Monday, December 31, 2007
The Gnat
[[As transcribed by Daddy]
From the get-go this morning I was on the get-go. I was into everything, scattered, happy, sad, up, down, scurrying, getting out all of my stuff and playing with all of it and none of it simultaneously, Mommy and Daddy marvelled as I was everywhere and nowhere, interested and uninterested, engaged and enggaging all at once. I was lile a small, two-and-a-half-year-old walking rift in the space-time continuum. What better time to take me out shopping?
We went back to Nashua to look for a coat for Mommy... I got lost in the racks and racks of jackets, and had to be entertained with toys and the kayaks in the neighbouring sports store. I had the attention span of a gnat. I wasn't unpleasant, mind you, just... everywhere. We drove to Manchester, and I ran around the bookstore.
I played with Nana and Mommy and Charlie and Basil after lunch, made it to dinner without killing anyone or myself, and had a crazy tantrum when daddy went out to buy groceries without me. Mommy put me to bed ... and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Listening to: Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
Posted by Clover @ 12:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Willoughby Wallaby
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I had breakfast and did some drawing with Daddy, played Lego with Daddy, took photographs with Daddy, played with my new wooden train set with Daddy, and watched American Children's programming with Daddy. After enjoying lunch with Daddy, I went outside and built a snow-table for yesterday's (melting) snow-bunny with Daddy, threw snowballs with Daddy, and helped Mommy fix his aching back while singing the Willoughby Wallaby song.
Suddenly, my Dady with Daddy ended - Mommy and Nana and I went shopping for coats and stuff. We were gone for several hours, and my mother and grandmother strategically manipulated my sleeping patterns in order to ensure my bedtime co-operation, as Mommy and Daddy planned to see a movie tonight. It worked - Nana kept me distracted with toys, Christmas lights, and dinner, while Mommy and Daddy had their nice night out.
Posted by Clover @ 12:12 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Gassy Dedication
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a quiet morning with Mommy and Nana and Jim today - we ate some oatmeal, played outside in the snow (we made a bunny snowman!) and did lots of playing indoors with my new toys and stuff.
Daddy came back from New York City in the mid-afternoon with a toy lion for me (which I named 'Flower') - I was so happy I broke wind and told Daddy "I farted for you, Daddy!" It took everyone in the house a few minutes to regain their composure.
Daddy took Mommy and I out to Best Buy (no sales tax in NH) for some storage... I got to ride on the Merry-Go-Round, and when we got home I played with Daddy and gorged myself on ice cream.
Posted by Clover @ 1:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
Macaroni Monster
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I kicked Daddy outof bed in the middle of the night last night - I took his spot next to Mommy, and he slept on the floor with Basil. After we all got up in the morning, Mommy and Daddy and Cool Uncle Gareth went to have breakfast with Mommy's friend Sarah, so Nana took me shopping at Wal-Mart. I had a pretty good time, and was on my best behaviour. When we got back home, she discovered the monster that is me when I eat macaroni.
Daddy and Cool Uncle Gareth then said their good-byes (which I refused to acknowledge) and drove off to New York City. Mommy and Sarah and I hung out a bit, Sarah left, and Mommy and I had a nap.
It was something of a quiet afternoon (especially with that party animal of a Daddy being away), followed by a quiet evening, followed by a NOT quiet bedtime.
Posted by Clover @ 7:43 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
This song is about Mountain Goats
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I got in some play time with Lola and Olivia this morning before enjoying waffles-a-la-Eric for breakfast. We pakced up all our stuff, said our good-byes, and drove... several doors down to pick up Cool Uncle Gareth and to say bye-bye to GG and Aunt Diane and Uncle Ed and Gammy and Grandpa (etc).
The drive through Vermont was nice - I spontaneously invented a game where I'd hear a song playing on the radio and then tell everyone what it was about (which I was always wrong about, but it was still cute). We stopped (and WERE stopped by a cop) in Waterbury VT for lunch, and then drove through to Nana's house in NH. Everyone in the car napped except for the driver (who really wanted to).
We unwrapped more presents - I got a TON of awesome loot from Nana and Jim, and went to sleep soon after eating some dinner and trashing the living room. Right after I went to bed, Cool Uncle Gareth robbed his brother's in-laws blind during a friendly game of poker.
