Monday, March 31, 2008
The Poop/Toy Stratagem
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up kinda early this morning, and threw toys around Mommy's room as she slept. Eventually, we enjoyed breakfast #1, and once Daddy was awake, we went out to the donut shop for breakfast #2. Next, we did all of our grocery shopping (in lovely weather), and then came home for some lunch.
Daddy had something of an idea in the afternoon, relating to my refusal to poop in the potty (peeing is still no problem). He and Mommy have been promising to buy me a toy at the toy store whenever I do poop in the potty - his new stratagem was for us all to go to the toystore where he and Mommy would buy something (a toy car and a deck of cards respectively) since they're both potty trained... the idea being that I would see this and feel encouraged. We had a good time - who knows if it'll work.
Daddy (who is starting to come down with something) and I both had pretty long naps when we got home, and a pretty good dinner after that. I even got to stay up a little bit past my bedtime!
Posted by Clover @ 2:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Calling Leslie
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Due to the uncharacteristic accidents I've been having over the past few days, Mommy set up a new rule - if I want to play video games, I have to use the potty first. Since adopting this rule, I haven't had any accidents while playing video games!
Anyway, I did a lot of playing with Daddy this morning while Mommy cleaned the apartment. We had a lot of fun! I spontaneously called Leslie and asked her to come over for a tea party... after Daddy made me some lunch, we all got in the car and drove to do some shopping... I fell asleep in the car. When I woke up, Leslie was with us, and we were at the mall! Daddy and I got bubble teas. It was nice.
I snoozed on the way home again - Leslie joined us for chips and dip and then some dinner. Afterwards, I went to bed, and woke up after Daddy had dropped Leslie at home (and after the lights-out Earth Hour event) and joined Mommy in bed.
Posted by Clover @ 1:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Oopsie Daisy!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
So there was some nice weather out there for a change! Mommy tried really really hard all day long to get me to go outside, but I was so wound-up that I couldn't get my act in gear even to get my shoes on. Despite being quite the spaz, I was a really fun and pleasant kid to be around! At one point, I slipped and fell, and then called out "Oopsie Daisy!" I suddenly saw the humour in this situation, and repeated it about fifty times, each time shouting "Oopsie Daisy!" a little louder.
After Daddy came home from work, he somehow managed to get me to be still long enough to put me in my car seat. As we drove out to dinner, my folks kept me awake with several rounds of the "Willaby Wallaby" song. We all went to Red Lobster, and for the first time in my life I got to try some lobster and crab legs. I was a little bit hesitant, but seemed to enjoy it all.
By the time we got home (all of us smelling of shellfish), I was out like a light.
Posted by Clover @ 10:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Frog Détente
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today was Thursday, and you know what that means - a visit to see Julie and Sarah! This time, I brought my stuffed froggie Franklin along, which made Sarah pretty excited... I clearly have some learning to do about sharing, because there were a few tense moments there as I demanded my toy back. Then Mommy and Julie realized that I was hungry and likely chemically imbalanced, so a quick meal brought about a détente.
In the afternoon, Mommy and I had a fairly quiet afternoon - I drew some pictures, played some video games, played with my toys. I've forgotten how to use the potty, apparently - over the past three or four days, I've had a number of accidents.
After Daddy came home from work and we had some dinner, he and I sat down and drew some pictures. He helped me autograph one of them - my 'L's are upside-down, but I can definitely sign my name now.
Posted by Clover @ 2:03 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Questions and Answers
[As transcribed by Daddy]
To make up for not doing anything during the day yesterday, today Mommy and I went out for lunch in he afternoon, and then decided to take the dog for a walk. While we were taking Basil for a walk, the idea of going to the playground came up. First, though, we had to take Basil home. This process confused me to no end, and caused an endless torrent of questions to erupt from me.
We had fun at the playground (we were the only ones there), and when it was time to go home, we decided to stop at the store to get some hot chocolate first. This process confused me to no end, and caused an endless torrent of questions to erupt from me.
When we went to the cafe for hot chocolate, and the lady asked me what I wanted to drink, I spontaneously answered by explaining my life story to the lady working behind the counter. I think I totally freaked her out. The monologue lasted for what seemed like ten minutes.
Listening to: The Raconteurs - Consolers of the Lonely
Posted by Clover @ 1:44 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Searching the Nightgowns
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today was another quiet day - the weather was kinda goofy, so Mommy and I stayed home and just hung out. I spent an unusual amount of time in my room, playing with my stuff all by myself! Awesome. On top of all that, I did some drawing, I visited with my grandparents, played video games, and climbed all over the furniture. I grabbed the Easter Eggs, hid them all over the apartment, and then forgot where I put them. Mommy couldn't find 'em, either!
