Saturday, January 31, 2009

The War of the Ring

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a really good day today - until, that is, I misplaced the plastic ring that Julie gave me. When I couldn't find it I screamed and screamed and cried and threw one of the biggest tantrums of my life... it was pretty ridiculous. Mommy found it smack dab in the middle of my room but took it away from me anyway since I overreacted so badly.

I helped Mommy with her big mission for the day - to clean her room. It was such a mess that it literally took her all day to clean it, and exhausted her completely. I helped with some fabric folding, but mostly helped by staying out of the way for the most part.

Daddy had to stay late at work - I didn't seem to mind much that he missed dinner (Mommy and I actually made sushi - it was great!), but was pretty annoyed with him for missing my bedtime. Sometimes I don't like his job.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Woe is Cinnamon Bunny

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Would you believe there was yet another snowstorm last night? as though we haven't had enough. Sheesh. Mommy and I stayed home again today - we took it easy, and did the usual routine of reading, playing, eating lunch, and the like. I agreed to help her tidy up the living room (although just because I agreed to it doesn't mean I followed through) - I DID manage to kinda wash the coffee table.

After Daddy came home from work, I was happy to play Doctor to all of my toys with him. As usual, Cinnamon Bunny is pretty sick. Let me tell you - that poor rabbit has a lot of problems. He's got a horrible cough, a rash, a headache, and his heart is not pumping blood, has broken into a million pieces in his chest, and isn't even red or pink anymore! I even went upstairs to tell Gammy and Grandpa and Nee-Nee that Cinnamon Bunny's penis has become infected due to it's constant dangling beneath him when he walks - I cited Basil as an example.

Nobody could stop laughing.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pizza the Hut

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was another ridiculously snowy day today - as a result, we were a little bit late for playschool this morning. Mommy even pulled me most of the way there on my sled! I had a fun time - Julie and Sarah were there, and I was extremely excited to see them. After playschool, Julie invited Mommy and I to join her and Sarah and James at Pizza Hut! I enjoyed it, but Mommy had to hurry us outta there when I started making faces and funny noises, getting myself and James a little bit worked up and silly.

Mommy did some snow-shoveling when we got home, and accidentally gave herself a really bad headache in the process. She passed out on the couch in the living room - I was very nice to her and didn't bother her or anything.

Having said that - I was pretty thrilled when Daddy got home from work, and had to try really hard to pry him away from tidying the house. Mommy got up in time to make dinner - thank goodness. I dunno that I could've handled another meal from Daddy today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Running for the Bus

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was a good kid today - I did my best to stay out of Mommy's way as she exercised (with moderate success) and played some video games, and later Mommy and I had a pretty good time playing checkers (Mommy made me actually finish a whole game) and dominoes.

When it was time to go to art class, we had to run for the bus - when it drove off without me, I cried a bit but calmed down eventually. I ran really hard, man. Art class was fun - I made a lion face out of construction paper and hung out with my friends and stuff.

After a lovely dinner, Daddy took Mommy and I to the bookstore so that he could pick up some design books for work. I chatted Mommy's ear off and made other ladies in the store laugh. On the way home, I suddenly developed a sudden love for spelling and for figuring out the first letter in different words.

Listening to: Van Halen - 1984

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Dentist

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was such a great kid today. Mommy and I took a quick walk through the freezing cold and went to the corner store where we bought some kibble for Basil - kibble that made him unbearably gassy for the rest of the day. If we could travel back n time and change the past, we might just change the brand of kibble we bought.

I got a new Dinosaur DVD in the mail today, which Mommy and I watched together before playing some games and doing some cool floor puzzles (Mommy let me solve them on my own today). Later on, I had a swimming lesson - I was much better behaved than usual, and paid close attention to what the instructor told me to do. I even floated with a pool noodle!

Finally, after a quick dinner, Mommy and Daddy and I all went to the Dentist. I had my first ever checkup, and it went really well - I was a perfect angel and didn't mind Dr. Hilton and the hygenist poking around in my mouth. I even helped him count all my teeth! To top it off, I got an amazing dinosaur toothbrush!

So awesome.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Waffles & Pancakes

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up before everyone else this morning, and harassed anyone I could find until they got up and made me my breakfast. Daddy didn't sleep well last night due to his cold, so it took him a little longer than everyone else to wake up.

