Tuesday, January 31, 2012
From Kristen, who is tall.
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning it was looking a little bit iffy for Mommy. Her head cold and dry cough was pretty bad... she almost didn't make it out of bed. I convinced her that my education was important and that I needed to go to school, so she got out of bed and took me to school. Then she felt better.
School was pretty fun, and so was the swimming lesson I had immediately after. It was really snowy outside, so the route there and back was awesome. Mommy and I had a quick dinner, and then she took me to Sparks!
Sparks was a lot of fun. We celebrated Chinese New Year, and brought in clothes from all over the world to celebrate global birthdays. I brought in the fancy coin-skirt that Kristen brought me back from Israel. It was easily the most popular item that anyone brought... I had to explain to them that it was "From my friend Kristen, who is very tall."
I made sure I included that tidbit every time I told the story. She is tall.
Posted by Clover @ 11:38 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 30, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 31st]
Once again, Mommy and I let Daddy sleep in, which he really appreciates. Actually, he got out of his bed all on his own, without one of us dragging him by the ankle or pouring ice cubes on him.
Once we had eaten lunch, I had a hard time waiting around all afternoon before it was time for the bunch of us to go out to a movie! We went to see Hugo at Kennedy Commons - it was a pretty good movie, although I really wanted to stretch my legs.
The movie was long, so we ended up getting home kinda late. I was a little bit emotional and tired and was really put out that we didn't go to Starbucks on the way home. I mean - there was a Starbucks right near the movie theatre! It would have taken no time at all! Man, I was annoyed.
Posted by Clover @ 11:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Daddy/Daughter Dinner
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 31st]
Mommy wasn't exactly feeling too awesome today, but she put up with her scratchy throat and made sure she was up early to hang out with me and stuff today. We had a pretty nice morning before we coaxed Daddy out of bed with coffee and muffins.
Once we all ate some lunch, Daddy drove us out to Pickering to visit the soap store at the mall. While we were there, I visited the toy store, ate some french fries, and had a quick visit to the chocolatier. Delicious!
Once we got home, Mommy kinda crashed and fell asleep. Rather than wake her up and ask her to cook us dinner, Daddy and I took it upon ourselves to go out for sushi - just the two of us! We had a great time, and drew lots of pictures in my notebook together.
Posted by Clover @ 12:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Birthday Bowling
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Remember how I spent all week at home, being sick with pinkeye and a cough, and then finally yesterday I was able to go back to school? Well, today I was home again. Not because I was sick, but because there was a PA day for teachers.
Mommy took me down to the beaches today so that we could run a bunch of errands and stuff. We bought a toy for my friend Nikola, and then spent quite a while deciding on where to eat for lunch - EVERYTHING looked great to me! Somehow, I managed to settle on Italian food.
At the end of the day, I went to Nikola's birthday party over at the local dive bowling alley. I had a really good time, ate some food, did a lot of glow-in-the-dark bowling... but then my sinuses and ears started hurting, so Daddy came to take Mommy (who also has a brutal cold) and I home a bit early.
Posted by Clover @ 12:59 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 27, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 29th]
This morning I really didn't want to still be sick. Despite my slight cough and my really runny nose, I begged and pleased with Mommy to let me go to school. Maybe the past few days of the two of us cooped up together made a difference, because she relented and took me to school, and made a deal with my teacher to send me home if I seemed too sick or miserable.
I'm so glad I went to school! It was totally awesome! So many of my friends were really happy to see me, having missed three days of school. It was actually out 100th day of the school year, so we had a little '100 days' party. I made a special necklace to commemorate the day.
Also, since I was so well behaved, I got to pick a treat from the 'goody chest', which is a thing in our class for the kid who is best behaved (or something). I picked a couple of gel pens. Cool! Gel pens!
Posted by Clover @ 12:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 26, 2012
In The Blanket Fort
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Pinkeye and head cold, day three. So... Mommy and I picked up where we left off yesterday and simply re-built the blanket fort in the living room. Of course, then Dennis decided to trash it, so we re-built it, so he trashed it again, so we re-built it, and put Dennis in his box.
I ate my lunch in that blanket fort. Soon after that, I had a tea party for a bunch of my toys in that fort. Mommy thinks that maybe spending so much time in there with me is giving her my cold.
After dinner, I was feeling well enough to go with my parents to the mall so that we could pick up Mommy's contact lenses, and then stop by Claire's house to get the food co-op order. I was pretty upset that I had to wait in that car.