Posted by Clover @ 12:36 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Lot Crazy
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up this morning to discover a stocking with a toy in it! I was so excited I neglected to notice it had OTHER stuff in it, too. After breakfast, Mommy and Daddy and Lola and Olivia and Eric and Elizabeth and I opened a bunch of presents, which was a lot of fun! After that we headed over to Aunt Diane's, were joined by Robin, Brian, Nevi, Skye, Gammy, Grandpa, Cool Uncle Gareth, Ed, Diane, and GG - and we opened even MORE presents! What an awesome, exciting day!
In the afternoon, Robin, Skye, Brian, my parents, Nevi, and Gareth and I went outside and had a snowball fight in the park for something close to an hour. We had a blast - I loved throwing snowballs at Gareth and playing on the slide with Nevi.
Christmas dinner was good - I especially loved the Lemon pie. Nevi and I literally spun our wheels and burned energy by running laps of the house together... by the time the family gift exchange rolled around, my little cousins and I were beyond wired. It was a little crazy [actually, it was a LOT crazy] - my parents couldn't wait to get me outta there and into bed. Phew!
Posted by Clover @ 1:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My First Kiddie Table
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up this morning and played with my cousins from about 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. straight (with a short interruption for both breakfast and lunch) while my parents and Eric & Elizabeth stood by and supervised.
Eric and Daddy drove Olivia and I to Future Shop really quickly to pick up a few things - we thought it would be crazy (what with it being Christmas Eve, and all) but it was actually surprisingly quiet. No luck finding that PS2 / PS3 controller adapter, but Olivia scored an awesome DVD.
After that it was back to Aunt Diane's house, where Nevik and I played and I got to eat dinner at my very first-ever official 'kiddie table'. Daddy thinks it's quite a momentous occasion. I was pretty wiped out afterwards, though - it was soon back for a quick collapse in bed at Eric & Elizabeth's. Santa (and Cool Uncle Gareth!) arrive tonight! I left out cookies for them both.
Listening to: Great Lake Swimmers - Ongiara
Posted by Clover @ 12:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Gas Hog
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Up and at 'em early this morning after crashing with Mom last night. I was dismayed to discover that my parents had trashed our Christmas tree in the night in preparation for our trip to Montreal... which began around noon. We loaded all of our stuff into the car, grabbed some food, and headed out in our (upgraded-to) PT Cruiser. What a gas hog.
We stopped for lunch in Kingston (yay McDonald's!) and once more in Cornwall for more gas, but other than that, it was smooth sailing... literally. The entire pacific ocean must have ben dumped on our car during the trip, it rained so heavily.
I was really happy to arrive at Aunt Diane's house - my cousins and I ran around and played together a lot, tiring everyone within earshot out. Dinner was great, photos were taken, and we all expended enough toddler energy to power a nuclear submarine. I fell asleep at Eric & Elizabeth's place pretty quickly.
Listening to: Hubert's Moustache: The Songs of 2007
Posted by Clover @ 12:48 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Dinner Nap
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today we began the final preparations for Christmas. Mommy finished sewing and cooking and baking while Daddy kept me relatively distracted for a few hours - he even made me a fancy lunch! Then Mommy gave him crap for 'sitting around', so he and Mommy both ran all over the place maniacally tidying.
We loaded into the car to deliver gifts to Julie & Sarah, Jay & Arlynn & Corrin (who we had a lovely visit with), Leslie (who we had another great visit with - I ate her yogurt and played on her bed), and the grocery store.
I fell asleep on the way home - but it was pretty late, and as such my sleep schedule got completely fried! I slept through dinner, and when it was time for bed - THEN I got up. We opened some presents (from Leslie), watched some TV, and somehow my folks convinced me to go back to bed at around 11:00 pm.
Listening to: Panda Bear - Person Pitch
Posted by Clover @ 2:28 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy wasn't feeling very well again today, so this morning and through 'till the afternoon, I took care of her. Not a lot else got done, but we watched some television and stuff. Quality time, as far as I'm concerned.
Daddy came home from work early - the two of us went outside and played in the snow. We both made a snowbear (see photo) - it was lots of fun, even though it already seems to be melting. I ate an icicle. It was good.
I was lured out of the snow by the prospect of a trip to Starbucks (by way of the post office so that Daddy could mail off his year-end CDs). We came home and after cleaning up the apartment a bit, Daddy passed out on my bed while I played around him. By the time I was asleep, Mommy was feeling much better.