Mommy and Daddy made a long list of stuff we could do in order to get us out of the house - first we went out to a restaurant where I had a blueberry waffle and did some colouring. Next, we went to Future Shop and bought a new DVD player (ours died back when the Bujolds were visiting, and we've been borrowing from Gammy and Grandpa since then. Rather than buy our own new one, we bought Gammy and Grandpa a new one so that we don't have to take the TV off the wall to disconnect theirs).

After we got to the bookstore, Mommy's intestines started turning sommesaults. Daddy read to me as we sat on the floor in the kid's section... Mommy never really got back to 100%, so we hurried home, where Daddy had a fairly lengthy afternoon nap. So much for everyone's afternoon plans and all the things we were gonna do!

Once Mommy woke him up, we did the weekly grocery shopping, came home again, and had blueberry pancakes for dinner. Not too shabby! Oh, and I didn't ever complain about not getting to watch TV today, either.

Listening to: The Pursuit of Happiness - The Downward Road

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Seaton Trail VI

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was such a good girl today! I was friendly and sweet in the morning cuddly and cute in the afternoon, adorable and fun at dinner, and then... well, unfortunately, I geuss it all fell apart before bed. I asked to hit the sack at like 6:30, and my folks that was odd - so they kept me up. I really made them pay for it by throwing a major tantrum and screaming and wailing like a banshee. I screamed right in Daddy's face!

I guess it was because I was worn out... after lunch, Mommy and Daddy decided to take me out on a 'photo shoot' in the woods, despite the fact that it was a million degrees below zero out there. We drove out to the Seaton Trail, threw me on my sled, and pulled me along for about 20 minutes before the cold got the best of all of us. We got some photos taken (replenishing our diminishing stock of new pictures to put on the blog), and perhaps even a little frostbite on our toes. I pulled my dinosaur along - it was cute.

We did some quick grocery shopping before heading home - I almost fell asleep in the shopping cart.

Listening to: The Pursuit of Happiness - Love Junk

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sanitized Clue

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Man... I think that over the past week, Mommy and I left the house ONCE, and that was to go to the Doctor's office. Yikes. Mommy's pretty sick with the cold that Daddy and I gave her (Cinnamon Bunny is feeling a bit better)... she didn't sleep well last night, and wasn't very much fun. I was pretty bored - although Grandpa did pay a visit and played with me a bit, and we did break out the board games again. I really enjoyed playing Clue today. Granted, it's been somewhat sanitized for me, and I have no actual inkling about how the game is played, but we made up our own version. It's fun.

After Daddy came home from work, I was overjoyed when he took me and Mommy out of the house to pick up some Pizza. I know, I know... not really a huge deal, but when you've been cooped up like we have, it's a big deal!

Mommy's pretty determined to get us out of the house over the weekend, no matter how sick she is or no matter how cold it's supposed to be.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Clover, M.D.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After a boring early morning spent alternately having a tantrum and watching the news with Daddy, I had a relatively good day with Mommy. I didn't use the computer once, to make up for yesterday, of course.

Mommy and I played some new board games - Monopoly and Clue. I loved Monopoly... the play money was pretty fun! Other than that, I traded my cold to both Mommy and Cinnamon Bunny. As I later told Daddy, "Mommy can take care of herself", so I made it my job to take care of Cinnamon Bunny. I put him to bed, took his temperature, gave him some cream for his rash, and even made sure he gave me a urine sample (all recent echoes of my recent medical situations).

We were gonna go out for lunch, but Daddy absconded with our debit card, so we ended up staying home and having hot dogs for lunch. Since we're out of chicken soup, I took a break from Doctoring my toys and Mommy cooked us some fish! And it was great!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Computer Insolence

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had a semi-decent sleep last night, and woke up noticeable less sick than I was yesterday... but still wasn't allowed to go to my friend Sarah's birthday party, for risk of infecting the other kids or any pregnant women in attendance. Mommy promised that we could throw Sarah our own party for her at the next available opportunity, which kinda made me happier.

I spent a lot of time on the computer today - probably way too much time, actually. At one point, Mommy went to have a shower and asked me not to use the computer while she was in there. When she emerged she discovered me on the computer, deliberately disobeying her!

Daddy came home and played with me before dinner (more chicken soup, which we also had for lunch), and then it was quickly off to bed for me - my folks' favourite show was back on!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy and I are both still pretty sick... Daddy was so bad that he decided to stay at home from work, which is a pretty rare occurrence. Save for a lengthy spell on the couch where he and Mommy shared an emotional morning watching some big-deal Presidential Inauguration - something that I could honestly not give a care about. I was much more excited over the fact that I got a letter from Corrin and a magazine in the mail!