Posted by Clover @ 12:06 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Still have pinkeye. Still have a cold. Still would rather go to school and play and hang out with my friends, but I stayed at home with Mommy and Dennis instead. Actually, I was especially clingy with Mommy, and really didn't even want her leaving my sight.
We did manage to keep busy, though - the two of us actually sat down and built a pretty cool board game, which we painted and decorated and stuff. We baked some bread and some cinnamon rolls, and to top things off, we completely took the living room apart and built a massive blanket fort!
Daddy got some new eyedrops for me when he got home - I made a massive dramatic fuss about putting them in my eyes, but we managed.
Posted by Clover @ 11:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 25th]
So, I still have pinkeye. And a cold. So... I stayed home from school, which kinda sucked. I really would have preferred to see my friends and hang out and stuff and do schoolwork, but it just wasn't meant to be.
In the afternoon, Grandpa drove Mommy and I do the Doctor's Office. Dr. Vaezi made sure not to get too close to me, but basically just told me to stay home and take it easy. Me - I was just happy that he didn't stick me with a needle.
After Daddy came home from work, he played several rounds of Bingo with Mommy and I. You can tell I was still feeling down and exhausted, because I didn't even feel like eating.
Posted by Clover @ 11:48 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 23, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Welcome to the world, Scarlet Barker (see photo above), born just a few short weeks ago!
Today wasn't great, but I made the best of it. I had something of a rough sleep last night... I have a pretty brutal head cold, plus Mommy and Daddy think I have some mild case of conjunctivitis in both eyes. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty brutal all day long.
Mommy was pretty good about keeping me busy... we played video games together, I drew lots of pictures, and we even made a big puzzle, which was lots of fun! Daddy ran some errands during the day, and when he came home, he brought me a Star Wars action figure, which made me really happy!
I made a special request of steak and mashed potatoes and Yorkshire pudding for dinner, so Mommy obliged. It was quite delicious! I was hoping we could get all dressed up and fancy for it, but it was kinda late and I'm, like, really snotty.
Posted by Clover @ 12:30 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 22, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Most of this morning was spent in a near frenzy, as I was really jazzed about going to my friend Anton's birthday party. I was even careful not to eat too much lunch, so that I could save lots of room for pizza and cake.
Daddy drove me over to the pool where the party was - I had a great time, swimming, playing, and eating pizza (which wasn't even gluten free pizza!). My friend Finley took to shooting me in the eyes with a watergun, which was annoying but funny. My Mom is now worried that I might have conjunctivitis. At least I had fun in the process.
I came home to learn that we were to be eating a haggis for dinner. Needless to say, I had some serious reservations (actually, we all did). I think I actually enjoyed the fried bits of organ lining that Mommy made me as a snack instead of the actual haggis itself - which honestly wasn't bad, but the smell of that haggis will most likely be lingering in our home for days.
Posted by Clover @ 12:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 21, 2012
O Canada
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 22nd]
It snowed today! We still haven't got the crazy massive whallop of winter that we usually see once a year, but at least it was something. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the window while I was at school - I loved to watch it snow!
After school, Mommy and I did some birthday present shopping for my friend Anton, who is having his party tomorrow. We got him a bunch of stuff, and a few little things for ourselves as well.
Daddy was home from work at an (almost) normal hour today, with NO work to do over the weekend! He and I actually sat down and played the piano together a bit. He taught me how to play 'O Canada', which made me happier than you'd think.
Posted by Clover @ 12:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Ontario Conservatory of Music
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 22nd]
Poor Daddy... I feel like I haven't seen him in days. He's been so busy with all of these projects at work! When he is at home, he's at his computer, working away. Or, take today, for example... once he got home from work and joined us for dinner, he completely passed out on the couch. Mommy and I left him there to sleep. Dennis snuggled with him and kept him warm.
As for me, I had a special meeting at the Ontario Conservatory of Music after school. Mommy brought me in to meet with a piano teacher, who sat me down at the keyboard and asked me to "show him what I know". I played a few little ditties here and there - the man gave me a sticker and told me he'd take me on as a student. Fun times!
Posted by Clover @ 12:10 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 19, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 22nd]
Mommy started off my day by showing me scenes of gigantic trolls from a movie she watched last night. Pretty weird, but whatever.
Anyway, at school we learned how to draw and colour with pastels. I thought my teacher called them 'Pastel' (singular) so when I got home and wanted to use Mommy's pastelS, I got pretty confused about what to call them.
