Saturday, October 31, 2009
Eight Princesses and a Pink Batman
{As transcribed by Daddy]
It was awesome - this morning I made some scones, watched some TV, ate some lunch, played Dominoes, and put on my costume and wore it to school!
At school, there were mostly various Princesses (2 Belles, A Snow White, a Cinderella, a Sleeping Beauty, a Tinkerbell, some miscellaneous Princesses) a Witch, Hanna Montana, a Mouse, and me - PINK BATMAN. We had a costume parade (inside the school - it was raining pretty hard today). One other kid dressed up as Michael Jackson, and that was awesome. Daddy's very first memory of school was this day - Junior Kindergarten Halloween. So, that's kinda full-circle-ish.
Mommy and I made a few stops on the way home, and carved some awesome looking pumpkins in the afternoon. We watched some TV, I drew some pictures, and Daddy took Mommy and I to the outdoor mall after dinner. I got a new book. Mommy tried to read it to me at bedtime, but I stayed up late - I would. Not. Go. To. Sleep.
Posted by Clover @ 12:37 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Sneaking Candy
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning Mommy caught me trying to sneak a bag of Halloween candy into my bedroom, and had some words with me. This made me angry, and I was pretty rude to Mommy for the rest of the morning. I got over it eventually and drew a picture of a "Girl-Man" on stilts, flying a kite.
Mommy took me to school in the afternoon, and I'm happy to report that for the second time, I was chosen to be the teacher's helper! I got to do the traditional helper duties - I 'took the blue folder to the counter' (took the attendance to the office?) and 'wrote the letters and numbers' (whatever that refers to).
Afterwards, I had a pretty decent afternoon - Mommy and I made the final finishing touches on my Pink Batman costume, which I'm gonna wear to school tomorrow! Let's hope I don't wreck it.
Listening to: The Swell Season - Strict Joy
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was crazy today. This morning Mommy caught me trying to vault off of the coffee table and onto the couch while watching cartoons. I couldn't sit still! It was insane!
School today was really good... Mrs. Bartlett showed us all how to carve a pumpkin (something I'm already pretty familiar with, thankyouverymuch) and we all got to dip our hands inside and scoop out pumpkin guts. Mommy came and got me afterwards, and I uncontrollably splashed in all of the puddled along the way.
Mommy accidentally (long story) made me an early dinner, and then Daddy took us all to the all to buy some clothes. He and I got some bubble tea, which did not make me any less spastic and full of shenanigans.
Listening to: Tegan And Sara - Sainthood
Posted by Clover @ 12:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Waiting for Daddy
Jalopy Driving
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
Mommy and I went to the farmer's market this morning - we had a good time, but I was disappointed that the sweet potato guy wasn't there (he usually has muffins for me) and I accidentally knocked over some tomatoes, so… we kinda had to buy those.
School was good - it was warm enough that I didn't have to wear my coat, and we went to the library, where I got a pretty awesome Halloween book. I both sat and played with Cheyenne during and after class.
I watched a DVD when I got home, but really wanted someone to play with me - Mommy was busy cooking, so I set up my chair in front of the door and waited for Daddy got home. That got pretty boring after about a minute, so I decided to play video games (and to help Mommy make dinner) instead.
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Alice Sanderson
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning Mommy had a pretty bad headache, so I frequently hugged her until she felt better. Our landlords hired some roofers to fix the roof, and the unexpected sound of all the construction kinda made me nervous about going upstairs.
Mommy took me to class in the afternoon, and that was nice - we got to hear some Halloween stories, and I got a proof of my class picture back. I played with Adrienne on the playground afterwards, and got to see Cody on the way home!
The two of us had a pretty nice afternoon of french fries and apples, and we completely re-decorated the living room with jack-o-lantern's and candles and stuff... but I reminded Mommy that I had a swimming class when it was too late - we missed the class entirely. I was pretty mad. Daddy came home from work and took me out to pick up some dinner, and I told him all about it.
We all ate dinner and watched Jeopardy! - I was disappointed that the host wasn't introduced as 'Alice Sanderson.' I honestly thought that was his name.
Listening to: Kings of Convenience - Declaration of Dependence
Posted by Clover @ 12:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 26, 2009
Canada's Wonderland
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
Alrighty, so this morning I eagerly awaited my big surprise... as soon as we were all up and the laundry was finished, we picked up a gluten-free pizza and drove off to my surprise - Canada's Wonderland! I've never been there before, so I didn't really know what to expect, but was really impressed.