Daddy took over the computer and just did a whole lot of work while Mommy and I hung out and played games and stuff (he then fell asleep on the couch). When he woke, he and Mommy did some grocery shopping, while I visited with Gammy and helped her make dinner!

I had a crisis moment when Mommy spilled my dinner (a delicious chicken soup) on the floor, but I got over it. Then I slipped and fell in it and had another crisis moment, but then I got over that, too.

Hopefully all that Inauguration stuff is over tomorrow. I'm tired of watching the news.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Keeping an Eye on Mommy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I'm still sick, and Mommy's been feeling off too, so today the two of us grabbed the bus, switched over to a packed subway, and went to the Doctor's office. We had quite the long wait, saw the Doctor, and had to wait for the technicians to return from their lunch break before we could do all the lab work. Mommy had some blood taken, which I watched carefully... I was so well behaved, I got a sticker. Mommy was somewhat annoyed that she didn't get one, seeing as how she was also well-behaved.

By the time we got home, her and I had been out for almost five hours. Phew! We bought some flowers at the store - the clerk asked me who they were for, and I told him they were for "the table."

I didn't eat much at lunch or dinner... but I made sure I kept an eye on Mommy - while she had a bath, while she made dinner, and then at the end of the day when I kept waking up in the middle of the night.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Museum Proprietor

[As transcribed by Daddy]

See the above photo? My family and I desperately pine for a day like that again. We're snowed in again... and every time one of us goes by a nature or wilderness program on one of our new HD channels, we sit there and stare longingly. We want to go for a hike so badly!

Daddy had a lot of work to do - he blocked up a ton of (really weird looking) print ads while Mommy did a great job of keeping me busy. If not for the fever I had last night or the head cold that appears to be descending upon me once again, we'd have played outside in the snow. In the meantime, we drew pictures, played a lot of games (I even learned how to play the Wii!) and I even set up a miniature dinosaur museum in my room for my parents to visit!

At times I was kinda whiny and complainy, but my folks'll let it slide today - I'm sick and didn't get enough sleep last night.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two Birthdays and a Funeral

[As transcribed by Daddy]

First thing this morning, Daddy and Grandpa returned the new flatscreen TV to the store to get the actual model my folks paid for. Once they came back, Mommy and Daddy and I drove out to the MacDermott's house, to celebrate Corrin's third birthday! We had pizza, played with toys, and had a fun time. I got to meet lots of other kids, and enjoyed squishing Zoe's legs.

We came home, and Daddy immediately headed out to a funeral (Mommy had to explain that one to me a bit) - in the meantime, Mommy and I hung the new television up on the wall. It's big, and it has all my favourite shows on it!

After Daddy got back, he and Grandpa set up the HD service, and then Mommy an I joined them plus Gammy and Nee-Nee for Grandpa's birthday dinner. We had a great time... I kinda filled up on bread though. That's okay... I can have my cheese and octopus pizza for lunch tomorrow.

We came home, ate some pie that Mommy made for Grandpa, and went to bed.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Mike Wazowski Series

Under the table with Daddy, Blueblee, and Cinnamon Bunny
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was a quiet day today - it's still soul-crushingly cold outside so Mommy and I just kinda hung out at home. Basil tried to make a next out of the furniture-tent that I made, and that didn't make me happy... but all-in-all, I wasn't too difficult today! I sure did sleep a lot last night - Daddy had already left for work by the time I woke up in the morning!

I kinda helped Mommy make a nice quiche for dinner, and protested my parents' desire to get a new television. I explained to them that I like the shows on our current TV... I'm worried that a new television set might not have my favourites on it.

At some point, Daddy really ought to post more of my art on the blog. For example, today while Mommy napped, I drew something like twenty little pictures of Mike Wazowski - they're a great series of pictures that are really something to see.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Furniture Tent

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another cold day outside means another day cooped up inside. Mommy made the best of it though - she set up a tent made of blankets and furniture in the dining room, and the two of us spent a good part of the day under there doing puzzles, playing games, and reading lots of books.

We also did a lot of dancing to my favourite album - although I also made sure that my least favourite album didn't come on afterwards. I hate that "White Snow" song.

