Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Broken Thermometer

Happy Wheat by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Once I was out of bed this morning (I slept poorly last night) I was pretty eager to go back to school after have been sick yesterday. As soon as I refused breakfast, however, Mommy knew I wasn't much better. She checked my temperature, and it said I was fine. So... Mommy checked her own temperature, and the thermometer told her that she was really sick, which she clearly wasn't. So... that means we have a broken thermometer. I ended up staying home all day.

Mommy and I spent the day together crafting and drawing and playing video games and stuff. I barely ate anything, and during the second half of the day, I really seemed to run out of steam. We took it easy and watched some Christmas programs.

Once Daddy came home from work and we all ate some dinner (I barely touched mine) he and Mommy went on a quest for that new thermometer, so I stayed at Gammy and Grandpa's place. We had a nice time together, even though I was really sick.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Missing School and Sparks

Tatooine 10 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Bad news... I'm still feverish and a little bit 'off' today, so there was no heading back to school for me. Instead, I had a long, quiet day at home with Mommy and Dennis.

We drew pictures together, made some crafts, watched some television, played some video games, played some board games, and read books together. I helped Mommy make a big batch of vegetable soup, which was really delicious!

Mommy had to go to my big Sparks enrollment ceremony... alas, I was too sick for that, too. Instead, I hung out with Gammy and Grandpa and Nee-Nee, who fed me dinner and drew pictured with me. Once Daddy got home from work, he and Dennis and I fell asleep together on the living room couch.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Cinnamon Bunny & the Brown Astronauts of Mars

Forest Kiss by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

We all got up this morning so that I could go to my last swimming lesson of the season, only to learn that it was cancelled. Then they called back three minutes later and un-cancelled it. Soooo we went to my swimming lesson, which was great.

We spent the rest of the day at home. I was a bit bored and needed some entertaining (my fever from last night kept me waylaid), so Daddy and I started making a comic book together... a story about Cinnamon Bunny, a magical carrot, and brown astronauts on Mars. Also, I made some Christmas decorations and helped Mommy make Christmas cards while Daddy cleaned the kitchen.

I wasn't really all that into having dinner... my fever came back and made me pretty exhausted and kinda grumpy. I accidentally dumped a whole tube of glitter on the living room floor, and kinda lost it. Oh well.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Muppet Fever

Tatooine 9 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was the big day... the day of my long-awaited surprise! We had a pretty nice morning, and then we got ourselves all ready and drove downtown. We walked over to the new location of the Salad King restaurant (the previous one fell down) and ate a massive and delicious meal.

Next, we did a little bit of shopping before heading over to the movie theatre, and all my hopes were confirmed if not exceeded... we saw the new Muppet movie! I loved it! The huge cola I drank beforehand only made me about a trillion times more excited. I could barely sit still! Mommy and Daddy and I had a great time.

If that wasn't enough, we hit up the Marble Slab on the way home and got some ice cream. To end the day, we decided to buy some groceries... but by then I had developed a fever (probably due to my new teeth coming in) and didn't feel like eating or grocery shopping much.

Listening to: Washed Out - Within & Without

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mayim Mayim Mayim

Junked by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 27th]

I had my spelling test at school today, and I'm happy to report that I scored perfect marks! Hopefully that's a good sign... my first ever test, and my first ever 100%. Not too shabby. Spelling is cool.

Later on in the day, we all learned a complicated dance where we all hold hands, walk in a circle, and chant "Mayim Mayim Mayim." I have no idea what it's all about, but Daddy tells me it's something Jewish or something.

Anyway, tests and dancing aside, I'm mostly excited about the mystery surprise that my parents are taking me on tomorrow. I know we're going somewhere, and there may be lunch or dinner involved, and we'll be going downtown. I have a few suspicions as to what it could be... I'm kinda thinking that maybe we'll get to see Kristin.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Fourth Bar

Jawa 8 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had my regular piano lesson today after school. Not much about it to mention aside from the fact that it's kinda amazing how well I do and how much I seem to enjoy it, given that I barely seem to ever remember to do any practicing. I really need to try to get on that. We bought a keyboard for me to practice on and everything.

The biggest news of the day was the fact that I actually made it to the fourth bar of the monkey bars at the school playground. Given my success a few weeks ago over at the lower monkey bars in the park, it was only a matter of time before I was able to make it past two - let alone three - bars at the big playground at school!

Mommy thinks I probably could have made it all the way across, but I was so excited after reaching the fourth bar that I dropped to the ground and ran around to tell everyone.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Tatooine 8 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 25th]

Today was a pretty good day... nothing too out of the ordinary happened, really. Once again, it's cold outside. No big stunner there.

