Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Thoughts

[As transcribed by Daddy on May 1st]

I had such a nice early morning with Daddy yesterday that I requested that Mommy hang out with me as I woke up this morning... we just kinda hung out in my bedroom for quite a while. Talking and playing and stuff.

School was okay today... Grandpa joined Mommy when it was time to pick me up, so he watched me play in the playground and as I tried to get better at playing on the monkeybars.

Daddy was late coming home from work, so Mommy and I ordered some really really awful chicken for dinner. After Daddy got home, he made up for lost time by reading lots of books to me at bedtime. First we read an amazing comic book, and then we went through a book about the Kings and Queens of England.

Apparently, there was a big Royal Wedding over in England this morning. In discussing it with Daddy, I felt bad for Prince William... while I get to choose what I want to be when I grow up, his future was planned out before he was even born.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Jumping Lessons

[As transcribed by Daddy on April 30th]

I slept in a little bit this morning... Daddy had to head into work a little early, so he came and snuggled with me before he left, as I woke up. It was really nice, and made me really happy.

School was great - we had gym class, and in the playground afterward, my friend Adrianna arranged 'jumping lessons' - we all took very small little jumps off of the playground apparatus. Well... actually, Adrianna jumped off, and then I jumped off while holding Mommy's hand. And then Claire jumped off while holding my Mommy's hand. And then Molly jumped off while holding Mommy's hand.

In the afternoon, Mommy and I had a nice afternoon together at home. I announced to everyone that I had successfully stopped biting my fingernails, and have asked Mommy to paint them at some point!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a wonderful swimming lesson this morning! Mommy's assessment is that I'm elegant and graceful in the water, and a very good learner. As for me - I'm just havin' fun, you know? I leave the other kids in my wake. Literally.

Mommy and I stopped off at the grocery store on the way home from swimming, and Mommy let me pick out the food. For some reason, I only chose yellow food (yellow tomatoes, yellow squash, cheddar cheese).

Today at school, we learned about planting flowers in the springtime. Now, I'm no stranger to planting flowers, so Mrs. Free appointed me one of the "student instructors". She later told Mommy that I was extremely good at telling all of the other children how to lovingly and carefully plant and take care of the flowers... whether they asked for my commentary or not.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Brag Book Commentary

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was finally back to school after the four-day weekend! Emma's Daddy was in today - he's a firefighter, and he gave us a presentation about what to do if your clothes ever catch on fire - stop, drop, and roll. We also practiced another cowboy song. For some reason, we're only learning cowboy-themed songs in music class.

In the afternoon, I went over to Grandpa's to visit. At his kitchen table, I sat and leafed through his book of photos of me (The 'brag book'), and while doing so I provided a running commentary / monologue on all of the photos. I talked and talked and talked and talked... and then informed Grandpa that I was going to stop talking. And I did. And it was eerily quiet.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Egg Salad

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was happy to get up nice and early in anticipation of my big holiday playdate with Claire! After breakfast, Mommy and I walked over to the school playground, where Claire and I played together for almost 90 minutes while our parents chatted. It was pretty fun - I brought along as much of my Easter loot (including my vintage Strawberry Shortcake dolls) as possible!

Claire came home with Mommy and I, and we all had a pretty nice afternoon together. Claire had a few frustrated moments, but I helped her through it by showing her how *I* calm myselfdown... by taking deep breaths and then making the silliest noises I can think of. Claire laughed at that and snapped out of her funk.

Daddy was late coming home from work today, so Mommy and I had a nice dinner of egg salad - made from the remnants of close to 20 easter eggs. They were absolutely delicious.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Joy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning was fantastic! I woke up to discover a new doll Mommy made for me - a girlfriend for Cinnamon Bunny, who I named "Honey Bunny". After that, it was onto the annual Easter treasure hunt - Mommy and Daddy stashed candy (most of it from Nana) all over the house, leaving clues to their whereabouts. What a great time! I got a vintage collection of Strawberry Shortcake dolls from the 80's and everything. We had strawberry scones for brunch, and everything was awesome.

After an extremely late lunch (Mommy was busy cooking dinner), Mommy and Daddy hid Easter Eggs in the back yard, and I had fun finding them (while Dennis played with Bo, the dog next door). Then, I hid the eggs and had my parents search for 'em. I can't begin to tell you how much fun it was. It was everything I had hoped it would be! Even the walk with my folks and Dennis to the florist was awesome!

We all had a big dinner with Gammy and Grandpa - we ate some delicious food (Gammy knocked it out of the park) followed by some delicious Lemon Chess Pie.