The temperature totally dropped today. Despite this, I got a really awesome playground session in with Claire. I sure wish I had elected to wear snow pants... but whatever, I got hot chocolate when I got home, which was awesome.
Posted by Clover @ 12:02 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Grandpa's Birthday Cake
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 21st]
A famous illustrator of kids' books came to school today and gave us a big presentation and stuff. Since she makes all of her artwork using plasticine, I got pretty excited and spent a lot of time making plasticine art. After class was band class, which was absolutely fantastic! I had so much fun - looks like I'm gonna be playing keyboards in the band!
Once I got home, it was decided that I would be the one to make Grandpa's birthday cake! I carefully planned and then baked the cake in my Easy-Bake Oven.
Once Daddy got home, we had a little birthday part for Grandpa (who also retired today)! There were presents, a lot of laughs, and of course we all enjoyed the cake that I made.
Posted by Clover @ 11:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Welsh Heritage
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 21st]
Even though I had a relatively boring weekend, I still found the inspiration and effort to fill two pages worth of prose about it today in school. What can I say... I just love to write.
I had a pretty decent swimming lesson after school, but it was pretty clear to everyone that I'm really strong swimming on one side of my body, and the complete opposite on the other side. I guess I need to work on that.
Mommy and I struggled with the bus on the way to Sparks (something was messed up on the Woodbine bridge), but once we got there, we had a blast. We learned all about heritage - I did a presentation about my Welsh heritage, and then we ate some delicious delicious samosas!
Posted by Clover @ 11:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2012
An Hour at the Toy Store
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 17th]
I was definitely feeling a little bit better today - or at least if I was sick, you wouldn't know by my attitude or anything. I was as happy as a clam to see the Sunday morning sun!
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy and I decided to cake of some important errands. First off, we went and got Grandpa his birthday present for this coming tuesday. Then, we bought Dennis a big bag of dog food. Then, we drove down to the toy store, so that I could spend some money...
...and it took me an hour to decide what I want, much to the chagrin of my parents. The money was burning a hold in my pocket and I wanted to buy SOMETHING, so I settled on a paper doll kit. Next, we hit the art store to buy some adhesive, the bulk food store to get some flour, and a few other places that I can't recall right now. All I do remember is that I was happy to eventually come home.
Once we arrived back at the house, instead of use the paper dolls that came in my kit, I made my own! I also sat down with Daddy and spent quite a while helping him with storyboards and visual concepts for his job.
Posted by Clover @ 1:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Sick Weekend
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 17th]
Well as expected, this morning I woke up with a cough, a stuffy head, and a serious case of the sneezes. I requested that we just keep things simple and stay home today, so we did.
I played with my toys, did a lot of drawing, and managed to watch movies and stuff on television. Mommy and Daddy joined me for a fun game of Pictionary, and Mommy and I sent Daddy out for food and orange juice and stuff.
At dinner time, Mommy made another enormous batch of her special chicken noodle soup, which we all love. I went to sleep a little bit early, due to being sick, tired, and perhaps a little bit bored.
Posted by Clover @ 12:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 14, 2012
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I awoke to an amazing surprise - overnight it totally snowed! For real! This pretty much makes it the first actual honest-to-goodness snowfall this winter! And it was cold, too! I was dressed and ready for school really early, so that I could actually spend a bunch of time playing outside in the snow before class started.
School was pretty good... I got invited to my friend Helena's "BFF Club" and I got invited to my friend Anton's birthday party, which is pretty cool.
After Daddy came home from work, Mommy and I got our gear together so that we could go out for Japanese food. The three of us totally pigged out and ate a rather large amount of sushi! Once we got home, I whimpered in a nasaly voice: "Mommy, I thig I'm gedding your code".
Posted by Clover @ 5:50 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 13, 2012
Mississauga Missing
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Daddy was up really early this morning - he had a meeting early in Mississaugua. I was pretty sad, and missed him terribly while he was gone... which turned out not to be very long. Mississaugua isn't really very far from home. I was under the impression that he'd be gone for a day, and not for an hour or two.
We had a pretty good day at school - I made some really lovely get well cards for Mommy and brought them home for her. She's starting to feel a bit better, but we still kept things quiet around the house.
Mommy liked her get well cards so much that she offered to take me out to dinner - something that made me really excited - but Daddy took a little while longer than usual to get home from work, so we'll just do it tomorrow or something.