After Daddy came home from work, we had a nice dinner, and then we all drove out to the mall to look for a good pair of galoshes for me. I was a little wound-up beforehand, almost fell asleep on the way, and was back in full crazy-mode once we were shopping. After buying my galoshes (and a much-needed umbrella), I ran loose through the lingerie section of the department store. I made Daddy search for me in the nightgown racks.
Listening to: Les Savy Fav - Let's Stay Friends
Posted by Clover @ 12:25 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Thank You Nana
[As transcribed by Daddy]
A box arrived for me today! I was so happy to get a parcel in the mail, and even happier once I opened it - a drew dress, a new jacket ("the best jacket ever!"), a shirt and pants and even a 'Happy Easter' card from Nana. To show my gratitude, I drew a thank-you card on my chalkboard (see above) for Nana, Jim, and Charlie.
After lunch, Grandpa drove Mommy and Basil and I to the special vet for Basil's eye checkup. The good news: His eye is healing! Yay! The bad news: He's gotta stay in that cone for at least two more weeks. Poor guy. I was very well behaved at the vet's, and the nurses thought I was totally adorable (but not as adorable as Basil).
I completely forgot all about my leftover chocolate eggs and stuff. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess!
Posted by Clover @ 12:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
No-Pants Easter
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I started Daddy's day off by literally stomping on his groin as he slept, thus ensuring (a) that the rest of his day was sent in considerable discomfort and (b) that I shall remain an only child.
Mommy prepared dinner most of the day, so Daddy and I had one heck of a lazy Sunday. Aside from a quick break for another egg-hunt in the front yard (I like to bury them), it was video games, video games, television, playing in my room, video games, and video games. Good times for all!
We had a nice big dinner with Gammy and Grandpa and Nee-Nee and Aline - I tried to get away with not wearing any pants at the table, but that didn't fly, and I did my best to eat my veggies so I could have the amazing desserts Mommy made - a lemon tart and a chocolate nest (not to mention more chocolate eggs).
Posted by Clover @ 1:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Supermarket Zoo
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I let Daddy sleep in a bit this morning - after breakfast, we all played some video games, and then headed out to do some grocery shopping. My goodness - the supermarket was insane. The previous day's holiday must have completely screwed up everyone's shopping schedule, and rendered them all paaaiinnnffuuulllly sssslllooooowww.
Once that was done, we came home and had a quick lunch, followed by a lovely Easter Egg hunt in the back yard. Fun times! Daddy is glad that Mommy's natural egg dyes are finished - the smell of cooking beets, vinegar, and tumeric sort of really stank up the apartment.
Daddy and I played outside a bit, and then my grandparents babysat me while my folks ran a few quick errands in the late afternoon. We had a lovely three-course dinner, and I finished the day off with a nice bath!
Posted by Clover @ 3:03 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Good Friday Pho
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and Daddy and I had a nice morning - it's a holiday Friday, so Daddy doesn't have to go to work. Instead, we played in my room a bit, watched some television, played video games, ate breakfast and lunch... I also got to see Nee-Nee's friend Aline (a frequent reader of this blog, apparently), who is visiting. She was pretty cool!
Mommy and Daddy and I drove up North for a hike in the afternoon, and had a bit of a rough go. The roads were really wrecked from all of the freezing and thawing, and the hike itself was difficult - snowblindness, semi-frozen paths, and a cold wind revealed that the nice weather wasn't as nice as we thought.
I fell asleep on the drive home, and as usual, woke up in a horrible mood. Thank heavens for the television - the only thing that ever seems to cheer me up. I was a bit wired when it was time for dinner - (Daddy wanted 'Good Friday Pho') we went to a nice restaurant, and I was barely able to remain behaved. I was a bit of a spaz.
Posted by Clover @ 1:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Family Portrait
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I had yet another quiet day - we didn't do much of anything. I was up pretty early and played in my room quite a bit. I did some serious drawing today, and cerated a few masterpieces - I did one of Mommy, one of Grandpa, and an absolutely fantastic rendering of my family (see above) that made my Mommy so excited she photographed it and emailed it to everyone.
I had a brief tantrum that may or may have not been cheese-related in the afternoon (Mommy called Daddy so that he could hear it). Then it was back to normal.