Considering how much sugar I've had today, it's a miracle that I ever fell asleep.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Princess Talksalot Can Do Anything

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I let Daddy slepe in yet again today which is cool because his anxiety and nervousness and mood has been all over the map over the past few days and that's fine because I'm really excited about Easter tomorrow because I'm expecting my parents to put together a treasure hunt like they do every Easter and then there's usually a really cool egg hunt right after that and in the meantime I had some lunch and then eventually since the weather was so nice Mommy and Daddy and Dennis and I all decided to go for a nice hike out in Kilbride Ontario and the drive was kinda long but it was okay because I had my iPod and when we got to Kilbride I got to play in the playground for a long time and then we had a long and pretty slow hike through the woods during which I did not stop talking or asking Mommy and Daddy questions about everything from Hanukkah to Doctor Who to songs to everything else that I could think of and sometimes I fell down a lot because I wasn't really watching where I was going and was too busy talking but there's not much you can do about that and so I made up a title of a story called "Princess Talksalot Can Do Anything" which Mommy and Daddy took note of and eventually we drove home and had some dinner and then I got to stay up extra late and watch the season premiere of Doctor Who which was amazing and then I fell asleep despite being really excited about that treasure hunt for Easter tomorrow.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Okay Friday

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Ah, Good Friday. To be honest, I'd actually much rather be at school with my friends. But whatever... I can put up with another day at home with my folks.

Mommy and I let Daddy sleep in this morning, and spent most of our time just kinda taking it easy. The weather wasn't too great, so it's not like we had a lot of options. However, midway through the afternoon the weather got nice enough that we all decided to take Dennis for a pretty long walk through the neighbourhood!

Once we got back, we hopped into the car and did some grocery shopping at the butcher's and even got some Starbucks on the way home. Mommy made us a delicious salad for dinner, and then I went to sleep full of excitement for Easter... only two days away!

Listening to: I'm From Barcelona - Forever Today

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nature Walk

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was pretty excited about school today - because we were to set off on a nature walk! I was ready for hiking and exploring and all the kinda stuff that I generally do with Mommy and Daddy on any given weekend. Unfortunately, we only really ended up checking out the little parks and gardens around the neighbourhood (which is fine - we are, after all, just a bunch of kindergarteners). We DID run into our friend Audrey (from the communicty garden), who invited us to her garden, where she taps her trees. We played some fun games during gym class, too.

Mommy and I watched 'Tangled' after school, which is still a really fun movie. I decided that maybe I wanted a 'boy Barbie' to play with my others, so Mommy and I scoured the internet, seeing which one I wanted. To be honest, I was very picky - I didn't really like any of the ones I saw.

After Daddy came home from work, we ordered some dinner and watched television... I got to stay up really late! Like almost an hour past my bedtime!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Exhausted Instructor

[As transcribed by Daddy on April 22nd]

Today was Wednesday, and Wednesday means swimming lessons. So... Mommy and I headed over to the pool, where I had a real blast. Mommy brought a book along, so she sat in the viewing area and read... however, every time she looked up at what I was doing, she thought the instructor looked exhausted.

Anyway, I had a pretty good afternoon of school. Music class was cute, and then I spent a good chunk of time playing with Claire in the playground afterwards. Mommy took me home, and we had a pretty quiet evening. I visited with Gammy, and we painted some wooden fish... so much fun!

After Daddy got home, we resumed watching the previous season of Doctor Who while having dinner (because the new season starts on the weekend). I made several requests for Easter as well, including another treasure hunt and a 'girlfriend' for Cinnamon Bunny. Let's see if my parents can deliver...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A bit of a bad day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy was very very efficient today. While I was at school, she cleaned and made all kinds of Easter stuff that I'm not even supposed to know about.

At school, I was a little bit too noisy and was acting up here and there, and was told several times to be quiet. At one point I had to go and sit down on the carpet. I felt pretty awful about that. Plus some kid ran over my finger with a scooter during gym class.

I felt better once I got home - I watched some television, and then Mommy and I walked through the park to get to dance class. I did such a good job that I got a sticker! I wasn't thrilled to have zucchini soup for dinner... but it turned out to be pretty awesome!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Crocodile Rock

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy got up for a big presentation at work really early this morning... so early that it completely threw off my day. I thought it was, like, two hours later in the day than it was. For pretty much the whole day.

At school today I did something kinda interesting... I decided that I was gonna make a craft out of an egg carton. It wasn't part of any scheduled activity or anything... I just decided I wanted to do it. Mrs. Free appreciated my initiative, and encouraged me to have at it!