I helped Mommy make a big batch of chicken & dumplings for dinner, which we enjoyed after a great game of Dinosaur Go Fish in my furniture tent with Daddy. Then he took us to Best Buy to look at flat screen TVs, and I was really really tired and whiny and kinda difficult. Ah well. I don't want a new TV - I like the one we have even though it's broken.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Future DD

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After an odd early morning (when I told my grandparents all about how I was gonna have "beautiful big boobs" when I grow up), Mommy and I walked through the soul-freezing cold to playschool, where I had a decent time - I was the only kid who did any of the crafts, but at the same time I was somewhat grumpy and difficult with the other kids. I growled at a 14-month-old boy who was chewing on the dinosaur toys, but apologized.

Mommy and I were pretty cooped up today. At one point, Mommy got a nosebleed, and it really freaked me out. Just the idea that it could happen kinda scares me.

After Daddy came home from work, we had some dinner - despite how much I begged and pleaded and cried for us to go out to a restaurant or to the mall. So ended a day where I was pretty up-and-down, running Mommy ragged and making her miss the days when I was the easiest kid on the planet. Before bed, my folks and I played an awesome game of dominoes and drew some cool cartoons.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I was getting pretty cooped up and a little fussy with Mommy - she suddenly had the bright idea to go outside and build a snowman. The weather was agreeable and the snow was perfect, so... we ended up making a dinosaur snowman - a snowparasaurolophus! I named him 'Harry'. Mommy sent the above photo to Daddy at work, who thought it was so awesome he showed it to all his co-workers.

Mommy and I had a quiet afternoon, at the end of which I had my art class. I made some pirate-themed stuff, which was great... but by then the temperature had started drastically dropping. I desperately wanted to help Nee-Nee in her attempt to make an epic dinner for Gammy and Grandpa, but wasn't allowed. I helped Mommy make perogies instead.

After dinner, Daddy took Mommy and I to the supermarket, where we made pretty quick work of the groceries, and shivered all the way home. It is really REALLY cold out there.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hamming and Hawking

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was in bed with my folks pretty early last night - Daddy went to the couch, but then traded places with Mommy, who could not manage to fall asleep during the night. I ended up running circles around her after I woke up again in the morning - she did her best to stay awake and keep and eye on me while she dozed on the couch, and I demanded snacks (even after having the world's biggest bowl of Cheerios for breakfast).

We had a quiet day of Lego, board games, play-dough, toys, and some painting. In the late afternoon, Mommy and I went over to the local pool for my swimming lesson, but I wasted a lot of time hemming and hawing about just getting into the water (which I was convinced would be too cold). Eventually I did, though... and didn't want to leave.

Mommy and Daddy co-made dinner, and then Daddy drove to to Starbucks to get some dessert, but I kinda fell asleep on the way. Ah well.

Listening to: Kraftwerk - Computer World

Monday, January 12, 2009

Candyland with Nick

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Boy oh boy, was I ever up early. It wasn't even 8 in the morning, and I made my way to my Grandparents' and started harassing them! Eventually I got some food into me (more blueberry pancakes) as well as a few decent television shows, and then Mommy and Daddy took me along for a trip to the butcher. While Daddy and I waited in the car, we played a game of I-Spy and "Imaginary Candyland", which is as weird as it sounds.

We got home, and Daddy and I watched a cool movie - although my attention span was really put to the test. Soon afterwards, Nick came over - the first person who's not either a family member or Leslie to come over in ages - and played a lot of loud video games with Daddy. At first I danced around for them, which amade everyone laugh and smile, but I eventually had enough and told them to stop it (I must have been getting sick of hanging out with Gammy and Grandpa, because that's where I kept escaping to).

I played a lively game of Candyland with Daddy and Nick, and then Mommy made us all a fancy dinner, moist of which ended up on my face. I had a tub and went to bed pretty easily. Phew!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hot Chocolate vs. Mississauga

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up with Mommy pretty early today - we had a pretty pleasant morning, and together we put together the biggest batch of blueberry pancake batter anyone has ever seen. We brought it to Daddy for breakfast in bed (in pancake form, of course).

Mommy's tummy was still a little off, so Daddy made me some lunch. 'Twas good! I was really hoping to spend the day just him & me, but I was a bit spastic... I think he was nervous about me being cantankerous, so he insisted Mommy joined the two of us on a trip to Mississauga to pick up a DVD he's been looking for. We got as far as the Best Buy, where we got a new connector cable for the iPod and the car stereo, when Mommy's tummy got bad again. He dropped her home - the prospect of hot chocolate at home sounded better than a trip to Mississauga, so I stayed home too. Mommy and I watched dinosaur DVDs and cuddled on the couch.

