Monday, August 31, 2009

Mrs. Greenwhich & Phone Calls from Trolls

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I had a nice, normal morning today... meanwhile, Daddy was just like Captain Ahab with the computer, obsessed with getting it working again after all of our problems with the new OS. Somehow, we pulled him away from it long enough to play some PS3 games with him... we all had a great time (even Mommy).

After lunch, we piled into the car and headed out for a lovely hike. We found a great stretch of the Bruce that we hadn't done before - even though it was cool and a little overcast, the trail itself was fantastic. I pretended that Mommy was a friendly forest witch going by the name "Mrs. Greenwich", and I took the odd call from a nearby troll on my imaginary tree-phone.

We headed home and had a lovely dinner - there were some more video games, some television, and Daddy wrestled with the computer. If you're reading this, it means he probably got it working.

Listening to: Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fan Expo 2009

[As transcribed by Daddy on August 30th]

This morning the problems with running the new OS on the Mac persisted, so none of us got to use the computer - Daddy spent a good chunk of the first half of the day getting tech support. No prob.

After a quick trip to the butcher with Mommy, Daddy and I headed downtown for another special Daddy/daughter day... we went to Fan Expo Canada 2009, the biggest Annual comic book and sci fan / fandom / whatever convention in Canada (and the third largest in North America). We were there care of Daddy's friend Jim from Seattle, who got us a free day pass - which, of course, we couldn't find. However, having a cute four-year-old in a Batman T-shirt will get you in anywhere for free, as Daddy discovered. Thank goodness we got to bypass the line, which stretched for hours.

It was a ZOO in there. It was wall-to-wall people (dressed in all manner of costumes... I was too intimidated to get photographed with any of them, save for some Droids (see photo) and a lady in a Princess Leia costume), most of whom seemed to be Stormtroopers. Somehow, in all the madness, our OTHER friend Jim ("From Kristin & Jim", as I like to say) found us and hung out with us before I got too overcrowded and we had to leave. I did manage to snag a new PS3 game from a nice lady on the way out...

When we got home, Mommy had purchased a 100 dollar HDMI cable (Happy Birthday, Daddy) and set up the Playstation 3. Daddy, on the other hand, could not get the computer fixed to save his life.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fabricland Freakout

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I had a somewhat low-key day, but it wasn't really supposed to be that way. This afternoon Mommy wanted to go with me to Fabricland to run some errands, but for some reason (maybe I was still tired and worn out from yesterday's excitement) I had threw a huge tantrum, which just escalated and got worse and worse. So, as a result, we just kinda stayed home. Mommy didn't go to Fabricland, and I was being too difficult to convince anyone to play with me.

After Daddy came home from work (he helped his agency win a big pitch or something) we had a delicious dinner that Mommy made for us, and then we drove out to the mall so that Daddy could pick up a copy of the new Operating System for the computer. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be working so well right now, but at least he can update the blog.

As for me... I was fast asleep. Yup... probably still wiped out from yesterday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Let's go to the Ex!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning I got to eat those grits I was so excited about. They were fantastic. I had a quiet morning with Mommy... I was foiled from my attempts to jump on Mommy's bed by the large box containing Daddy's new Playstation 3 being placed on it.

After lunch, Mommy and I took the world's most tightly-packed streetcar to the Canadian National Exhibition. I had a real blast! I went on a bunch of rides, played a bunch of games, saw a show, played with Lego, saw some exhibits, and ate loads of cotton candy! What a great day!

Daddy came and met us there after he got out of work - we went on some rides together and then ate some garbage from the food building for dinner. We were all pretty exhausted as it got dark, and had Grandpa come and get us. What an amazing, busy day!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Employee of H.E.M.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

It was kinda cold in the apartment, so I wore my coat indoors for most of the day (over my jammies, even). Mommy wouldn't let me watch much TV or play on the computer, so I was kinda bored... I fell into this habit where I'd ask Mommy "Can I Watch TV?" and then "Can I Play on the Computer"? and then "Can I go outside and swing on my swing?" So I'd swing on my swing, come back in, play in my room, and then ask "Can I watch TV?" and start the whole cycle over and over again.

After lunch, Mommy and Annabell and I went to the toy store to buy some educational workbooks (I pushed Annabell in her stroller the whole way!). I bought Annabell her own dinosaur toy, since she doesn't have any of her own.