Anyway, we watched a classic episode of The Muppet Show during dinner - hosted by Elton John. I've never heard of the guy before, but I thought he was awesome, and his songs were great. Ten seconds into 'Crocodile Rock' convinced me that I needed to have his songs on my iPod.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dangling Baby Doll Decoration

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy slept in today... quite a bit, actually. It's okay... he needed it. Mommy and I had a pretty quiet morning, just the two of us - we cursed the weather, which was AWFUL. It rained, snowed, hailed, snowed, blizzarded, and by the end of the day it was either windy or sunny. Totally weird. We were not impressed.

After lunch and stuff, Mommy and Daddy and I ran a few errands. We hit up the Bulk Barn and got some odds and ends in order to do some Easter cooking, and then went to the grocery store and the butcher.

After dinner, I played restaurant with Daddy. We had a good time, until he burst out laughing when he saw how I decorated it - I tied up one of my baby dolls and let it dangle from the knob of my dresser by its eyes. You gotta see it to understand why it was so funny.

Listening to: TV On The Radio - Nine Types Of Light

Sunday, April 17, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Ah, Saturday. I was able to have a very nice morning with Mommy today... we let Daddy sleep in for as long as he could. Once we all had lunch, we drove out into the pouring rain to hit up Ikea... just to do some simple window-shopping. We ended up getting new paper for my easel and a watering can.

We then visited Starbucks for a beverage, and went to the grocery store for a few odds and ends before heading home, so that Daddy could take care of some lingering work. I played in my room, and eventually we all had a nice dinner pretty late in the evening.

The other thing that dominated the entire day - Gammy said the phrase "Artsy-Fartsy" while we were heading out to Ikea. I found this insanely hilarious, and have been repeating the phrase in a fit of laughter ever since.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Friday! The end of Daddy's first week of the new job. Let's hope he's less freaked out about it during the second week.

I went to school today, and once again I ended up staying afterwards in the playground for ages and ages with my buddy Claire. At one point, her Mommy told us not to 'Dilly-Dally', but I don't really know what 'Dilly-Dallying" is, so I invented a new sort of dance step called the 'Dilly Dally'.

Once I got home, I continued to decorate out living room windows with orange window-writer. The lovely diagram I drew has now completely engulfed the window.

Finally, since Daddy was out at a party his friends threw for him last night, Mommy and I stayed home and ate pizza while watching a movie. I threw up in the bathroom immediately afterwards.

Friday, April 15, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy on April 16th]

I had a pretty normal normal morning with Mommy today - George and Ursula came by to do some more work on the house. I have to say, the new bathroom is really looking amazing, but poor Ursula is usually really sick. I hope all the sanding and stuff isn't making it worse.

At school today, I had lots of fun in gym class - fun that I carried on with after school in the playground with Claire. The two of us have really been spending a lot of time together. Her Mommy gave me a box of Claire's hand-me-downs (hand-me-overs?) which I don't actually NEED, but... man, do I ever love getting new clothes.

Mommy and I made made up a fancy batch of homemade bread, which we ate for dinner with scrambled eggs.Daddy drove us all over for a fun-filled family trip to Shoppers Drug Mart, where we bought herbal anti-depressants and shampoo.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

No Caffeine

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a swimming lesson this morning, which was great - I had a lot of fun and did quite well. Man, do I love going for my swimming lessons. They're awesome! On the way home, Mommy and I browsed some bicycles at Canadian Tire and bought a whackload of cleaning products.

I had a pretty good day at school - I learned more parts of the 'cowboy song' we've been learning in music class, which I eventually was able to sing for my parents. After Daddy came home from work (once again feeling anxious and panicked and emotional due to the new job and major life changes), we went out to buy dog food. I was hoping to stop at Starbucks on the way home, but alas... Daddy needs to sleep, so... no caffeine.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Basil Day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Rough day. Both Daddy and I had sleeping problems - Daddy because he's a basket case about his new job and is having anxiety attacks, and me because I had a nightmare (in which Mommy died) and I had to join her and Daddy in bed. Mommy was stuck between both of us and was afraid to wake either of us.

Mommy planted flowers at Basil's gravesite today - it was a year ago that he died. We still miss him, but he'll always be a part of our lives, and having Dennis as part of the family feels a little bit like we've still got part of Basil's spirit with us.

My lack of sleep made me kinda emotional today... I had a mini-meltdown over a small misunderstanding at the playground, So Mommy and I decided to skip dance class tonight and just stay home. The two of us had a lovely evening... Daddy was a little late from work.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taking the TARDIS for a spin

Today was okay, I guess... Daddy's first day at work, so we eagerly waited for him to come home to see how it went. He actually came back in a state of relative shock... it'll take some getting used to.