After school I had my drama class, where my friends and I went back to prepping for our winter Christmas performance... showtime is fast approaching! December 7th is only a couple of weeks away! We did a lot of practicing, and we even started getting our costumes ready. I play a Martian, and I have to practice all of my lines - "Fork!" and "Oh No!".

There was some confusion about costumes. I was under the impression that we had to be all painted green and stuff for each rehearsal - turns out that it's only for the performance itself. Mommy made me a pair of floppy antennae, which I wore to school today... and impressed everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Playdate with Anton

School Portrait 2011 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Man, it was cold out there today. I wish the weather could just make up its mind... it's either unseasonably warm or seasonably cold. It keeps messing with my head! I can't wait for it to snow. Once it snows. I'll be happy.

Anyway, school was pretty good today... nothing too out of the ordinary happened. Mommy came to pick me up afterwards, and when I came out of school with Anton, he surprised Mommy (and his Mommy) by telling them that I was invited over. Our Moms conferred, and agreed that it would be fine.

Hanging out at Anton's house was fun. We ate rice cakes, played some video games, and we played 'spies', whatever that is. Anton's Dad also helped me tied my shoes, which is noteworthy because my funky curly shoelaces have broken.

Mommy was happy to have me home afterward. She missed me!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

sing king ring wing thing went

Alexa & Leo by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning, only to discover Cool Uncle Gareth in the living room. Turns out his flight from Calgary to New York got held over, so he stayed the night! I was overjoyed, to say the least... I spent as much time with him as I could before he had to leave for his flight.

School today was pretty good... I actually brought homework home, which is rare this year. I've got a spelling test coming up - I need to know how to spell 'sing', 'king', 'ring', 'wing', 'thing', and 'went'. That last one is a bonus word.

Mommy and I had Sparks after school... it was pretty fun. We all took turns talking about friendship and what it means, and for some reason every one of us used being friends with Claire in our examples.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Jena

Jawa Eyes by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 22nd]

This morning I had my swimming lesson, and it was joyous. Poor Mommy had a real headache, and the cacophony of the pool put her in a veritable tizzy! Once it was done, she was happy to get out of there.

We all went home and had a nice lunch, and then it was time to go over to Jena's grandmother's house in Scarborough to celebrate Jena's seventh birthday. I was happy to see Max and Ursula and stuff, and I had a pretty good time, even though some of Jena's cousins were, I thought, somewhat mean. Probably because they were much older.

Anyway, I brought home some pretty good loot, including some awesome candy... which I may have filled up on a bit, seeing as how I had a tough time finishing the delicious Thai soup Mommy made for dinner. Oh well!

Congrats to my friend Leo, who became a big brother to newborn baby Alexa today! High-five to Alexa's Mommy, too.

Listening to: Adele - 21

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Seaton Trail XVIII

Tatooine 7 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy's back and headache were both pretty bad this morning... luckily she had a chiropractor's appointment scheduled, so we went over there. The weather was startlingly warm and lovely, given that it's the middle of November. Once that appointment was over, we hit up the big toy store to buy some gifts for Jena's birthday party tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we played some video games and then drove off to The Seaton Trail, which we haven't been to in some time. The sun started coming down and the wind really started howling, which made the hike pretty spooky, but overall, it was an awesome awesome hike. We even managed to take on a chunk of the trail we hadn't seen before.

Before bed, I watched a movie about the Incredible Hulk with Daddy, which may have been a bad idea... I kinda got really wound up by it. Going to sleep was difficult.

Listening to: Mister Heavenly - Out Of Love

Saturday, November 19, 2011

A Day Off

Jawa 7 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 20th]

There was a P.A. day today, so... no school. Oh well. While perhaps I'd rather actually be in class, learning and drawing and writing and doing math and stuff with my friends, I can deal with having a day off. Mommy and I stayed in our jammies for an extra long time as a result.

While Mommy cleaned her bedroom, I did some colouring - shortly after lunch, George came over to do some repairs and adjustments in our bathroom. He brought Jena along with him, which was awesome - the two of us spent the whole afternoon playing together.

Actually... I really just wanted to draw for several hours. Eventually Mommy put a movie on for the two of us to watch, so that Jena didn't get too bored. We ordered some chicken for dinner... overall, a pretty good day off.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Bunny Left Behind

Jawa Adjustment by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was pajama day at school! All of my friends and I came to school in our jammies, armed with our blankets and teddy bears and stuff. I brought Cinnamon Bunny along, who also wore his jammies. We had a pizza lunch, which was pretty cool... Mommy came along and made sure that there was a gluten-free option for me.