Posted by Clover @ 12:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Adventures of Indy-Nana Jones
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Early this morning, I came up with a pretty neat idea for an adventure movie starring my Nana and her quest to clean the dark, cobwebby basement... "Indy-Nana Jones". I drew a picture of her and everything. It's pretty cute!
At school today, we set up a nice little school-wide mail system, in which we can write letters and postcards and stuff to people in our own classes or in other classes and stuff. In fact, I got a letter from my friend Amelia, which was really nice! I came home for lunch but then rushed back so that I could send letters to friends and teachers.
Back at the roost, Mommy is still pretty sick. I made sure I let her get plenty of rest, and drew an awesome picture of a Hesperornis while she slept.
Posted by Clover @ 11:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Polar Bear Clover
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 12th]
Today at school, my class gathered together with our fifth grade 'buddies' and planned a pretty large and expansive and complicated game outside... we were all given animal identities (in the form of paper hats, which we made) and had to 'survive' out in the wild and stuff. It was pretty fun! I got to be a polar bear, which suits me just fine. Apparently, our class was so awesome and we were so good at the game (which is what I was told, honestly) that they bussed in other teachers from other schools to come and watch us and take notes. It's like we're part of some big experiment.
Perhaps my favourite part of the whole experiment was the fact that we got to have hot chocolate afterwards.
Anyway, it really seems as though Mommy is getting Daddy's brutal cold from the weekend, but she's determined not to be "as much of a wimp" as he was about it.
Posted by Clover @ 11:29 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
A Very Long Monday
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Happily, today was the first day back to school since the Holidays. I was so happy to see all of my friends again - especially Anton, who told me that his Mommy bought some gluten-free food for the next time we have a play date.
As if school wasn't enough, as soon as it was over, Mommy came and picked me up and then we took the bus over to my swimming lesson, which is now scheduled for Monday nights. It was pretty good - I like my new instructor.
And then if THAT wasn't enough, Mommy and I rushed home for a quick dinner and then headed out for Sparks! We had a good time and made popsicle stick crafts. Things got a little out of hand at the end, however, when Claire and I started spitting water at each other. What can I say - it was a loooong day.
Posted by Clover @ 12:22 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 09, 2012
Not a Dead Frog
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 10th]
Daddy was still sick today, so Mommy and Dennis and I decided to let him sleep in. The two of us had a nice morning of waffles and television, and then got our gear together to go over to Claire's house.
At Claire's house, Claire and I played with our dolls while our Moms planned the upcoming Sparks meeting. Claire's Daddy played Skyrim in the basement (which is exactly what my Daddy was doing at the time) and at one point I got really excited when I thought I found a dead frog outside. Alas, it wasn't a dead frog - it was a rock. Mommy practically pry me away from Claire to take me home.
The rest of the afternoon was pretty quiet - I did a lot of artwork while Mommy and I poured chicken noodle soup and orange juice into Daddy.
Posted by Clover @ 12:05 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 08, 2012
How To Watch Raiders of the Lost Ark
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 9th]
Daddy was really sick today, so it was up to Mommy and I to totally take care of him today and just let him rest. First, we let him sleep in. I drew him some pictures, and even made him a little card that told him that he was the 'best Daddy in the World.'
At one point in the afternoon, Mommy went off to do some grocery shopping, so I agreed to watch Daddy's favourite movie with him. I loved it - Raiders of the Lost Ark! I thought it was pretty amazing how Han Solo managed to fight those bad guys. The part with the melting face at the end was pretty creepy.
Mommy made comfort food (hot dogs!) for dinner, and I made sure I drew lots of Indiana Jones pictures. I even drew a nine-page instruction manual on how to watch the film, which includes a step-by-step pictogram about taking the DVD out of the box.
Posted by Clover @ 12:32 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Ken's Tux
[As transcribed by Daddy on January 9th]
Not much to report on from today, unfortunately. Daddy ended up coming home a bit early from work due to something of a pretty bad head cold that was a full-fledged fever by the time he got here.
Even still, he was able to help me with a little project. So I have this old Ken doll (to go with one that Gammy's friend Dia got me a few days ago) that came with some dumb clothes. I decided to make my own clothes for him. Gammy lent me a scrap of black fabric, which I took to my room. Along with a pair of scissors (Daddy made a few cuts for me) and a whole lot of tape, I made a tuxedo for my Ken doll.