Posted by Clover @ 2:08 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Taking Care of Mommy
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy was feeling kinda off and sniffly this morning, so I made up for my emotion-draining performance of yesterday by taking really good care of her - tucking her in, snuggling her, and bringing Cinnamon Bunny over to her. It was really sweet, and quite appreciated.
Instead of going out to run some errands, we made a couple of batches of cookies and some chocolate-covered marshmallows. Fun stuff! We visited Gammy and Grandpa, and after Daddy came home from work, I strangely rocketed through my dinner (all the cookie dough may have fueled my speed burst).
Mommy and Daddy and I then hit a couple of stores - Old Navy and stuff for some Christmas odds and ends. I passed out in the car on the way home.
Listening to: Jay-Z - American Gangster
Posted by Clover @ 12:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Testing Mommy's Patience
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Not exactly a good day today, if you were Mommy. From the get-go, I was an extremely difficult kid. Without getting into specifics, I made a huge mess and really tested Mommy's patience with me. At one point I even scribbled all over our living room carpet with a red magic marker (but I said I wouldn't get into specifics, so...)
Actually, it wasn't so much the messes that I made as much as it was my refusal to clean up after myself and my insistence on claiming I WOULD tidy and then not following through. At the end of the day, Mommy had finally had enough and threatened to throw the toys littering my room in the garbage - when she stuffed them into a barbage bag, I really freaked out. We'll see if I learned my lesson.
There was a special Toopy & Binoo episode on tonight - plus Leslie came over in place of Daddy, who is out at a movie with Nick tonight. I'm glad for Mommy's sanity's sake that Leslie stopped by.
Posted by Clover @ 2:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
[As transcribed by Daddy]
God help us. Basil has been gassy from morning to night, and we're all going a little squirelly in our apartment. Trust me, you DON'T wanna visit us.
Mommy and I had to take a break from Basil's intestines this morning and went outside to make a snowman. At this point, the snow wasn't so great for snowman-building, but... it was good for fort-building (and fort-knocking-down). I spent most of the rest of the day playing in my house of balls and trying to escape our place to go and visit Gammy and Grandpa.
After Daddy came home from work, we went out to dinner at a restaurant of my choice, where Daddy ran into an old friend (Nick's sister). For some reason, I decided to be a real snob, however, and refused to say hello or even make eye contact. It was kinda funny. We did some grocery shopping after that - I was much more personable, then.
Listening to: Bob Marley & The Wailers - Exodus
Posted by Clover @ 1:36 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wandering with Grandpa
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mondays are traditionally my toughest days. Something about going from the excitement and freedom of the weekend to the weekdays, where I don't have my Daddy around - it makes it kinda sad.
Mommy and I were gonna go out for something of a walk today (to the toy store, where I kept asking to go), but I threw a fit, so Mommy put me down for a nap, where I was lovingly joined by Basil. Isn't that sweet?
After Daddy came home from work (late, due to snow and transit problems) we rushed over to the dentist's office with Grandpa in tow - he watched over me while my folks got their teeth checked. Grandpa and I had a nice time wandering the mall and stuff.
Posted by Clover @ 1:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
Snowed In
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy had a lot of sewing to do today, so Daddy agreed to take care of me for most of the day... which was a challenge, seeing as how we were completely snowed-in!
Mommy and Daddy and I joined Grandpa in spending a good chunk of time digging our cars and the driveway and sidewalk out of the 30cm of snow that fell during the night and for the better part of today. I had a blast playing in it all, even if it was up to my neck (see photo).
Daddy and I played video games, drew pictured, played with my toys, and the best part - we secretly assembled Mommy's Christmas present! It was fun (Daddy got a LOT of snuggles), albeit a test to the limit of my attention span. As soon as we were done, I ran downstairs and told Mommy all about it, despite the fact that Daddy told me to keep it for a Christmas Surprise. Oh well... she'll try to forget what I said and act surprised on Xmas morning.
Posted by Clover @ 2:28 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Hide The Sweet Potato
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Supposedly, there's a big winter storm a-comin', so today we had to sort of stock up on supplies and basically prepare for armageddon (which we're all assuming will turn out to only be a light dusting of snow). First up, we did some grocery shopping, which was fine, followed by a quick search for some shoes Mommy had her eye on (for me - because that's the sort of thing you need before a snowstorm). We hit a new Starbucks in the process, and I had some yogurt.