Unfortunately, as soon as Mommy and I left at the end of the day, we realized that I forgot Cinnamon Bunny in the school, which had been all closed up! I panicked at the thought of a weekend without my bunny. Luckily, we tracked someone down and they let us in. Cinnamon Bunny was rescued!

Grandpa drove me to my piano lesson this afternoon... during the time it took for us to walk from the house to the car, we had a very very very brief snow flurry! The first snow of the year! I was so happy.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Report Card

Tatooine 6 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

A pretty good day of school today... I brought home a pretty awesome report card, with high marks across the board... but extra-special kudos for my artistic and creative abilities, not to mention my amazing leadership and co-operation skills. My parents are extremely proud. Actually, Daddy is more proud of that than the multi-million dollar ad campaign he sold through yesterday.

When spelling the word 'Christmas', I asked Mommy while the letter 'T' is in there. She told me it was for "Christ", as in "Jesus Christ", and so we talked about him for a bit. I've heard of him before... basically Mommy explained that he's the baby mentioned in all of the Christmas carols. "So... is Santa his Dad, then?" I asked.

At the end of the day, Mommy told me that I could either have more Halloween candy, or get some hot chocolate at Starbucks. I chose the candy, and then immediately regretted my decision.

Listening to: The Temper Trap - Conditions

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cancelled Playdate

Jawa 6 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was pretty jazzed today, because today was the big day of my play date over at my friend Anton's house. I marched off to school and hung out with him... we did some origami and stuff, which was pretty neat. I also started work on another opus of a story all about a café.

After lunch, when I went back to school in the afternoon, Anton wasn't around anymore. No big deal - I managed to have a good time without him. However, our scheduled play date after school didn't happen either, as Anton was sick. I was prettty upset about it... Mommy took me over to the school's book fair though, and we looked at some Star Wars stuff to order.

Also to cheer me up, I had an extra snack before dinner, which was yummy. Er, the snack was yummy AND dinner was yummy.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Jawa & Mommy by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up pretty early and in bed with my folks, which in turn got the two of them out of bed pretty early. The weather was weirdly warm, so there was lots of fun in the playground at school. I did get into something of a heated discussion with my friend Anton regarding whether or not the Muppets are for babies.

Speaking of Anton, his Mommy ended up giving Mommy and I a ride home from school when we got hit by a rainstorm. On the ride, Anton gave me a pine cone, which was a lovely present... except anyone who touches is it immediately covered in sap.

Mommy and I had Sparks after school... it was great, but my friends and I were a little bit crazy and full of beans. We had fun though. By the time I got home, I was exhausted.

Listening to: Idlewild - Warnings/Promises

Monday, November 14, 2011

Empty Pool

Jawa Movie a video by Clover_1 on Flickr.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was a fairly quiet one. Mommy and I took the bus over to my swimming lesson while Daddy slept in a bit... I dunno what happened to all of the other kids, but there were only, like, two of us in my class. All the better... more one-on-one time with my instructor.

After a quick lunch, I watched Daddy play some video games and then proceeed to do a lot of drawing and colouring and crafting and stuff. I even got some time in to play video games myself. Once Daddy was finished the bulk of the work he brought home for the weekend, he drove Mommy and I over to the toy store, where I got more drawing books and craft stuff!

I was a little bit cranky and moody in the afternoon... we picked up some groceries for dinner and watched some television before I had a long bath and went to bed.

The highlight of the day, however, had to be receiving the Jawa video from Ray - see above (of course, Flickr will only allow the first 90 seconds to be shown... we'll get a YouTube link up soon.

Listening to: Mates Of State - Mountaintops

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Broken Leash

Tatooine 5 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

We were all up and awake pretty early this morning... we're all out of coffee, so we had to have an emergency coffee run. While we were out, Daddy exchanged a whole bunch of old video games for some new ones while Mommy and I looked at soap.

After lunch, we all went for a nice hike in Rouge Park. Dennis' face leash is kinda broken, so we had to attach it to his neck... which meant that he pulled and tugged in every direction, making it somewhat difficult for my parents to walk him. But whatever, the weather was nice - I was happy. On the way home, Daddy and I got a video game for Mommy and some headphones.

Daddy's tummy wasn't feeling good at dinner time, but Mommy and I enjoyed a nice dinner before bed. I got to stay up a bit, which was nice.