When you look at it, it's kinda more scotch tape than tuxedo, but Mommy was so impressed that she broke out the sewing machine and helped me make a few additional adjustments. Pretty cool!
Posted by Clover @ 12:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 06, 2012
Jenna's Spilled Hot Chocolate Record
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I had a morning of dress-up games... both online and in real life. We had a really good time trying on a bunch of outfits... both virtual and actual.
Today I discovered amongst GG's things that she left behind was a sketchbook from when she was taking drawing lessons. We decided it was s shame to let it go only partially filled, so I decided to continue her work.
In the afternoon, George and Ursula came by, and they brought Jenna along! She and I had a blast - I made a whole lot of noise, which kept making Jenna spill her hot chocolate (on the dog, even). Honestly, I think she literally spilled her hot chocolate five times.
Posted by Clover @ 12:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Clover's Café
[As transcribed by Daddy]
For a special treat this morning, Mommy made cheese grits for breakfast, which she then served to me in my own room, which I did up all fancy as 'Clover's Café.' It was quite lovely... once she was finished being the waitress, she joined me and had coffee and a grapefruit.
It was still pretty cold outside, but during the day we did find the time to throw on some snowpants and run around outside. We got Dennis to the point of exhaustion, then came inside and watched movies.
At the end of the day, Mommy and I got stuck playing video games and never got around to making dinner, so once Daddy got home from work, we ended up going out for pizza!
Posted by Clover @ 8:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Puffy Coat
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy wasn't feeling very good today, so I decided to really tone things down and be cool. Instead of being a spaz, I kept things nice and quiet, and let Mommy have a pretty quiet day. I made lots of crafts, drew pictures, played video games, watched television... it was good!
After Daddy came home from work (with a really short haircut!), we were all gonna go for a drive to do some shopping, but I took one look at my puffy winter coat (because it is minus a million degrees outside) and freaked out. I absolutely did not want anyone to see me in that coat. To prove my point, I drew a cartoon of me in the coat and emphasized its puffiness!
At bedtime, Dennis was being really silly and kept jumping on me, making me laugh. My giggles could be heard echoing through the whole house!
Posted by Clover @ 12:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Jurassic Park
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was up and full of crazy at a pretty early hour. I played in my room and I played in my parents' room and played in the living room... I had a great time! Television, snacks, you name it, it was a great morning.
This afternoon Daddy drove off to finally do some uninterrupted holiday shopping. Meanwhile, I watched Jurassic Park, which Zoe got me for Christmas. I LOVED IT. I was so thrilled I could barely contain myself - I immediately went into my bedroom and made my own little Jurassic Park playset!
I went grocery shopping with my parents in the late afternoon, which was fine - I had to be spoken to fairly sternly about being too crazy in the supermarket. Dinner was good, and then I had a late bedtime, as well... due to all the craziness.
Posted by Clover @ 12:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 02, 2012
Joanna and Rob
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I played in my room a lot - once we got home from our trip, MORE Christmas presents appeared in the form of a new floor (and new furnishings) for my doll house. Pretty great! The new year started off nicely.
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy and I drove through the horrible, drizzly and cold weather to meet up with our good friends Joanna and Rob, who are visiting from the UK. I haven't seen them in so long - we had a nice chat, I got some snacks, and I kicked everyone under the table with my rainboots.
Mommy and Daddy and I stopped by the bookstore on the way home, had a quiet afternoon, and then joined Nee-Nee and Gammy and Grandpa for dinner, who also brought along two of Gammy's former students, Richard and Dorothy. We had a lovely big turkey dinner! By the end, I was totally exhausted.
Posted by Clover @ 1:36 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Flying Back to Canada
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and Daddy and Dennis and I left out litle Motel in Altoona nice and early this morning - man, was it ever cold and frosty outside! All the time spent in the south really made us forget what time of year it is.
Surprisingly, we flew through the rest of our drive through the States... I guess with it being New Year's Eve, nobody was doing much driving. Even the car seemed eager to get home, and consumed gasoline verrrry slooowwwlly. The few wrong turns we made barely affected our arrival time. We got back to Toronto way earlier than we thought we would!
I was pretty happy to see Gammy and Grandpa. It felt like it took Mommy and Daddy three times longer to unload the car as it did for them to load it. I made sure I helped out by staying out of the way.
For dinner we had a lovely meal of fancy pasta and sparkling peach juice to ring in the new year! Here's looking forward to 2012. My resolution this year is to learn my multiplication tables.