I went on a bunch of easy, four-year-old-friendly rides, and really liked all of the special autumn and Halloween-themed stuff, like the treasure map, the free pirate costume stuff, mazes, and playgrounds. The line-ups were pretty short, and the weather was really co-operative. I should add that I went on the Ghoster Coaster and absolutely hated it, and told anyone who would listen this fact. It was too fast and had too many ups-and-downs, but have vowed to try again when I'm eight.
I really didn't want to go, but you could tell I was flagging - all the excitement had me pretty tired and moody. We picked up some dinner at the supermarket, came home, and I actually hit the sack a little early.
Listening to: Sufjan Stevens - The BQE
Posted by Clover @ 12:26 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Scuppered Surprise
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had your average Saturday morning of cartoons, cereal, video games, and grandparents, and eventually I got to have some lunch. The plan today was for my parents to surprise me with a trip to Canada's Wonderland (er, I don't know this, but my Daddy does, and he's the one writing this blog entry, so...) but the weather report called for rain.
Of course, the rain never really came, and we all TOTALLY could have gone to Canada's Wonderland. Buuut, we didn't know that - instead we drove out to Markham, where Daddy picked up a CD, Mommy and I bought bags of baking goods in bulk, and then we went to the big craft store and got all kinds of odds and ends for my Hallowe'en costume, some books, and a tea.
We had a nice drive home, stopped at another bookstore, headed home, had some dinner, and worked on my Hallowe'en costume some more. Tomorrow we'll take a look at the weather and see if we an do Canada's Wonderland, or go to hamster's funeral.
Listening to: Osso - Run Rabbit Run
Posted by Clover @ 12:56 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I spelled the word 'TOthBruHS' in fridge magnets in an attempt to spell the word "toothbrush." Not too shabby, I'd say. I also drew several pictures of people thinking about 'Bat'.
The weather was windy, cold, and rainy outside. Mommy took me to school, and I left her explicit instructions to pick me up again with warmer clothes for me to wear. She did - once we got home I had some hot chocolate, and the two of us snuggled on the couch watching a movie.
After Daddy got home from work, we had some dinner and then ran some errands - we found some gloves for my Batman costume, candles, some coffee and a video game - but by then the weather was just horrible. We got so soaked!
Listening to: Electric Six - Kill
Posted by Clover @ 1:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Grandparents Day
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I was still a little bit emotional and prone to over-reactions to little things... probably because today was the day Papa went back to the States. But before that, we made sure we got a pretty fun day under our belts.
Daddy (who was working from home today) took Mommy and Papa and I to the local restaurant, where we had a nice meal. Then we all walked me to school - I said good-bye to Papa, and had a great day at kindergarten.
Mommy and Daddy were off taking Papa to the airport in Buffalo, so Gammy and Grandpa picked me up. I had a decent afternoon with them - we played video games, did my homework together, and ate a whole bunch of dinner. My folks were home from Buffalo late in the evening, just in time to put me to bed!
Posted by Clover @ 12:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Little Lines
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I helped Mommy make pancakes for breakfast, and had something of an emotional morning (we think its because I'm sad that Papa has to go back to South Carolina tomorrow... I've had a great visit with him). I watched the first half of a movie with Papa, had some lunch, and went to school in the rain.
Class was good - on the way home I saw Cheyenne standing on a faraway street corner and I called out to her to say hello - I think the entire neighbourhood heard me. Once we got home, Papa and I finished my movie, and I ate apples.
After Daddy got home from work, we all went over to Gammy and Grandpa's for dinner - we had ribs and some fish fillets that Papa brought from the south... although I had some trouble with the "little lines" I kept pulling out of the fish. Apparently they're bones.
Posted by Clover @ 1:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bored Batman
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning, Mommy and Papa and I went to the market. We had a pretty good time - I got a muffin and some cauliflower and cucumbers. After we came home and had some lunch, Papa got a pretty bad headache. He hung back while Mommy took me to school. Cody wasn't in today, and I went to the library. Other than that, things were normal.
I was bored in the afternoon (Papa was watching TV) - I played some video games and played on my swing, read some library books, worked in my phonics book, and had some dinner. Daddy was at work late, but made it home just in time to say good-night to me before I went to sleep (I also got to run around in my Batman costume, which was great).