When Daddy came home a few hours later, I played Lego in my room with Grandpa, and played video games while Daddy made a spaghetti dinner using the ground venison Aunt Trina sent up with Nana the other day.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sleep Reading

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy was off to work before I even woke up today - after a quiet morning with Mommy, Nana, and Jim, my big box of Lego finally arrived in the mail. I was really excited - I played with it a lot for hours, and used the bucket it came in as a bed for some of my stuffed animals.

Given the oncoming winter storm, Nana and Jim decided they had better hightail it out of Toronto and head back to Virginia via Rochester and New Hampshire. I was sad to see them go after such a short visit - but I really enjoyed playing with them while they were here.

Mommy and I had a quiet afternoon, but then Mommy got a pretty bad tummy ache and was completely out of commission by the time Daddy got home. He fed me dinner and put me to bed - and he actually fell asleep in the middle of reading to me but kept reading as he slept. Creepy.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Play with me?

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I asked Mommy to play with me, and then I asked Nana to play with me, and then I asked Mommy to play with me, and then I asked Nana to play with me, and then I asked Mommy to play with me, and then I asked Nana to play with me, and then... you get the idea.

After lunch, Mommy and Nana and I went to Wal-Mart, because Nana wanted to buy me a present (and some other stuff). I picked out a toy garage (oddly), and was quite happy... but when it came time to look for bird feeders and groceries, I got really bored really fast.

When we came home, I asked Mommy to play with me, and then I asked Nana to play with me, and then I asked Mommy to play with me, and then I asked Nana to play with me, and then... you get the idea. We all had a tea party in my room and watched some Dinosaur DVDs before Daddy came home and ordered pizza and wings for us all!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Doctor Psoriasis

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning we all woke to a lovely snowfall, and some of the best packing snow ever all over the yard. We were a bit slow to rise, and decided to bail on playschool (Julie wasn't going, Mommy had a long shower, and I was pretty into some video games). We then got a call from the doctor's office (Who I alternately have called "Doctor Psoriasis" and "Doctor Vezzy") .

Mommy and I made out way downtown, waited and waited and waited (was it ever boring), and were informed that I was fine. Why they couldn't just tell us that over the phone I don't know, but whatever - I enjoyed the snow on the way home.

Mommy and I had a late lunch, did some more cleaning, waited for Daddy to come home from work (with presents from France from Matt and Ines), had some dinner, and then rejoiced as Nana and Jim finally made their way to our place - with presents in tow for me! Nana even read a story to me before bed!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Blueberries on the Brain

[As transcribed by Daddy]

My forgetful father forgot to mention that I went to the Doctor yesterday! It was a fairly uneventful appointment... more urinary tract infection stuff.

Today I overheard Mommy mention a 'project for the day' over the phone to Daddy, and I got excited - she told me the project was to clean out the fridge. I wasn't too thrilled, but when she told me it was to make room for all the blueberries Nana and Jim are bringing when they come over tomorrow, I got super excited! Not because Nana and Jim are coming over, mind you, but because there's gonna be blueberries!

I had blueberries on the brain for the rest of the day. We went to art class, and on the bus on the way I invented a game called "Guess what I'm thinking about!" (the answer was always 'Blueberries'). At class I made a wizard's hat and a wand.

At dinner, I didn't wanna eat my spinach (I only wanted blueberries). Daddy demonstrated how one gains superhuman strength from consuming spinach by picking up the computer chair. I quickly ate my spinach and was (kinda) able to do the same.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy's alarm clock went off this morning, and he kept hitting 'snooze'. I was eager to wake up, and I was sharing the bed with my folks (naturally), I asked Daddy to wake up. When Mommy told me that he's slow. I said "Then he is called 'Slowsus'", thus Christening him with his new name. My parents were laughing so hard they had no choice but to get out of bed.

After Slowsus went off to work, Mommy and I had a nice afternoon of the usual, back-to-normal routine kinda stuff. Towards the end of the day, we went back to swimming lessons (this time, Mommy wasn't in the pool with me). When my swimming teacher told us there wouldn't be any playing with the pool toys, I had a bit of a tantrum, but Mommy convinced me to apologize.

After dinner I went to bed - Mommy and Slowsus went out to a movie, and then, of course, I woke up and had to hang out with Gammy until my parents came home. They really really really appreciate Gammy going out of her way to stay up and keep me company and read to me! So am I, of course.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Kicking Daddy out of Bed

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Yet again, I was up in the middle of the night - I crawled into bed with my parents and could not lie still. I sang, danced, fidgeted, cried, moaned, and the best part? I literally kicked Daddy over the edge of the bed as he slept, sending him crashing to the floor. I thought it was funny - he didn't, and he whined about it all day. Mommy developed another brutal headache.