After we did some work in the workbooks (phonics and math, which I'm surprisingly good at - clearly it must've skipped a generation), Daddy came home from work, and I pretended to go to mine... a place called "H.E.M." where I reportedly put together the artwork for big craft shows. H.E.M. pays me fifteen dollars a day - seventeen if I do exceptional work, and one dollar if I do a poor job.

While we all did the grocery shopping, it came to light that I'm actually more excited to be having grits for breakfast tomorrow than I am about going to the fair.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Wheat Flour Secret

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy was pretty sick again today with a crazy raging sinus headache and a bull-blown cold. I had a bath and then she had one... we managed to get outside today and take care of some gardening, despite how awful Mommy felt. Much to her chagrin, Basil decided to poop right into one of her flower pots. To be honest with you - I found it hilarious!

After lunch, we went for a nice walk to the drug store. Well... for me it was nice. For Mommy, it was excruciating. We got her some headache medicine and groceries and stuff. I hung out with Gammy in the afternoon - she was baking and I may have kinda eaten some wheat flour while nobody was looking... when Gammy told me what I had done, I started crying. Mommy asked what was the matter, and I told her I wanted to keep it a secret and not tell her so that she wouldn't get mad. She persuaded me into telling her that I ate the wheat flour (which I'm allergic to) and she didn't get mad.

Daddy was out with Nick at a movie tonight, so I didn't see him - Mommy and I had a nice evening, just the two of us (and her headache).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Now, there ARE photos of me from this morning - wearing a costume I made up consisting of my orange pajama bottoms, my black and white striped shirt, pink underpants over my tights, galoshes, and Basil's old black 'Electro Dog' cape. In the photos, I'm running around the backyard pretending to be 'ElectroSpeedGirl' in which I stand up tall, put my arms in the air and yell "ELECTRICITY!" in a booming voice, thus granting me superhuman speed. There ARE photos, but Daddy has a feeling that while they're pretty adorable, they would probably embarrass me in the future beyond that of the average blog photo.

Anyway, yeah... I played dress up this morning. Mommy did a lot of tidying in the apartment, which really made her allergies go crazy (right when she was starting to feel better). Daddy got home from work a little bit early for the first time in ages, so that we could all go to the dentist.

My second-ever dentist appointment was a rousing success... I talked and talked and talked in the dentist's office, and kept on talking even when everyone was working on my teeth.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Slugs and Fairy Tales

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and Daddy and I had a pretty low-key morning... we all fought off lingering colds / allergic reactions, I played with toy cars and stuff with Daddy, Mommy chatted on the phone with Nana, and Daddy tried to fix the new blog design so that it would work in Internet Explorer.

Gammy and Grandpa paid us a visit after they returned from their weekend spa retreat feeling relaxed and massaged! Eventually, Mommy and Daddy and I loaded into the car headed northeast for a nice drive and then a lovely hike through York Regional Forest (we missed out on all the antiquing Mommy wanted to do). While we walked (avoiding strange slugs), we all told each other cool stories and fairy tales and stuff. Mommy and Daddy should write some of them down - they're pretty good!

Daddy napped on the couch once we got home, I played in my room, and Mommy made us all a nice dinner. When bedtime rolled around, we were back to fighting off colds / allergies.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Turning Greek Food into Chinese Food

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I hope you like the new blog design! Daddy spent a good chunk of the morning and early afternoon putting the finishing touches on it while I kinda hung out and drew pictures and stuff. Mommy put together one heck of an awesome picnic for Gammy and Grandpa (the rest of us weasled our way in there) before they headed off on the spa weekend package thing my folks got them for their anniversary.

Once they were gone, we abandoned Basil and decided to drive off into one heck of a scary-looking storm (although it never really rained on us) and visited the craft store, where Mommy and I spent an hour browsing Halloween stuff. We stopped for some ice cream before heading back to the outdoor mall, where I got a new dinosaur backpack for Kindergarten!

Mommy quite successfully turned last night's leftover Greek food into delicious Chinese food (fried rice with vegetables, pork, and squid), Daddy and I played bad mitten, and I hit the sack.

Listening to: Brendan Benson - My Old, Familiar Friend

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day Five

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Due to a slight scheduling or organizational snafu, neither Mommy or I were aware that today was "wear pajamas and show off your favourite stuffed animal Day" at Day Camp. It honestly didn't bother me much! I had a great time anyway.