Meanwhile, congrats to my good friend Jim, who won a Gemini award today! And... R.I.P., Gramps.
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Reminding Mommy
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a nice morning with Mommy and Papa - we all tried to play the fishing game that Uncle Johnny gave me back in Brockport, but unfortunately the battery didn't work. Anyway, after lunch Mommy and Papa walked me to school, where I hung out with Cody - while I was there, Mommy and Papa tracked down the right battery.
Mommy picked me up and brought me home, where I played my new fishing game and reminded Mommy (with five minutes remaining) that I had a swimming class! We rushed and got there just in time, and I had a lovely swimming lesson.
When we got home, Daddy (who had his first day at his new job) took Mommy and Papa and I to a restaurant of my choosing - sushi! We sat at the cooking table - it was a great show, but I finished my small meal quickly and got pretty bored and really tired. We came home after a quick stop at the bookstore, and I was out like a light.
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
Internet Star
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was up early this morning, and hung out with Papa first thing - Mommy and I made some delicious scones for breakfast, and I even visited my Grandparents (I'm not all that interested in watching sports with Papa all day).
After Daddy got up and we all had some lunch, the bunch of us loaded into the car and drove back out to the Apple Orchard - we walked all over the place, picked a couple of bags full of apples, chose several pumpkins from the pumpkin patch to take home, and then - get this - I was recognized by a lady at the orchard, who saw me on this blog!
After a quick stop for sausage rolls at the store, we all drove home again in the afternoon - I slept pretty deeply in the car as we drove through the city, avoiding highway traffic. I was grumpy once I woke up, but cheered up when it was time for dinner.
Posted by Clover @ 1:19 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Abigail and Emily
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and Daddy and I got up pretty early today and headed out for our long road trip to Brockport, New York at about 9:30. It only took us an hour to get to the border... where we stayed for close to another hour. I started crying after a while, because I was afraid that "the light was never going to change".
A third hour later we arrived at Brockport to pick up Papa at Mommy's Uncle Johnny's house. We had a fantastic visit and an awesome pizza lunch with Mommy's various cousins and their kids - including Abigail and Emily, who I haven't seen for two years. The three of us played and played drew pictures and played, and had an amazing time! I really didn't want to leave - they were go great.
I snoozed for part of the (relatively quick) ride back to Toronto, which kinda messed up my system at bedtime. I don't think I was asleep until after 11... but also because I'm just so pumped to have Papa over!
Posted by Clover @ 1:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Grace Attack
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was up early again this morning - Mommy and I drew some really amazing pictures after Daddy went to his last day at Grey (I was worried that he didn't take coffee with him). School was okay - I reportedly did the same old stuff I do every day, but I made special note that I got to eat my applesauce at the drawing table. This was a big deal, apparently.
Mommy picked me up after school and took me down to the beaches to do some shopping. We went to the butcher, the bookstore, and the toy store - to encourage me not biting my nails, I got a new toy of my choosing. Oh - and Mommy stepped in dog poop.
We were a little late coming home, and ran into my friend Grace from school on the way. As soon as she saw me, she gave me an amazing sneak-attack bear hug! When Daddy came home from work, we tried to cheer him up (he's gonna miss his work friends) with some pasta!
Posted by Clover @ 12:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Picture Day
[As transcribed by Daddy]
In the middle of the night, I woke up my parents in another search for Cinnamon Bunny... I crawled into bed with them, so Mommy went to sleep in my bed. In the morning I was so happy to see her I squealed at her and woke her up!
Today was picture day at school. Now... anyone who visits this blog knows that I'm already the most photographed kid in the world, so no big whup. Therefore, they gave me permission to make a funny face or a silly pose when it was time for my school portrait... but I chose to just smile and look nice. Sometimes my folks are too silly for their own good.
I was happy to come home and do my homework immediately - Mommy made me some delicious dinner, and then I chose to have a bath instead of watching television before bed. Daddy had his big going away party after work, so I didn't see him tonight.
Posted by Clover @ 12:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
25x Bright Pink
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today was average and decent up until a certain point - school was pretty great, and my new friend Cody was pretty much glued to me throughout. We made some apple art, and that's great in my book.
