead. Eventually, I recanted and told her that "Hoo-Ha" was fine.

After Daddy came home, we practiced speaking French. I've got 'Champignon" and "Papillon" down.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Too Cool for The Monkey Song

[As transcribed by Daddy]

So, Mommy and I were in the middle of breakfast when we realized that we had playschool today, and almost completely forgot about it! We rushed through a rainstorm to get there and arrived a bit late, but had a lot of fun. The sheer amount of kids there kinda made me a little antsy, but it didn't stop me from giving an impromptu performance of "Itsy Bitsy Spider (Salad Bowl Version)" for everyone present. I learned a new song (something about Monkeys in trees) but claim to be "too old" for it. Too cool is more like it.

Grandpa surprised us and gave us a ride home (where we were greeted by some cool mail), and after I had some lunch and Mommy and I did some raking outside. I watched some TV and played some video games briefly... Mommy and I took advantage of the progressively sunnier and warmer weather to take a few walks. We even went to meet Daddy on his walk home from work.

After dinner (poor Daddy couldn't eat much after his freak free lunch), I watched one of Daddy's new DVDs with him. Fun stuff.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sandbox Season

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Wow - another lovely day outside! After waking Daddy up by stepping on his crotch as he slept and sending him to work in pain, Mommy and I went outside to do some more yardwork. I have to admit, I got kinda bored and went looking for my grandparents to bother.

At lunch, Mommy and I actually sat down and watched a movie together. I was totally into it for the first half, but midway through I gave up and decided to play video games and stuff. We retreated to the back yard once again for more work - I asked to play in my sandbox, so Mommy cleaned it up and honest to goodness, I sat there and played for close to 90 minutes! Sandbox Season is officially on!

Daddy came home from work to find Mommy passed out on the couch, so... he had to quickly clean the kitchen and make dinner for all of us (and I was quite demanding). His Gordon Ramsay eggs are pretty good.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Basil's New Cone

[As transcribed by Daddy]

To make up for yesterday, I was on my best behaviour for the better part of the day. No freakouts here, folks (well, maybe a couple). I sorta helped Mommy take care of some yardwork, then got bored and ran around like a crazy person as I visited my grandparents. I don't think they minded much.

In the afternoon, Mommy and I drove Basil to the eye vet - the folks there were really happy to see both Basil and myself... Basil got to see a new doctor, who kept calling him 'Pumpkin' and 'Sweetie'. He even got a new cone to wear (the duct-taped old one was lookin' pretty ghetto). Once were went home, Grandpa and I headed out to rescue Daddy from the subway station. Super Clover to the rescue!

I went grocery shopping with my parents before bed - that's always fun. I even like playing with the hula hoops in the toy section of the supermarket.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Crashing The Book Club

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was the continuation of a pretty ugly precedent - my extreme moodiness continues! Daddy drove Mommy to her book club meeting today, and I kinda insisted on tagging along. While I was crashing the party, I was good at first, despite eating all of the food, but then I got kinda bored, and Mommy had to watch me instead of taking part in her book club.

We left [not] Leslie's house with Leslie in tow and went to the beach for a walk in the wind, a visit to the playground, and a swing on the swingset. I freaked out on the way there, while we were there, and on the way back, over the littlest of things (Daddy was going to make a list, but it would be pretty long). We did some grocery shopping on the way home, and I played games on the computer while Leslie and my folks recovered from my grumpiness. I still found a few reasons to scream and wail.

Dinner was great - I got to stay up a bit (everyone feared my reaction were I not allowed to watch Max & Ruby), but everyone was pretty relieved when I finally went to bed.

Listening to: MGMT - Oracular Spectacular

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Spring Hike...?

[As transcribed by Daddy[]

Finally, after close to six months (!) of winter, we had some real honest-to-goodness spring weather. Mommy and I did some work outside, raking leaves and mulch and whatnot, and then Daddy drove us first for a quick visit to Babak's office, and then out to the mall to buy me a new pair of shoes!

Once we found said pair of shoes (and some bubble tea) we decided to eat some 'healthy' food at the food court. It went as well as could have been expected. Next, we loaded into the car and drove up North so that we could have a decent hike!

We found an old trail that we loved, and enjoyed it again, despite the fact that it was covered in snow and slush still. We walked for about 45 minutes before I got kinda tired, freaked out by some sort of fuzzy willow-bud thing, and went home. I snoozed in the car.

Before the day was out, I had drawn an amazing jack-o-lantern that I think Mommy's going to try to sew. Won't that be cool?!