After Daddy came home from work, we had a nice dinner, and then we made a deal - I'd go with my folks to Starbucks in exchange for a bath. After the Starbucks trip I passed out in the car on the way home, and then it was straight to bed. So... I'm owed a bath tomorrow.
Posted by Clover @ 12:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Blue + Yellow = Green
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy worked on an awesome quilt for my dolls (I think I asked for one the other morning) while I hung out around her and played and stuff. Soon, we moved the party over to my bedroom, which Mommy meticulously tidied up (it was something of a disaster area). I alternately helped and sat and watched.
I've been really into reading and books and letters and stuff over the past few days... today I had some success spelling the word "rice" with one of my word puzzles - and I also learned that the colours yellow and blue, when combined, make green.
Mommy and Daddy went on a fruitless quest to pick up an exercise bike via Craiglist in the evening, so I hung out with Gammy and Grandpa, watched my DVDs, and tried really hard to fight off sleep.
Posted by Clover @ 12:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
With Shrimp and Octopus
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today was pretty quiet... it was a bit gloomy out, so Mommy and I just kinda hung out inside. At one point I turned on the television without permission - Mommy asked me to turn it off and ask permission, which led to me (once again) testing the limits of my voice with a tantrum-driven hypersonic scream. The windows broke, and the glasses in our kitchen cupboards all shattered. Even Basil's neck-collar cracked in two. Needless to say, Mommy had a headache for the rest of the day.
We played The Sims together, read books, and played restaurant with Grandpa, who I paid a nice visit to. Oddly, every time I play restaurant and ask someone what they want to eat, I always offer them a side of shrimp and octopus. Today, I offered Gammy a slice of pie with shrimp and octopus.
I was happy when Daddy came home, because I conned him into playing multiple video games with me. I must've been tired, though, because I volunteered to go to bed an hour earlier than my scheduled time.
Posted by Clover @ 1:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Things were off to a good start this morning, until I grabbed a banana off of the kitchen counter and just started eating it without asking. Mommy told me to put it back, which caused me to escalate things by freaking out. Mommy told me to go to my room and sit on my bed - I escalated things by trashing my room and screaming at the top of my lungs! I came out, told Mommy "I ruined everything in my room" and was then told to sit on the 'naughty chair.' I escalated things by crying and whining and screaming... I didn't calm down for something like 15 minutes, until I saw Mommy watching a funny St. Patty's Day clip on YouTube.
In the afternoon, Mommy and I went over to Catherine and Charlie's house, which was nice... we all went to the park, where we did some tobogganing. I went down the hill one time, loved it, and decided I was done.
I was in a bit of a sad, miserable funk for the rest of the day (especially since I didn't get to play with Charlie in her house) and didn't really seem like myself. I happily played in my room by myself a lot, though.
Posted by Clover @ 1:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Zoo Circuit Backwards
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I let Daddy sleep in a bit today, which he really appreciated. immediately afterward was pomegranate and mango oatmeal, which was surprisingly good! We all played some video games, ate some lunch, and then headed out for a trip to the zoo!
The wind was a little bit chilly, but the sun was warm - we checked out a special exhibit on frogs, and then did our regular zoo-circuit... only this time, we did it backwards, starting with the Sloth and ending with the Tapir. I really conked out towards the end, and would still be staggering around the zoo if Daddy hadn't carried me out.
After a nap on the way home, I woke up in a horrible funk. Mommy let me watch one of my DVDs, though, and I cheered up. After a nice Dinner, Daddy played video games with me, got me ready for bed, and then handed me off to Mommy, who I convinced to read the same books Daddy read to me.
Listening to: Squarepusher - Music Is Rotted One Note
Posted by Clover @ 1:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Dreaming of Stratford
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a lovely dream that we all drove to Stratford last night, found a lovely B&B to stay at, and had a wonderful snooze, breakfast, and did some shopping before having lunch at a nice Italian restaurant before driving around to look at nice homes and stuff, followed by a long, sleepy drive home again. The best part of it was that the whole time, Daddy didn't have to be at the office on the weekend [after a horrible week] working on a last-minute business pitch, and was in a great mood because of it.
After my dream, we had a quiet day - I wanted to watch television, but Mommy explained that 'too much television makes you go "douyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuy"' and that made me alternately laugh, and then angry. We had words. We went out (nice weather!) to buy some galoshes for me - found a pair that fit perfectly, but were really ugly, so we didn't buy 'em. Daddy bought a video game, and his sour mood got way better again. Leslie came over, gave Mommy some awesome presents (including a fantastic hand-sewn doll) for her birthday, and then she left for dinner with Mommy and Daddy, and I was babysat by my grandparents.