When I got home, Mommy made me the first part of this year's Halloween costume... my Batman mask! It was so awesome, and I was so happy to wear it and show it off - but then things ramped up a notch when my pink leotard and pink tights coincidentally arrived. Mommy put together an awesome black cape, and soon my Halloween costume was another step closer to being complete! I ran all over the place dressed as 'Pink Batman' (we still need to do the insignia, shorts, gloves, and belt) ... I don't know that my Grandparents have ever seen me so excited! The leotard and tights are so bright pink I've identified that as "25x bright pink".
Daddy came home from work - I jumped out at him and yelled "DADDY!" as soon as he came in the door, giving him something resembling a heart attack. I modeled my costume for him - my folks had a tough time convincing me to take it off.
Halloween is gonna be so awesome.
Posted by Clover @ 12:53 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Night Time is the Right Time...
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, unable to locate Cinnamon Bunny, so I woke Mommy up - the two of us found him and then went to sleep in my room. Mommy didn't exactly sleep well, so she caught up on some naps during the day. Due to that and the confusion over what day it was (yesterday being a holiday Monday), we all totally forgot about the farmer's market!
I went to school in the afternoon and had a nice time - we had a substitute librarian, and I brought home a book about dinosaurs. In the playground I suffered my very first schoolyard injury - I fell off the monkey bars while I was playing with Cheyenne. I'm not hurt or anything, but I got to watch a movie to make me feel better.
After Daddy came home from work and we had a great dinner, Mommy and Daddy and I went to Best Buy to pick up some stuff. The days are getting shorter, which made me really excited to be out at night... "the night time is the right time", Daddy taught me, and "the morning time is the boring time", I added.
Listening to: Crooked Fingers - Fortune / Forfeit
Posted by Clover @ 8:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Simultaneous Meat Pie Cravings
Apple Picking / Apple Eating
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
Mommy and Daddy kinda took it easy this morning and slept in a bit, so I took it upon myself to bother the neighbours and play video games and stuff (for probably longer than I should have). The bunch of us had glorious oodles of leftover Thanksgiving food for lunch, and then we decided to go for a drive this holiday Monday.
We made our way back to Orchalaw Farms (where we went last year) and had a great old time picking giant apples from the trees (see the above video). For the first time that we can remember, I'm big enough to really take part and pick the apples without any help.
As soon as we left, Mommy and Daddy simultaneously had an odd meat pie craving, so we went to the Apple Factory and got some meat pies and cider, which we ate on the long drive home. Of course, for dinner, there was more thanksgiving leftovers.
Listening to: Sloan - Recorded Live at a Sloan Party!
Posted by Clover @ 1:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Customary Thanksgiving Daddy/Daughter Day
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy got to work on Thanksgiving dinner today - she finished a pie, a cake, the world's biggest turkey, some cornbread stuffing, gravy, and her delicious cranberry sauce. Meanwhile, I helped Gammy and Aunt Wendy prepare beans, carrots, and steamed Brussels Sprouts - which I gave names to and pretended were having a lovely sauna.
After lunch, Daddy and I had our customary Thanksgiving Daddy/Daughter day - we drove over to the mall, where Daddy bought thank-you cards (to distribute at work on Friday) and some bubble tea, which we both enjoyed. Next, we drove over to Nee-Nee's bookstore, where we read a few books and picked up some others, and then we drove over to the cool record store downtown, where Daddy got some CDs.
Soon after we got home, Lisa and Leo and Matt came over - Leo and I played and ran around while our parents' visited. Then we all went over to Gammy and Grandpa's and had a fantastic thanksgiving dinner with our families and the Nixons! I was really sad when Leo went home, and hope I can visit again soon.
Listening to: Blitzen Trapper - Black River Killer
Posted by Clover @ 12:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Trail / Highway Traffic
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a pretty good morning today, playing with Mommy and visiting with Gammy and Aunt Wendy. Daddy drove us all out to the butcher, where Mommy picked up a massive turkey for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner, and a small ham for lunch. We came home and ate the ham. The ham was good.
Seeing as how we had some kinda sunny weather and it wasn't too cold, we all drove out to Hockley Valley for a long-overdue autumn hike in the pretty colours and cool air. We had a great time, and managed to hike for more than two hours! We weren't the only ones out there - we can't think of the last time we passed so many fellow hikers at such a remote location. At one point I told Daddy "I can't believe Mommy is married to a Creative Director", referring to the job he starts in a week. He wasn't sure how to take that.