He and I played Doctor Who in the backyard today - we pretty much took the TARDIS in the backyard (see photo) for it's first official 'spin', even if it's not painted. The door is a little bit stuck, but I'm happy to report that it went well! The weather was so lovely, too.

Somehow I managed to sleep through the sound of Mommy and Daddy removing the door to our apartment so that they could get the new range in. The old oven is now sitting out in the backyard. Very redneck-y.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Kristen & Dim Sum

[As transcribed by Daddy]

You can imagine how hard it was for me to wait for lunch to roll around... I couldn't wait to see Kristen! Oh, and... I was excited to have Dim Sum, too... but mostly I was just excited to see Kristen.

Mommy finished baking a cake, and then we hit up Spring Rolls downtown where we had some pretty shoddy service but some delicious food and great company. As soon as we were done, we all went to the bookstore, where Kristen and Mommy read to me and stuff. We got some ice cream and headed home - and it was all over so quickly! I missed Kristen immediately. She's the best.

I visited with Gammy and helped her prepare dinner - Nick and Alice Panagopoulos were over for their annual visit for a meal and income taxes. They brought their little dog Loki with them, who played with Dennis while we all watched. Mommy made some coconut lemon ice cream that was so amazing it helped Daddy get over his 'new job jitters' for tomorrow.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Once Daddy was feeling up to it, Mommy and I dragged him out of bed, and we got ready to hit the road - but not before I had something of a mid-morning meltdown. Once it was established that I'd only be up for a hike in the woods if we got some snacks for the road, we were good to go.

Getting said snack turned into something of a headache due to traffic, but by mid-afternoon, we headed into the lovely spring afternoon to do some hiking. We made it to York Regional Forest and found two Geocaches along a very lovely hike. Dennis demonstrated his spectacular tracking ability by lunging at a well-camoflauged beachball-sized turtle while we were circling a pond.

We all got our exercise, and by the end of the day, the massive sinus cold that Daddy had been incubated had leapt into Mommy's head, making her miserable for the rest of the day.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

The Half-Rack

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning Mommy and I discovered some moonsand in my closet - it's sculpable sediment that Papa and Aunt Trina bought for me about a year ago. I spent the better part of the morning playing with it, and having a good old time.

Daddy was still feeling pretty sick and stuffy and actually had some work to do (for his new job which he doesn't officially start until Monday), so Mommy took me to school, where I had music class and stuff. Nothing too extraordinary to report.

I had a nice time playing in my room after school, but started climbing the walls... so Mommy and Daddy decided to do some shopping. We all went to Old Navy and Canadian tire and bought some odds and ends, before hitting up Kelsey's for dinner. I ate an enormous half-rack of pork ribs, which impressed everyone (see photo).

Listening to: Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Don't Say We Didn't Warn You

Friday, April 08, 2011

Chicken Noodle Soup

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy has a pretty brutal head cold today, and could barely manage to walk around and think, let alone do anything else. So as soon as he got up, we fed him some meds. Mommy and I picked up a couple of cans of chicken noodle soup on the way to school, which Mommy fed Daddy once she got home.

School was okay - nothing too noteworthy to mention, really. Mommy picked me up afterwards, and then we both came home to keep taking care of Daddy. Mommy made a massive batch of homemade chicken-noodle soup, which we all ate massive amounts of for dinner.

When we weren't eating chicken noodle soup, we were hanging out with Dennis, who has developed a penchant for jumping off of the back of the couch, and with Ursula, who doesn't.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Bouncing in the Pool

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy woke up with an increasingly severe head cold, but it didn't stop him from getting up nice and early with Mommy and I in order to go to my swimming lesson! He watched from the viewing area with Mommy as I learned how to swim on my back and stuff. He thought it was funny how I was always bouncing while I was in the water.

After a stop at Tim Horton's, we all took the bus home and had a pretty quiet afternoon. I went to school, where I learned a new cowboy song. I forgot said song on the walk home from school. At least I remember liking it a lot. Also after school, I played in the playground with Claire for quite some time. We pretended that we were in the hospital and stuff.

I hung out with Gammy and Grandpa after I got home from school - they were having tuna melts for dinner, so I went home and successfully petitioned Mommy to do the same for me. And she did!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Chez Charles

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning my Barbies (Rapunzel - the nice one, and Lilly - the rude one) decided that they would spend the day at the mall to get some bubble tea. So, they made the very quick walk to their local mall.