I played in the snow when we got back and had some lunch - then it was off to Old Navy for warm clothing and Canadian Tire for miscellaneous supplies (and component parts for Mommy's Christmas present). Then it was a snowball fight on the front yard with Mommy and Daddy!
I played a pretty awesome trick on my Mom today... I stole and his her embroidery thread and a very very large sweet potato. As of this writing, they found the sweet potato (under the couch), but no sign of the thread...
Posted by Clover @ 2:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Serenading James
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Grandpa drove Mommy & I to Julie & Sarah's house today. We had a great visit (as you can tell from the above photo). Cookies were eaten, toys were played with, and Mommy bonded with little baby James, who at one point went down for a nap. Recognizing the need to sing him a lullabye, I burst into his room to serenade him... but woke him up in the process. Oops.
Mommy and I went to the mall on the way home to pick up some diapers and dinner supplies, and then came home again. We hung out quietly this afternoon, and did some tidying before Daddy and Leslie joined us for dinner.
At that point I was completely exhausted from the busy day, and actually requested to be put to bed. It's always nice (and less of a fight) for my parents when that happens.
Posted by Clover @ 1:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 14, 2007
I Have To Push The Pram A Lot
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I went outside to play in the lovely snow today. She built a little fortress wall, and I had a good time knocking it down - I also spontaneously made a few snow angels, which is weird because neither of my parents taught me that. My snowpants don't fit anymore, too.
Mommy and finally took that walk to the post office and delivered those letters... on the way home I wanted to push the stroller myself. We were joined by Grandpa, who managed to sneak up behind us.
Mommy had a nice long nap in my bed this afternoon (accidentally), and I was such a little angel, snuggling her and taking care of her. After she woke up, Daddy came home from work, but then had to head out again for his company Christmas Party (which he didn't like, reportedly). I missed him a lot.
Posted by Clover @ 1:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
GG Blanket-Coat
[As transcribed by Daddy]
What a slippery day today! Mommy and I headed out to the post office (an idea Basil seemed to love) and slipped all over the place on all the black ice outside. After I fell for the fourth time, we gave up on the mail and the post office and the walk and went home.
To make up for it, Mommy and I played some fun video games online, and at one point I tore off my shirt, wrapped myself in the blanket that GG made me, and complained to Mommy: "I'm cold... In my GG blanket-coat."
I also decided to break out the crayons and draw all over the furniture (including on the flatscreen television), which didn't exactly go over anywhere. I napped when Daddy came home and drove us to the Butcher's, and when I woke up after we got home - man, was I ever unhappy.
Posted by Clover @ 1:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The Extent of my Naughtiness
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy woke up with a headache today! Yaaay! But seriously, folks - I took it easy on her today. I was very sweet to her - I could sense that she wasn't feeling great, and tried extra hard to get in a lot of snuggles.
We didn't do much by the way of the usual housework or anything (Daddy took care of that - plus Dinner - when he got home from work), but I was considerate in that I didn't mess the place up as much as I usually do, either. We got a lot of mail today, including some Christmas cards, which I vandalized - but that was the extent of my naughtiness, honest.
Daddy and I did a lot of drawing together before I went to bed. Once I was out for the evening, I kept having brief interruptions by bad dreams (or perhaps by a mouse).
Posted by Clover @ 1:30 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Last night I was a little coughy, so I came to join my folks in bed... Daddy moves to the couch, and when I saw him there the next morning, I thought it was hilarious.
today I was a bit emotional - I think I miss all the attention and commotion from the past few days. As a result, I was extra cuddly with Mommy... I ate a lot of snacks, and even managed to have a decent nap this afternoon. I put up with television I usually can't stand and an old movie with Mommy - but neither of us care for Andrea Bocelli, it turns out.
After Daddy and I came home, we played in my room before dinner, and then it was off to Ikea ("E.I.S." as I spelled it) to buy me some Christmas presents (I'm still unaware of why we were there) and stopped for hot chocolate on the way home!
Posted by Clover @ 1:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
GG's 90th
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I were up early this morning to play with Nevik and Brian, who came over for an early visit. After a while, we all got dressed up and headed out for Guelph - Aunt Diane joined my folks and I in the car. The traffic was thick, but I napped towards the end.