Listening to: Does It Offend You, Yeah? - You Have No Idea What You're Getting Into

Saturday, April 05, 2008

You put the Lime in the Papercut

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was rainy, windy, and snowy outside today, so Mommy and I stayed inside and finally got caught up on a week's worth of housework and laundry and dirty dishes and stuff. We even hung some cute new decorations that Mommy made!

I was helping Mommy with some food when I started yelling and screaming today... turns out I managed to get lime juice inside a previously undetected papercut. It took me quite a while to calm down from that, and for the rest of the day my emotional barometer was pretty askew...

...which also became evident when I chomped down on my finger while eating dinner. I screamed and cried - it took a quick game of "The Jump On The Heads Game" to feel better. I like Kirby, but Mario's a good panger.*

pang·er / Pronunciation[pang-er]
1. a person or thing that pangs.
2. Informal.
a. a disadvantageous point or circumstance, usually concealed or unnoticed: The tickets are free, but the panger is that you have to wait in line for hours to get them.
b. a surprising change or turn of events: The panger was that their friends knew it before they did.

[Origin: 2008; orig. Clover Long]

Friday, April 04, 2008

Egg Salad Sculptor

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I went on a lengthy quest to find me a pair of shoes today. We took the bus down to the mall, did some lookin' around at the shoe store - where I was suddenly accosted by a roaring little boy who was pretending to be a dinosaur. I told him that I didn't want to play dinosaur, but he wouldn't leave me alone. Mommy and I got fed up and left. Dinosaur Boy was pretty annoying.

While we were at the mall, I got my passport photo taken. I found it extremely hard to not smile when they were taking the picture - that's pretty weird, isn't it? Once the flashbulb went off, I smiled and yelled "Cheese!" Once the afternoon wore on, I got pretty exhausted and decided I was all done with the mall. All in all, we didn't get any shoes, but found a few odd pieces of clothing.

For lunch, I made a complicated sculpture out of a bowl of egg salad and french fries. It took me about an hour to make, and Mommy didn't seem to 'get it' but whatever... she just doesn't appreciate modern art.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Defeating the Taliban

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Yessiree, Mommy's headache is still on and full-throttle. Nevertheless, we went to Playschool, as scheduled - and wow, we weren't expecting what we found. There were tons and tons of kids there, which I wasn't used to. I made lots of new friends, but all of the activity and the lack of available space made me a little bit... ...hyper. Luckily, my good friends Julie and Sarah were there too, so it was like I was right at home. I did a whole lot of jumping.

I got my requisite Grilled Cheese sandwich on the way home, and Mommy kinda waffled on her diet a bit (she deserved a break, though). I had a kinda boring afternoon, but was pretty nice to Mommy. Gammy came back from visiting the Nixons, so I was happy to see her. After Daddy came home from work, we went out to get some chicken for dinner, and then I helped him shave off that monstrously odd huge Taliban-esque beard of his (see photo).

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Napkin Plant

[As transcribed by Daddy]

The weather is great! The weather is warm! The weather is... uh oh, Mommy's sick now, too. Ah well. We did get some quality time spent outdoors... I hopped on my tricycle and actually managed to drive that thing more than ten feet! The pedaling was a success, but the steering... well, not so much. I decided that walking while carrying the trike (apparently I have super-strength, granted by my magic galoshes) is much more efficient.

Mommy and I also managed to walk to the corner store in the afternoon. After Daddy came home from work and we all had some dinner, I asked to go out to the Napkin Plant, so that we could buy some napkins for Cool Uncle Gareth. Daddy was extremely tempted to drive us to the nearest napkin plant, but decided to take us to Starbucks instead.

I asked to watch Daddy play the 'Jump On The Heads Game' before bed.

Listening to: The Bravery - The Sun And The Moon Complete

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Science Centre

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy stayed home from work today - he's still feeling pretty funky. He got cheered up when the coffee table book he worked on so hard for Mommy's birthday finally showed up - Volume 1 of The Adventures of Clover. Everyone is really happy with it and fawned over it for the whole morning. I think it's kinda dull. S'just pictures of me.

Daddy drove Mommy and I to the Ontario Science Centre, where we met up with Leslie, had some food, and checked out the exhibits. I had a pretty good time - I especially liked the playrooms and stuff. I didn't care so much for the darker corners of the place, but got a kick out of the balloons, the bubbles, and anything else round.

Daddy picked us up afterwards and took us to the bookstore - he and I shared a sugary strawberry beverage and some juice. We headed home, I played with Leslie and my parents, had some delicious beef stew for dinner, and asked to go to bed early.

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!