Once they were there, they noticed that Cinnamon Bunny (in his 'Mr. Charles' alias) had opened a beauty salon. Noticing that her hair was ratty, Lilly decided to pay a visit and get her hair brushed. Mr. Charles was only to happy to oblige, and then charged Lilly seventy-eight dollars! Lilly was understandably upset, but he explained to her - if she would just brush her hair on a daily basis, it wouldn't cost seventy eight bucks at the salon.

Lilly's mood was cheered up on the way home, when they ran into their other Barbie Doll friend, Dia (the fashion designer), who was buying a puffy dress, since she didn't know how to make one herself. Dia gave Lilly and Rapunzel a ride home.

Oh, and I had pizza for dinner.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Field Trip Frenzy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I woke up to a meltdown this morning - I was worried about the big field trip today... worried that we wouldn't get there on time, worried that Daddy wouldn't wake up, worried that Mommy wouldn't pack lunch properly... and worried that I wouldn't be allowed to go because I was freaking out at six in the morning!

Eventually, however, Mommy calmed me down, and we somehow made it to school in time to catch the school bus to the Science Centre. Daddy chapperoned me, Erik, Mahan, Molly, and Lillian... and we were all pretty good, even if we were kinda running all over the place. I think we spent about 50% in the play area, 40% having lunch, and the other 10% doing everything else. Daddy was pretty wiped out at the end, but all in all it was a pretty good experience! Me and the kids had a blast!

Mommy and Daddy somehow found the energy to take me to the mall once we got home - I got a bubble tea and a new pair of rain boots.

The rest of the day is something of a blur! I know I had dinner and playe din my room and visited with my grandparents before passing out at bedtime.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Season Trail XVII

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up and eager to have a great day pretty early, and jumped up and down on Daddy's bed, hooting and hollering, while he tried to sleep in. That's how Daddy remembers it, anyway.

After a lovely little lunch, we did some tidying in my room and a few odds and ends around the house before heading out for another hike along our old favourite, the Seaton Trail.

We did a chunk of the trail that we'd never seen before, plus we went Geocaching, and found two awesome treasure troves! I was so happy to finally find a Geocache with a TOY in it! All in all, it was a fantastic hike in lovely weather. We all had a really great time.

The drive home was good, and once we got home we had a nice dinner. Both Dennis and I needed a bath... that trail was mucky.

Listening to: Bibio - Mind Bokeh

Sunday, April 03, 2011


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Well, the weather was finally warm and nice and awesome and spring-ish today, which made us all extremely happy. After a lovely breakfast and an enjoyable lunch, we went out for a Geocaching hike once again!

We made it all the way out to Walker Woods, and used the GPS to navigate us through a surprising amount of snow, ice, and muck to a well-hidden cache which only contained a notepad and a pen with no ink. We put some candy in it for the next people to find. As far as tresure goes, it was a little bit anticlimactic for me.

On the walk back to the car, I fell a few times, which led to me having a mini-meltdown in the middle of the woods. Mommy talked me out of it, though, and the rest of the afternoon was nice and quiet. Snacks and homemade granola bars also help.

Listening to: Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues

Saturday, April 02, 2011

A Balmy Day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Here's something a little out of the ordinary: This morning, Mommy and I decided that we were going to make hand lotion out of household items. We spent a pretty good amount of time in the kitchen, like two little scientists, playing with organic compounds and concoctions... and ultimately were unsuccessful. However, we turned our failed batch of lotion into two rather large jars of pretty amazing lip balm!

School was good - nothing out of the ordinary. I had a play date with Carrieann immediately afterwards. Sg]he came home with Mommy and I, and the two of us had a blast playing in the back yard in the TARDIS and stuff. Right after that, we came inside and drew pictures... Carrieann made up some songs about Dennis, who was on his very best behaviour.

Daddy got home right as Carrieann's Mommy came to take her home, and it looks like he had a new job in his pocket, too. So... spirits were lovely for the rest of the day.

Friday, April 01, 2011

RIP Beaumark Oven

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was one of those rare (but awesome) days - I was the helper at school! I got to take the attendance to the office, I got to help the teacher, and I got to do show & tell - I brought my tap shoes to show the class. We didn't have any metal floors or anything, so I couldn't really do a tap demonstration or anything, but I did a 'Buffalo' step for everyone and clacked them together and stuff.

It was pouring with rain today, and kinda mucky, so no point in playing in the playground... Mommy and Daddy took me to the butcher instead. I could think of about a million things I'd rather do, but whatever. I made the best of it.

Finally, after I went to bed, Mommy and Daddy were playing Carcassonne at the dining room table when suddenly the oven exploded. Nobody was hurt, but the oven is pretty much destroyed - the element was left in pieces. It had simply reached the end of its lifespan. It shall be missed.

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!