After an even longer drive home (traffic was as thick on the highways as it was on the trails), we finally got home and had a lovely little salad for dinner. There was ham in the salad. The ham was good.
Listening to: James Kochalka Superstar - Digital Elf
Posted by Clover @ 1:35 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Mr. and Mrs. Cinnamon Bunny
[As transcribed by Daddy]
After tossing and turning in bed with my folks last night (ensuring that Daddy only got 30 minutes sleep), I hung out with my Grandparents and Aunt Wendy in the morning. She and I played a bunch of video games together - I finally returned home when it was time for lunch.
School was good today - I came home with a box full of chocolate bars to sell. I asked Mommy if today is Thanksgiving, because all day today people kept saying "Happy Thanksgiving!" to me. Mommy explained that it's because people won't see me again until after Thanksgiving... I'm just finding it all pretty confusing. I wished every person I saw on the way home a 'Happy Thanksgiving!'
I had a snack and watched a movie - eventually I learned that Daddy came home from work early and had crashed in bed for several hours. I wanted to help Gammy with dinner, but no dice - I came downstairs and drew an awesome picture of Cinnamon Bunny holding hands with "Mrs. Cinnamon Bunny".
Posted by Clover @ 12:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 09, 2009
Fall Fair
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I visited with my grandparents and the Nixons before joining my Mommy for some morning cartoons, video games, and a whole lot of baking for today's Fall Fair at school. It's official: Mommy made what had to be the best frosting ever made. It's so amazing it deserves its own box on the periodic table of elements.
Mommy took me to school after lunch, and dropped off our baked goods for the big bake sale. I had a nice time at school, but had an even better time at the big fair! Mommy, Gammy, and Aunt Wendy came to get me after school - at the fair, I painted a pumpkin, ate some snacks, got a balloon, and played on the bouncy castle and stuff.
Mommy and I came home after we did a lot of playing - I had something of a meltdown when it came time to clean my room. Eventually I calmed down... by then, Daddy was home from work, and we went back to the fair before picking up some dinner.
Listening to: Air - Love 2
Posted by Clover @ 12:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Floating Striped Therizinosaur & A Kite
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I had a nice, quiet morning - I played video games online (I've discovered a song I really really love) and drew a pretty awesome picture of myself flying a kite, wondering why there's a giant striped therizinosaur flying above me.
I had a nice afternoon at school, too - I played with Cheyenne a lot. here's a sandbox in the classroom that's fun... today Mommy asked me which of the students did the most talking in class, and I confirmed that it's me.
The Nixons were over visiting Gammy and Grandpa, and that was great - I got to hang out with them after dinner as Mommy and Daddy had to run some errands. Tomorrow's weather is (finally) supposed to be pretty good - here's hoping!
Posted by Clover @ 1:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Canapés and Candy Corn
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I went to the farmer's market today! I was really looking forward to eating a chocolate muffin and getting to use the strawberry-shaped shopping bag Becky gave us as a Wedding favour. I carried cucumbers and mushrooms in it until they got too heavy.
I harassed Mom about lunch on the way home, so she made me a ham / cheese / cucumber canapé. School was good today... I got to play with my friends Grace, Cheyenne, Grace's friend Olivia, Claire, and Omarion (but he didn't really wanna play with me).
Mommy and I had a lovely walk home, and then made an enormous batch of homemade candy corn! Oven sheet after oven sheet of sweet, glorious candy corn.
Guess what I wanted to eat instead of my dinner tonight?
Posted by Clover @ 1:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Swim Class Excitement!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I neglected to mention yesterday that I had a great morning with my grandparents watching the big F1 race (I'm a fan of Jenson Button) where I paid attention, but wouldn't stop asking questions about the race.
Today was cool - I've been asking fir the past week when my next swimming class would be, and - well, today was the big day! All through school even, all I could talk about was my big swim class. Daddy thinks it's pretty funny - at a trip to the library today, I got a copy of a book that I already have (and love) because this one came with an audio CD.
My swim class was amazing, of course. I was happy to report to Daddy that the water was in fact wet. Speaking of Daddy, he came home late from work because he was busy quitting his job.
Posted by Clover @ 1:29 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 05, 2009
Batman Boots
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Not much happened this morning... while Daddy slept in, I went from television to computer to grandparents to television to computer to toys. No big whup. We weren't sure what to do for lunch, so... we decided to head out for a bite.