After a quiet morning spent with both my family and my Grandparents, I had some lunch and then after some video games it was time to do the weekly grocery shopping. We were gonna go to the bookstore afterwards, but I fell asleep in the car, so we picked up some new comic boxes for Daddy's pile of comics in the other room.

Mommy made some pad thai, which was awesome, and after playing and stuff, it was bedtime. Daddy's gotta go back to work tomorrow, so let's see if I can let him have a good night's sleep.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Gaza Protests

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I joined my folks in bed last night, sending Daddy to the couch - when Mommy and Basil and I woke up, we just kinda let him lie there and went about our day as he slept amidst all the noise. Eventually he woke up and was on tenterhooks for some exciting (to him only) news.

Mommy had a pretty bad headache - so Daddy decided to take me downtown to give her the afternoon off. When we emerged from the subway system, however, we ended up smack dab in the middle of two really large, loud, and somewhat angry dueling protest marches. There were cops on horses and everything. I didn't seem too scared, but Daddy ushered me outta there anyway. I don't really understand the politics involved, but I guess the shouting kids my age participating on either side of the protests do...

Daddy and I went to the bookstore, where I fell asleep on his lap as he read to me. We looked in a few other stores downtown before heading home. I can't say I had the best time, but it was alright.

We had a quiet evening - I asked to go to bed a little bit early. That's always a nice treat for my folks... Mommy's headache was on its way out as I fell asleep, coincidentally.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Three Malls and no Lego

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I'm happy to report that after a good night's sleep (with Mommy), I'm feeling much better, and the difference is quite noticeable. I'm not 100%, but I'm miles away from where I was yesterday.

After a morning of playing in my room, visiting my Grandparents, and playing dinosaur videogames with Mommy, we had a nice lunch, and then Daddy drove us (it's nice to be back in the Fit) all the way out to Cookstown, so that we could find some Lego at the outlet mall there. No dice - but we did end up finding some Tinkertoys.

On the way back, we happened to drive past another mall (Vaughan Mills), so we figured we'd have a look for Lego there. No luck - but we circumnavigated the mall, got a smoothie, and bought art stuff.

On the way home, we happened to drive past ANOTHER mall (Fairview), so we figured we'd have a look for Lego there, too. No luck - but I did get a new jacket.

We came home (sick of malls), ate dinner, and played with my new tinkertoys.

Listening to: Doves - The Last Broadcast

Friday, January 02, 2009

Breakfast after Lunch?

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up pretty early and in bed with Mommy - not that came as much of a surprise to anyone. Having a cold really, really sucks, man. My face is all chapped and I hate chap stick, my nose is running but it's all chapped, I've gotta take medicine, my appetite is weird, and sleeping is difficult when you keep waking up sneezing and coughing. Ugg.

I was up kinda early and hung out with my Grandparents while my folks snoozed a bit. When Mommy finally woke up, it was too late for breakfast, which made me sad - I asked if it'd be okay to have breakfast after lunch.

My folks and I played a bit in my room - while Mommy watched some old movies, Daddy and I played with my toys, and while Daddy archived CDs and restored missing photos of me (!) with Grandpa, Mommy and I played games and restaurant and stuff. We had vegetarian quesadillas, and then it was off to bed for me - with some sinus-related difficulties, of course.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Snotty New Year

[As transcribed by Daddy]

My head cold is bad. This morning I was well enough to tag along on a few errands with my folks - first, we picked up a month's worth of comics from the folks that used to run the comic book store, and then we drove uptown, did some walking in the freezing cold, and visited a toy store and a book store.

Daddy finally corralled Mommy and I into this Mexican restaurant he's been going on about for months, and we all really enjoyed it! We headed home and I had a nap - the plan was to go to the Zoo for their New Year's Party, for which we bought tickets...

...but when I woke up from my nap, my cold had gotten so bad and I was so miserable that there really wasn't any way I'd be up for a late night or a trip to the zoo. Daddy bought some soup fixins, Mommy made one heck of an awesome soup, and we had a nice evening in.

After a movie and a bath, I visited Gammy and Grandpa and Nee-Nee - we had our own little New Year's Eve party at about 10:00. It was brief, but fun. And now, I'm off to bed with a head full of mucus. Happy New Year!

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!