Mommy and I had a nice lunch, and then we both ran all the way to the bus stop (my endurance was astounding... I ran the whole way!) and headed over to the movie theatre, where the two of us watched 'Ponyo.' It was great, but I kept talking and asking questions throughout the whole thing.

After that was over, we did some shopping at Old Navy (I got a soccer ball and some socks) and picked up some groceries. Once Daddy got home from work, we went over to Gammy and Grandpa's for a big Greek feast. I got so covered in hummus and grease (Greek grease?) that I had to have a really long bath before bed.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day Four

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Once again, it was off to Day Camp for the morning, and once again I had a great time playing and singing and making crafts (a bumblebee puppet I named "Barthall-ma-yoo the Bee") and going swimming and stuff. When I came home, I had an afternoon of pretending with my toys! While Mommy worked on her sewing, I put together a little 'secret club' for my toys. We all read books, got matching tattoos, played games, bounced on the bed, and had soup. Annabell wanted to eat candy corn, but I told her it wasn't healthy and that she had to have broccoli soup. Nandy Panda just wanted to sit around all day and eat bamboo.

Mommy and I made cupcakes in the afternoon, which were a nice surprise for Daddy. As soon as we were finished eating dinner, a monstrous lightning storm (my first real life Toronto warning!) descended upon us. We all watched the storm at Gammy and Grandpa's from the safety of the front window. Once the storm was over (and it was time for bed), the sky changed to a calm, yet alien-looking pinky-yellow colour.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day Three


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy is almost finished the (now a month late) blog re-design. Honest!

Mommy likes it that I'm at day camp this week, because it gives her a lot of free time. However, coming to pick me up and then walk home with me has become her favourite part of the day, because I tell her all about my time at camp, and how we played and sang songs and stuff. I was a really well-behaved little kid today - the only issue I had was when I didn't want to go to bed.

In the afternoon, I helped Mommy pick some vegetables from our garden outside and helped her make a special pizza crust. I did some pretty cool artwork, and stood back while Mommy completely cleaned, tidied, and re-arranged her bedroom (including FINALLY putting the door in the doorframe).

I was gonna stay up and watch a TV show with Daddy after he bought the new Playstation 3 online, but it wasn't on. He and I formed a new secret society (The Secret Society of JBGFEs) - but I don't want anyone to know about it, so shhh.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day Two

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I were out to day camp pretty early this morning. While I had a great time playing, singing, making crafts, playing games, and going for a swim, Mommy went to the farmer's market and then walked home in the crazy summer heat. Obviously, she was pretty wiped out by it. Before she came and got me, I got to play with a new friend (I never got the kid's name) and hung out with Julie, Sarah, Steve, and James!

Once we got home, we ate the customary post-camp grilled cheese sandwich, and then - get this - we wiled away the afternoon sorting through all of my Firefox bookmarks. We went through page after page - playing games, learning about dinosaurs, and rediscovering old online gems we had both forgotten about. It sounds boring (it does to Daddy), but it was great!

Daddy was late coming home from work again, but arrived juuust in time to help put me to bed. Sadly, he also learned that I informed Mommy that I was no longer interested in playing with my Chip & Renard toys. That makes them sad.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day One

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Just like today's post title says, it's back to Day Camp this year. Due to the summer garbage strike, we're only gonna be doing this for a few days, so... hopefully I get as much out of it as I can. Today was great - I was so happy to see Iman and the other "camp counsellors", whom I haven't seen in months. We played games, sang songs, played in the playground, and played with lots of toys!

After Mommy came and got me, I switched into my bathing suit and played with the sprinkler and garden hose. Let me tell you - it is stinking HOT outside. I don't think the air quality is as bad as yesterday, but that sprinkler sure felt great.

Mommy did some snoozing and recovering today, as did Daddy when he came home from work with a headache. I tucked him into bed and gave him my bunny.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello Ella!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Check out the photo - that's my brand new cousin Ella, born yesterday morning. Isn't she cute? I sure think so, and can't wait to meet her.

I did a great job keeping my parents awake through the night by getting into bed with them and tossing and turning (banishing Daddy to the couch). Daddy and Basil had to take off this morning to appear in an independent short film downtown, so Mommy (who is sick and exhausted) and I sat down and enjoyed a really cool movie I specifically requested. After lunch, we went with Gammy and Cinnamon Bunny for a walk to the mailbox. It sure is smoggy outside.