We met up with Gammy and Grandpa and Eric and Elizabeth and Robin and Brian and all my little cousins at GG's church, where we attended a huuuge party for her 90th birthday! I had a pretty good time - the food was nice, and when most of the crowds started leaving, Lola and Nevik and Olivia and I got to run around like crazy in the gynasium and burn some energy. I said goodbye to my aunts and uncles and cousins and GG - they were all headed off to their respective homes, and we'll see them again for Christmas.
Once we got home, Mommy and Daddy struggled quite hard to stay awake (they're pretty exhausted). I played video games with Daddy, injured his jaw, and fought going to bed after dinner.
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Run, Lola, Run
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up to discover that my cousins Olivia, Lola, Eric, and Elizabeth are here! They all came down and we played together and watched television before enjoying some lunch. At first I was weirded out by all the commotion, but I got pretty used to it.
Along with Mommy and Daddy, we all went to the zoo in the afternoon. It was chilly, and a lot of the animals were elsewhere, but we managed to have a great time... Eric took some awesome photos (you'll see them soon) and I made friends with a block of ice. Lola and I started getting pretty tuckered out towards the end, and started straggling... our parents' had to trick us into running to keep up.
I fell asleep on the way home - was rudely awakened from a perfectly nice nap only to discover cousins Nevik, Skye (who have a blog!!!), Robin, and Brian as well as Aunt Diane at home waiting for us. I was in a grumpy mood, and nonplussed at all the commotion - but I exiled myself to me bedroom and quietly played alone (and was eventually joined by Eric and Olivia).
Dinner was good, and post-dinner playing (Legos, again with Eric) was better. Tonight, I slept in my parents' bed, and dreampt about the time Nevik had my lizard toy...
Posted by Clover @ 1:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Dancing Shoes
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Daddy was shocked to see me when he woke up this morning - I had taken all my clothes off and covered myself with green magic marker. It goes without saying that I needed a bath.
Mommy did a lot more cleaning today in preparation for tomorrow's visit from our family in Montreal. There's gonna be a lot of 'em here, and I can't wait! I dunno if we kicked up a lot of dust or if it was due to the fact that the furnace was cleaned on Monday, but man, so I ever have a serious sniffle stuck in my nose.
We put our electric train around the base of our Christmas tree... I had fun with that. After Daddy came home from work, Gammy let me try on all of her old dancing shoes - ballet slippers, tap shoes, etc. I didn't like them because they were "too old." After dinner, we did some grocery shopping, and I was out like a light.
Posted by Clover @ 1:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 07, 2007
O Tannenbaum
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Imagine my surprise this morning when I shuffled into the living room and discovered - a Christmas Tree! I was thrilled, and over the moon, too! After a bowl of raisin bran (which I can talk about at great length), Mommy and I trimmed the tree with ornaments ("ornamums"), decorations, and lots of Mommy's crafty stuff, sewn over the past few months. We made some glittery snowflakes - and got glitter absolutely everywhere in the process.
I did a lot more drawing today (I know, surprise surprise). Some stuff fell off of one of our bookshelves and hit Mommy on the head, so we (by 'we' I mean Mommy) re-aligned all of our books and tidied the shelves... kicking up some dist and making us sneezy.
When Daddy came home from work, Mommy fell asleep. Hungry, he started making dinner himself. I saw this and panicked... claiming that dinner was Mommy's 'specialty', I ran over and yelled in her face to wake up and save us.
Posted by Clover @ 2:22 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 06, 2007
The Secret to Great Pumpkin Pie
[As transcribed by Daddy]
TheIt should be stated up front that I was a very good, sweet little girl today. It's true - I was. However, it was marred by two very brief (but extremely intense) tantrums during the day, each of which had to do with me not being allowed to watch television.
I freaked out so hard at one point that Mommy sat me in the rocking chair. This REALLY made me nuts - hence the chair has now been dubbed 'the naughty chair.' It's clear that it's extremely tough and painful for my parents to deprive me of attention when I'm totally spazzing out (which is what they do when it gets to a cetrain point) and screaming to be suggled... but it seems to be effective.
Mommy and I made Cool Uncle Gareth a pumpkin pie this afternoon, using real pumpkin puree (which we had around the house). By all accounts, it was the best pumpkin pie anyone in our family ever had. I think it was good because I stirred it.