I had a nice dinner and evening with Gammy and Grandpa, who read something like a million books to me before I'd go to sleep. After Mommy and Daddy came home from dinner, Mommy peeked in on me and thanked me for being nice and easy on Gammy - I told her it was "My pleasure."
Posted by Clover @ 1:00 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Street Hockey Aspirations
[As transcribed by Daddy]
So, the weather was pretty nice today - once again, the yo-yo-ing temperature is up, the snow is melting, and I got to wear my new green raincoat and go puddle-jumping with Mommy. Pretty awesome! I decided that polka-dots are my favourite thing in the whole world, and was full of joy. We saw some of the neighbourhood kids out playing street hockey, and I decided that when I'm their age, I'm gonna play street hockey, too. The girls from our 'hood thought I was adorable. And, of course, I totally was.
Mommy and I had a quiet afternoon - when Daddy came home, we ate some dinner and then did the grocery shopping. Just to mix things up, I brought Frankenstein along for the ride - I'm tall enough that I can push the grocery cart, so it must've been cute for people to watch me wheel my doll around.
I had a pee-related accident before bed (the first in ages), but was out like a light, as are my parents.
Posted by Clover @ 1:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Sitting Tubside
[As transcribed by Daddy]
After a fairly heart exercise regimen this morning, Mommy decided to have a bath - and I decided to sit tubside and read to her. I actually managed to "read" (recite) several books, page-by-page. Pretty impressive!
Anyway, today was something of a 'blah' day - not a whole heck of a lot happened. I called some people on the phone and ate perogies with cauliflower. No big whup. We waited for Daddy to come home from work... which he didn't until it was very very very late.
I had a tough time going to sleep tonight, and kept leaving my bedroom to interrupt Mommy's favourite show during the night. I must feel somewhat entitled, seeing as how I got to sleep with both parents (and a cone-headed-dog) last night.
Posted by Clover @ 1:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Mommy!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It was Mommy's birthday today - and all of us feel kinda awful (it might have something to do with the tacos we ate for dinner last night). Daddy went to work pretty exhausted, and came home early - but not before Mommy and I could walk to the vet to buy Basil some eye drops. I did "The Basil Voice" most of the way, and walked backwards for part of te way back.
We joined Gammy and Grandpa for presents and cake (which Mommy and I finished today) - Mommy really loves the book of her crafts that Daddy & I made for her, and is looking forward to the others being finished. She also got fabric from her in-laws, painting stuff from Daddy, and man, was the cake (from herself) incredible.
My folks were gonna go out to dinner together to celebrate, but none of us felt up to it - I was pretty wired and over-emotional all day long. I went to bed an hour early, but have been having trouble sleeping. I interrupted the DVD they were watching late at night, but... it made their day when I wandered in, all disoriented and groggy, looking for a snuggle.
Posted by Clover @ 1:39 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Basil the Lamp
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Daddy was up early so that he could take Basil to the vet to get some minor surgery performed on his eye ulcer. Mommy and I waited nervously for them to return - when they did, Basil was surgery-free, but had been prescribed a cocktail of eye medicines and was wearing a ridiculous neck brace cone-thing. Then Daddy went to work for the day.
I was a bit of a pain in the butt - Mommy made Easter Eggs and we tried some hunts around the house, but once I discovered that I could crush them in my hands, crushed egg was everywhere. Mommy made some cake and stuff for her birthday tomorrow, but I kept sticking my hands in the food and sneaking samples.
I called Daddy today to tell him that Basil looked like 'a lamp.' Before he came home from work (a little late) I taught myself how to rhyme, and got taco sauce and sour cream not only all over myself, but all over the furniture.
Posted by Clover @ 1:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy's headache was better today - so long as she didn't move very much. Ergo, I kinda ran around and danced everywhere while she tried to be as stationary as possible. She spent some time in bed, while I played in her general vicinity. When I wasn't doing that, I played 'Sushi Restaurant' with Grandpa.
Due to the snowstorm from the other day, we weren't able to do the weekly grocery shopping - so Mommy and I really had to scrounge around to muster up some lunch (we repeated the same process at dinner).
I was happy when Daddy came home - not only because it meant that we all got to take care of said grocery shopping, but because it meant he was available to dangle my upside-down by my ankles. It's so fun!