Listening to: Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Tatooine 4 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today at school, we had our big Remembrance Day celebration. This year it's a big deal, because it's falling on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year. My class went down to the gymnasium for a big assembly, and at 11:11am, we had a minute of silence. The kindergarten kids had a hard time being quiet... but that's okay. They're not as mature as us older kids.

After school, I played with my friends outside, even though it was really cold. Mommy brought me home and I watched a movie while continuing to work on writing lots of stories, including one about Cimmaon Bunny. I also had a long-overdue bath, which meant I got to stay up past my bedtime a bit. That's pretty awesome.

Friday, November 11, 2011

First School Fight

Jawa 05 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

School was fine today - once again, I read yesterday's massive story to class, and from all accounts, it impressed quite a bit. Mrs. Bradley talked to Mommy after school and told her I was pretty awesome, which we already know, but hey.

Of course, then I got into a fight... with my chair. At the end of the school day, we're always supposed to put our chairs on top of the desks... I leaned on mine, and it fell off and hit me right in the face, bruising my eye! I was very brave, and kept my composure so that I didn't burst out crying in front of my friends.

Carrieann came home with me today - we played in my room and had dinner and stuff, and then she walked Dennis to the vet with me! Dennis had to get a needle, and was very brave about it (but not as brave as I was with the whole fight-with-a-chair incident).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Lile Rose"

Jawa 4 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

School was awesome today - I read that story I wrote yesterday, and I received a standing ovation as a result. When I came home and told Daddy this, he was pretty impressed... but then I explained him that we give standing ovations all the time, so no big deal.

I then wrote this story (reproduced here in its original phonetic English):


Thar wus a grl namd Lile Rose and wuns shee wus wocing hom frum scool and shee got lost in the forist but shee faoond a path and shee woct along the path and shee faoond hr haoos she un pact hr bacpac and went to bed the next morning shee got up at brecfist and got hr cot and went to scool and wen scool wus ovre shee did finde a brd with a brocin wiing and she tc it to hr haoos shee pt a bandij on the brds wing and shee cept the brd with hr and avtr a fyoo days the brd got bedr and shee let the brd go and aftr a looooooooooooooooooooing sumr scols starts shee is in grad 8 and shee macs noo frens and shee plas jump rop and wen it is hr birthday shee gos to flordu and staseat a hotel neer disneland and gos on lots uv rids and gos on a watr rid

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

The Teddy Bear in Ottawa

Tatooine 3 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

At school today, we started a unit all about war and peace... probably because Remembrance Day is right around the corner. They read us a fascinating story about a kid who mailed a teddy bear to their father, who was fighting overseas in World War One... the father died, so the bear is now in a museum in Ottawa. I was so moved by this story that I planned a trip to Ottawa to see the bear, and slowly retold the story to my parents later in the day.

We also were asked questions about War and Peace... I was asked to answer "What peace tastes like." I said it tasted like my Mommy's homemade honey cake. When I got home, I told Mommy this... she was so happy, she made me a honey cake.

I also wrote a fantastic four-page story about my life, just for the heck of it. I plan to read it in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Tatooine 2 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

So, while I was at school this morning, Dennis got away from the house and decided to go on a little excursion. Mommy came to get me from school, and when she got back, he still hadn't come home! Eventually we found him at the neighbour's house... and I almost let him escape again.

After school I played with my friends, and then Mommy took me to my first ever Sparks meeting, which was a lot of fun - Mommy and Claire's Mom and another lady named Leah helped run the thing, and my friends Claire and Sarah were there, which was great. We drew pictures, sang songs, and helped the grown-ups pick 'Sparks' names... I tried to name Mommy "Jellybean Head" but she chose 'Marigold' instead.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Muppet Surprise

Tatooine 1 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Looks like the daylight savings thing messes us all up last night... we all woke up at weird times. Once we were all up, Mommy and I took the bus over to my swimming lesson. It was good!

Daddy picked us up as soon as it was done, and then we all took care of the grocery shopping (something we had all been putting off for days). Once we got home, we had lunch (except for Daddy, who has some sort of stomach bug). We watched cooking shows and went for a walk.

Daddy took a break from his stomach bug and took me shopping for french fries late in the afternoon... we also came across a really awesome set of Muppet toys, which was an unexpected and awesome treat. It was Daddy's way of paying me back for having such a fun afternoon together.

Listening to: Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Ray Day

Forest Ponder by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I spent a good chunk of time playing 'classroom' with my toys (Cinnamon Bunny needs help with his math), and then Mommy and Daddy and I got all set for our big day out with Ray!

We drove downtown and picked him up, and then we all went out for a Dim Sum and sushi lunch. Pretty much from the get go, Ray and I were into shenanigans, joking and being silly. Let me tell you - that guy is pretty awesome. He's so much fun!