We found a great little place (not to be confused with the awesome editing house Daddy sometimes works with who is also awesome) not too far from us that had a decent menu for people like me who gotta go without wheat and milk... we'll definately go back there, too. I drew some cool pictures before eating my food (which was served to me in the form of a happy face).
We all really really wanted to go apple picking or for a hike, but the rain wouldn't let us - so we drove out to Vaughan and tracked down a pair of awesome boots for my Halloween Batman costume. Afterwards, Daddy got video games and I helped Mommy pick out a scented candle.
The drive home was good, but Mommy gets annoyed when we reach the part in Daddy's 'top 1000 favourite songs' playlist that consists mainly of Ben Folds and Moe Berg tracks.
Listening to: Karen O and The Kids - Where The Wild Things Are Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Posted by Clover @ 1:24 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Becky's Wedding
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning Mommy and Daddy and I got all prettied up and drove out to Rockwood, Ontario to attend the long-anticipated wedding of our friends Becky and Jason! The ceremony was lovely, and the weather was agreeable - once Daddy finished taking the family photos, the rain started, so we all moved inside.
It was a good thing that none of us really ate any lunch (how Daddy functioned without coffee is a mystery), because I grazed on wedding food from about 2:30 to 6:00, stopping only to sit under the dinner table to draw pictures and to ask Becky for a tour of her gorgeous farmhouse. I was such a good kid - I really made my family proud.
All of the sweet potato pie started hitting my brain late in the day, so it was time to head home - the sunset and rainbows were so beautiful that Daddy started kicking himself for leaving the wedding without taking more photos! Believe it or not, but I was asking for dinner before we even got home (despite all that food).
Listening to: Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
Posted by Clover @ 1:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Dinosaurs with Cocoa
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy spent the better part of the day baking pies for Becky's wedding tomorrow... meanwhile, I had a pretty low-key morning of trying to watch television on the internet without permission. What can I say - I love cartoons!
Mommy took me to school in the afternoon... it was pretty wet and rainy outside, so there wasn't much playground action. Mommy thought it was cute how Mr. Sheffle and I greeted each other. We had a pretty nice afternoon - I got to have a hot cocoa, which for some reason I associate with watching dinosaur DVDs, so I did.
Daddy had a busy and important day at work, so he was home a little bit late... but he felt inclined to buy me some new books, so no sweat.
Posted by Clover @ 1:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 02, 2009
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It finally happened today - Mrs. Bartlett asked ME to be the official helper at school today. I've been waiting for that to happen for weeks!
The teacher's helper's responsibilities are many. I had to hand out snacks to my classmates, I had to take the blue folder (attendance?) to the counter down the hall (the main office), and I had to mark the day's date on the board - according to me, it was the "1th" (pronounced "oneth") of October.
Actually, since it was Cool Uncle Gareth's 30th birthday, Mommy and Daddy and I sent a singing telegram (in the form of a gorilla wearing a tutu) to his big art opening today in New York. Mommy and Daddy and I were shopping at the local outdoor mall when we got the notification from Uncle Gareth that it was really funny and well received. It was almost as fun as getting to be there ourselves.
If anyone reading this in the Metropolitan New York area ever needs a singing telegram, Daddy would like to strongly recommend Preppygrams - they were really awesome.
Listening to: Patrick Wolf - The Bachelor
Posted by Clover @ 1:44 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 01, 2009
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning, I helped Mommy finish the skirt she was sewing for me - Cinnamon Bunny and Annabell helped too. It's a pretty awesome skirt! She also made me a dress to wear at Becky's wedding on the weekend. I also renewed my nail-biting deal (I stop biting my nails, I get a new toy).
I pulled an awesome faceplant in the middle of the street on the way to school this afternoon, scraping my lip, my nose, and my knee. Once I got to school, I showed my wounds off to everyone and anyone! Once again, I stuck pretty closely to Cheyenne during the day.
Mommy took me to the mall after school... I didn't really feel like shopping, and only wanted snacks. I was kinda whiny and complained in all the clothing stores, except for H&M, where I spilled popcorn all over the floor. After some bubble tea, we took the subway home... Daddy (who had a crazy day of his own) picked us up at the subway station.
Cool Uncle Gareth turns 30 tomorrow! Happy Birthday!!!