Listening to: Ken Andrews - Live
Posted by Clover @ 2:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
Fish Chalet
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was pretty happy to discover that Leslie was still over when I woke up, and stuck to her like glue - we read together, played in my room, had breakfast - you know, fun girly stuff. Right before lunch it was time to take Leslie home - we loaded into the car, got some coffee, and navigated the snow-ravaged streets to Leslie's place. I fell asleep on the journey, and was sad to discover she was gone when we got home.
Mommy's headache erupted quite violently as soon as we got back to the apartment. She was pretty much totally incapacitated for the rest of the entire day - so it was another 'Clover & Daddy Sunday'. Daddy and I did a lot of playing in my room, we went to Best Buy & Future Shop, sang and counted in the car, we went for a nice walk around the block to see all the melting snow and icicles ("Icebergs") and we even went out to 'Fish Chalet' pick up dinner together and bring it home.
Mommy mustered enough ability to eat dinner with us and put me to bed - but still, I made sure to thank Daddy for a nice day together. Now he can get back to working on Mommy's birthday present!
Listening to: The Charlatans - You Cross My Path
Posted by Clover @ 1:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Snowstorm Sleepover
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Man, did it ever snow out there last night... and the snow kept on comin', all day long. After a lovely Saturday morning consisting of eating, hanging out with Mommy, trying to wake up Daddy, and playing video games with him, we had a nice lunch. Then Daddy drove off into the snowstorm to find Leslie, and we didn't see him again for close to two hours (he was driving very carefully).
I was super excited to have Leslie with us - I put on several puppet shows for her and my folks, and stuck to her like glue. For some reason, I kept scurrying over to the computer when nobody was looking and compulsively turning on The Sims.
I stayed up just long enough for Mommy to make a new batch of Rice Krispie Squares, and then I was out like a light. I'm in for a surprise tomorrow, when I discover that the snowstorm is so bad that Leslie will be waiting on the couch for me when I wake up in the morning!
Posted by Clover @ 1:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Green Tea Mastermind
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a plan for the day pretty much right off the bat - I wanted to go out for dinner, I wanted sushi, and I wanted green tea ice cream for dessert. I made it my mission to get that ice cream, and structured my day around it. I called Daddy at work, arranged for the outing, and made a deal with Mommy - if I peed in the potty all day, I'd get my green tea ice cream. I'm quite the mastermind.
Mommy and I went for a nice walk during the afternoon, where we both had two separate conversations simultaneously. She suggested we have a tea party, and I recounted an episode of Maggie & Roast Beef (odd, considering there was no television today). The tea party was nice - Gammy and Grandpa joined us after we made some 'tea bread' and stuff. I was put in charge of handing out plates.
Finally, after Daddy came home from work, my plan went into full effect. I had my appetizer, my caviar, and then asked for my dessert. While I wated for it, I ate a ton of my parents' food.
Listening to: Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks - Real Emotional Trash
Posted by Clover @ 1:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 07, 2008
Dyed Blue
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy really wanted to do some sewing today, and I wasn't really down with that - I told her that I didn't want to hang out in her snowing room with her, seeing as how it's 'boring'. Mommy convinced me to bring some toys in, and I have to admit... I was able to use my imagination, do some pretending, and actually hang out in there and play for something like twenty minutes.
I had a real hankering for blueberries today (well, more than I usually am, at any rate). Mommy buckled under pressure and made me blueberry pancakes for lunch, and after snacking on even more throughout the afternoon, my skin was dyed blue.
We also went for a walk around the block with Basil. I couldn't for the life of me understand the purpose of walking without a destination in mind - it took a lot of explaining. I did about fifty snow angels in the melting snowbanks along the way.
Posted by Clover @ 2:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Stinky Cheese
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I haven't mentioned on this blog my morning routine with Daddy (once he wakes up) - I sit in the hallway outside the bathroom while he showers, wait for him to come out, and then help him pick his outfit for the day.
After this morning's 'Daddy ritual', Mommy and I walked through a snowstorm to playschool - I whined and complained most of the way, but was happy once we got there (we were the only ones, again!). I got to eat something called a 'Dorito', which I loved!
I somehow managed to change my own diaper today (!) and complained about the 'Stinky Cheese' Mommy used to make Dinner... of course, I then devoured it at dinner. Daddy was home late from work - and when he walked in, there I was, sitting on the couch with a huge slab of rare steak (stolen from the counter) hanging out of my mouth.