We drove out to the Bruce trail right afterwards... the drive was way faster than we expected. We had a lovely hike for about an hour and a half, but didn't cover too much ground - mostly because Ray and I were goofing off. Once that was done, we drove over to the Cheltenham Badlands.

I got into my Jawa costume and played for close to an hour as Ray filmed me (like he did a few years ago with my Pink Batman costume). Actually, Ray wasn't the only one filming me - all of the other people there took a lot of interest in my amazing costume. I'm sure photos of a Jawa in the badlands will emerge all over the internet within the next few days. Anyway, I had a blast.

We drove Ray back after a quick stop for donuts. I was sad to see him go - I had an amazing day with him! We're all pretty grateful.

Listening to: Matt Pond PA - Spring Fools

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Lilly Rose

Happy Dennis by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 6th]

Today was the last day of apple sales at school. They may not have been that successful at raising money for the school, but boy oh boy, did I ever eat a lot of apples.

After school, I had a really nice surprise - Julie and Sarah stopped by with Mommy to pick me up! I haven't seen them in so long... so long, in fact, that they brought birthday presents for me! I got a new doll, which I totally love... it's name is Lilly Rose, and she's pretty awesome. Julie and Sarah and Mommy and I then took a walk over to the toy store, which was also a lot of fun.

The plan was for us to do some grocery shopping tonight, but while she was putting me to bed, Mommy kinda fell asleep. So... maybe we'll do that tomorrow. One thing's for sure - I'm gonna be playing with Lilly Rose a lot more.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Monkey Bars Accomplishment

Jawa 3 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on November 6th]

Mommy really made me practice on the piano this morning, because... well, to be honest, I haven't practiced much this week.

At school, my friend Anton was paying a little bit too much attention to another girl at our table. By the end of the day, he had made me a small card with an apology in it. My parents can infer from this that I must have expressed my displeasure beforehand, which would in turn have demanded the creation and delivery of said apology card.

The biggest development of the day occurred prior to my piano lesson, when after THREE YEARS of trying, I was finally able to cross the monkey bars from one end to the next without stopping or touching the ground.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Unfamilial Likes

Jawa 2 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

The weather today was nice and surprisingly warm. School was good - we cooked and ate potatoes and beets (which we had purchased at the farm last week). I loved the beets... which indicates that perhaps Mommy isn't my real Mommy.

I had drama class afterwards, which was pretty cool. Once I got home, I voluntarily did a whole bunch of math worksheets, which I think are pretty fun and awesome... which indicates that perhaps Daddy isn't my real Daddy.

I watched a movie before bed, and had a nice quiet lunch with Mommy and Dennis... Daddy was late at work tonight - but he made it home just in time to kiss me good night!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Making up for Missed Math

Playful Jawa a video by Clover_1 on Flickr.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I woke up in a pretty groggy state, as did Mommy, whose headache was blisteringly bad. We both figured it would be okay for me to spend the morning recovering from Halloween, so I stayed home from school until after lunch. I spent the morning drawing cartoons...

...which I brought to school to show my friends, but I don't think anyone was all that impressed (except for Anton). I made sure I found out from my teacher about all of the math stuff I missed in the morning, and then after Grandpa and Mommy took me home from school, I had Mommy take me through the math stuff.

Nobody put me up to that - that was all my idea. Before bed, I had Daddy play his new video game, which I quite enjoyed!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011


Jawa 1 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

All year long, I look forward to this very day. The anticipation of sheer awesomeness was so high... just think of all of the planning, the parties, the endless television Hallowe'en specials, not to mention all of the sewing and costume-making Mommy had to do. Wow.

School was fine - I wore a variant of my costume without the light-up eyes (just to be on the safe side) and still looked like a Jawa. We got to have our big costume parade through the neighbourhood, which was fun! Mommy came and photographed it and stuff.

Once I got home, I could barely contain my excitement as we prepared for trick or treating. Daddy came home from work a bit early - we had a little photo shoot on the front yard with Grandpa, and then Cheyenne and her Dad came by and asked if I could go trick or treating with them again.

We had a great time - Mommy wore her clown costume and Daddy wore his Dexter outfit. Even though it was a cold Monday night, we stayed out long enough to bring in quite the candy haul! I was really thrilled when other trick-or-treaters recognized me. With quite a lot of enthusiasm, mind you. Once I was done, Mommy and I sorted through all of my candy, I had a bath, and passed out. Phew!

I can't wait to do it all again in 365 days!

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!