Posted by Clover @ 2:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke Mommy and Daddy with a nice surprise - I brought each of them a stuffed animal and proceeded to be sweet and whisper very sweet nothings in their ears. It must have been a nice change from the repeated kicks in the crotch and head that I'm known for.
Just like yesterday, today was spent drawing. Drawing like crazy. I can't be stopped! Sure, there were a few quick interruptions, like when Mommy and I took a break from drawing to make a quick Gingerbread House (the best part is eating the candy decorations) and maybe to watch a few minutes of television... but then it was right back to drawing. I even drew a picture of Santa, which we'll probably put on our family Christmas card this year.
I also finally finished my contribution to my extended family's mass birthday present for GG and spent some time with Gammy and Grandpa. But yeah... for the most part I was just drawing. We need more paper.
Posted by Clover @ 1:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Artiste
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Ugh... I have a cold today. I suppose that because of the virus I'm fighting off, I actually slept in this morning. That's a pretty rare thing.
Mommy and I had a quiet day - the neatest thing that happened was simply a continuation of my recent artistic streak. I drew and drew and drew circles and people and animals and friends and weird conceptual pieces - some really neat and different stuff from what I usually do. I've filled something like three notebooks with drawings.
I was pretty full of energy today - Mommy and I made gingerbread cookies (putting icing on 'em was fun) and when Daddy came home from work, I was all over the place - running and jumping and conning Cool Uncle Gareth into tossing me around.
Daddy gave me a bath after dinner - I made a real effort to get as much water out of the bath and onto the floor as possible.
Posted by Clover @ 1:27 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
The Clutches of Cloveio
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up early with Mommy and we had a bubble bath together - it was a nice way to start the day. Right after, my parents had me sign a birthday card... as I did, I spoke aloud the spelling of my name... "C.L.O.V.E.I.O.!" Close enough - My parents were floored.
Daddy was off surprisingly early (especially considering it's the weekend!) to take care of some photography and audio. In the meantime, Mommy and I made cookie dough.
After lunch, Gammy invited Mommy and I to go a scrapbooking store to buy some items for GG's birthday present, after which we met up with Cool Uncle Gareth. I was so happy to see him... I didn't let him out of my sight and made sure I monopolized 100% of his time. The poor guy even had to escape from my clutches at one point (during which Mommy and I finished baking cookies).
Daddy came home, joined us all for dinner, and I went to bed right when some of Daddy and Gareth's friends came over to visit.
Posted by Clover @ 2:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 02, 2007
We're Coming, Necklace!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Something weird happened this morning. Mommy and I were hanging out, minding our own business, when the lights went out and the TV shut off. She called it a 'power failure' - I didn't like it much, because I couldn't watch TV. Daddy woke up and we all joined Gammy and Grandpa and shivered in the freezing cold for several hours.
My folks got sick and tired of shivering, so we decided to just head out and do the weekly grocery shopping. When we got bck, the power was back on - we ate lunch, and then Leslie came over! Yay! She brought me a lovely scarf and necklace.
The bunch of us drove to Markham - I had fallen asleep in the car, and was rudely woken up to visit some craft store that (Daddy &) I had no interest in. Daddy and I hung out by the stocking stuffers and played with the same ones, over and over and over again. Next, Daddy went to a costume shop to by a moustache (?!) and then we dropped Leslie off at her friend's place for a birthday party. I was sad to see her go... but happy to be going home to my new necklace.
"We're coming, necklace!", I shouted into the night.
Listening to: Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon
Posted by Clover @ 1:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Otto Vocado
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I went into the bathroom, found Mommy and Daddy's empty contact lens cases, folded them up (something I liked to do) and pretended they were 'a family' - I named one the Mommy, one the Daddy, and I made them kiss. So adorable!
Not much happened today, due to Mommy's queasy stomach and some weird, blustery weather outside. I DID have a nap at one point, but I wasn't happy about it - I would later describe it as "A Bad nap, because it made me mad." I spent the rest of the afternoon drawing pictures and played with my long-lost electric train set. I also scribbled on the floor and got in trouble for deliberately spilling water everywhere.
Daddy came home from work, and despite our belt-tightening, we decided to go out for Japanese food for dinner. Due to the late hour I was a bit restless, but I enjoyed my avocado ('Otto Vocado'!) maki anyway.