Posted by Clover @ 1:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I had a nice morning - just playing, hanging out, tickling each other, having a bath, playing tag and cute stuff like that. I learned how to change DVDs in the DVD player and change my shoes, I went on and on about eating a grilled-cheese sandwich, and after Mommy finally caved-in and made me one - I only ate a quarter of it.
After lunch, Mommy and I had to take Basil to the vet to have his eye ulcer looked at. Turns out that the expensive appointments and eyedrops have been for naught - he's not getting better, and will probably need surgery to fix it. That made Mommy sad - I tried to cheer her up afterwards with some snuggles. Basil was pretty happy to leave the vet, but was clearly displeased with us for the rest of the day.
After Daddy came home from work, we had some dinner, went to the drug store for some supplies, I saw Gammy's friend Debbie, and then I grabbed the camera and started taking photos. Check out the results! Daddy's really impressed.
Posted by Clover @ 1:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Puddle Jumping & Gutter Sailing
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I played video games together this morning, but the lure of the warm sunbeams cascading into our apartment was enough to lure us outside. It was a wonderful, springy day - both Mommy and I kept remarking "what a wonderful day" it was! I rode my tricycle, and made some pretty good progress on the pedaling. After that, it was onto jumping in all of the melty snow puddles - we even grabbed some of my plastic bathtub boats and sailed them up and down the gutters. Gutter sailing is awesome!
The lovely day must've made me hungry, because for the rest of the day all I wanted was to eat. I had a nice chat with Papa on the phone, and told him I'd be over at his place in five minutes.
Daddy came home from work and after veggie burgers for dinner, took Mommy and I out to Fabricland and then to Starbucks. I passed out on the ride home and even slept through the process of having my jammies put on once we got home.
Listening to: Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV
Posted by Clover @ 1:37 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 03, 2008
Time Warp
[As transcribed by Daddy]
There was a lot of hustle and bustle this morning as Mommy headed off to her semi-monthly book club meeting. While she was gone, I had a nice day with Daddy - we worked on a secret project (for Mommy's birthday), played tag, and ate a whole lot of noodles and veggies for lunch. We hope the secret project turns out okay!
Next, we drove all the way out to Bowmanville to pick up Mommy - I snoozed on the way, and Daddy sang. With Mommy in tow we drove out to a nice conservation area and went for a hike that seemed really really long while I was walking through the snow, but one one-hundredth the length as I was carried back on Daddy's shoulders. Maybe we entered a time warp or something.
We came home and had dinner - I played with Daddy, we all went on a quest to buy some Cotton Batting, and then Daddy fell asleep on the couch. It made Mommy pretty irritated, but he's had a pretty busy couple of weeks, so we can find it in our hearts to forgive him just this once.
Listening to: Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Posted by Clover @ 12:50 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Snack Firsts
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I watched my folks play video games this morning, and dabbled a little myself. After some breakfast, we headed out to do the grocery shopping, and avoided death in a number of parking lots. All of the crazy drivers seemed to be out to get us today. Anyway, the grocery shopping itself went ahead without incident.
After a brief stop at home for some lunch, we headed out to the mall to do some shopping for yours truly! We picked up a raincoat, a shirt, a pair of tights, and I got to try bubble tea for the first time. I loved it! No idea what it was I was eating, but... I loved it!
We went to the bookstore on the way home - there were too many kids at the train set, so I sat on the floor with Mommy and Daddy and read books. Some other kid walked up to us, sat down, and listened along... it was cute.
I played with Daddy and got to try another interesting first - a Rice Krispie Square. Fantastic!
Posted by Clover @ 1:25 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Return of the Eaten Cow
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I drove Mommy kinda crazy today with my on-again / off-again whininess. This morning, though, Mommy and I managed to make some time to play video games together - it was a blast!
I was quite excited to receive an honest-to-goodness package in the mail, also. We opened it up - inside was the toy cow that Daddy and I ordered from the internet a few days ago. I was so happy to have it - it's just like the cow in my books, and also it's the same as the cow we bought on the ferry from Prince Edward Island... you know, the one that I ate.
I was playing nicely with my cow, only to discover that like the previous one, I ate it. This realization hit me pretty hard and got me sad (I even asked if Mommy could 'nail it back together'). I cried and then had a nap. Luckily, Daddy actually bought TWO cows.
Speaking of Daddy - he came home dizzy, weak, and covered in snow after having walked home from work in the snowstorm. I crawled all over him like a jungle gym - it actually kinda made him feel better. We played video games together after dinner.