Daddy came home in the later afternoon and kinda passed out on the couch - he got sick of watching me play video games or sit in front of the TV and took me for a bike ride after dinner. He even let Mommy sleep on the couch and put me to bed!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Spaaaaaace Taaaxiiii

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was 'Ice Cream Day' with Kristin and Jim - I spent the better part of the morning just waiting for the afternoon to roll around. After lunch, Mommy's intestines incapacitated her, so it was down to me and Daddy, who drove downtown in the mid-afternoon and met up with Kristin and Jim at a really cool Ice Cream shop! With Cinnamon Bunny along for kicks, we all enjoyed some dairy-free treats and had a blast!

We all went to a nearby playground, which we pretended was a big space station... Kristin and Jim are especially fun to pretend and imagine with. I pretended to be a space cabbie, who would drive people from moon to moon at the speed of light. We also petted a black cat in the park, talked about rabbits with the staff of Daddy's favourite record store, and then went out for delicious delicious Orangeenas (which were perfect given how hot it was outside).

We said bye-bye to Kristin and Jim, came home, and ordered pizza for dinner - Gammy and Grandpa and Daddy's old friend Ami came over to visit, and I thought she was really nice and cool. I just talked and talked and talked and talked - I think she was impressed with how Daddy's daughter turned out.

Listening to: Deastro - Moondagger

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rock Painter

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Something pretty unusual happened this morning... I slept in. Normally I wake up before anyone else in the house and either a) climb into bed with my folks, b) play in my room or on the computer, c) go over to Grandma's house, d) raise hell or e) all of the above. Today, NONE of those happened... I slept in! Mommy had to come and wake ME up!

It was a bit humid outside today - luckily, the garbageman finally came and took away the trash that had scattered all over the street by raccoons over the past 24 hours. I did a lot of drawing, playing outside, and today Mommy and I dug out the rock-painting kit that Nana got for me and made some really awesome crafts - I made a bat out of a rock (I painted the cutest face on it) that you've just GOTTA see. We broke out the pipe cleaners and made some cool spiders and things, too.

Yup... looks like I'm back in full Hallowe'en mode. It's that time of year again! After dinner, it was a game of bad mitten and a bath before bedtime stories of ghosts and trick-or-treating.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Lord of the Flies

Singin' & Swingin'
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I had a nice morning - she altered some of my clothes while Cinnamon Bunny, Annabell and I pretended to be dinosaurs. We were all gonna go for a walk through the neighbourhood today, but oddly enough - nobody took the garbage away today. I thought the strike was supposed to be over! Meanwhile, our entire neighbourhood is swarming with flies and raccoons. We abandoned our walk plans, and I perfected the art of drawing rabbits instead.

Mommy found some new video games for me to play on the computer today - after Daddy came home from work (on time!), we drew pictures together and had a nice dinner and then went for that walk... instead of walking through our neighbourhood, though, Daddy drove us down to the beach. I rolled down the hill, threw some rocks in the water, and got so grubby that I needed a decent bath when we got home.

I'm happy to report that the new blog design is coming along with help from Becky. And as of this writing, the garbage STILL hasn't been taken away.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sidewalk Rash

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Every day around noon, I like to watch Little Bear on television as I eat lunch. Through some scheduling issues, I missed it today - seeing as how I lent my Little Bear DVDs to Sarah, I had nuthin' to watch. So... Mommy figured we could walk up to the toy store and maybe pick up a new one. We got a new DVD, a Dinosaur Bingo game, and I almost abandoned Cinnamon Bunny on a chair in the corner of the store by accident! On the way home, I slipped on the sidewalk and scraped up my ankle. Daddy told me it was called 'road rash' - I corrected him and told him it was actually 'sidewalk rash'.

When we got home, Mommy finally convinced me to play dress-up with her... I loaded up on multiple dresses, a gnome costume, and all kinds of weird stuff, and paraded around the house. I got kinda hot.

Mommy cooked corn on the BBQ for dinner and accidentally set fire to hers - even though mine was fine, I kinda got freaked out and didn't want any corn for dinner and convinced myself it would be bad. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clover's Famous Only Clover & Daddy Secret Club

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy took an 'in lieu of' day, today - all the weekends he's worked have granted him an excusable day to play hooky. And coincidentally, it falls on the 8th wedding anniversary of him and Mommy! It didn't stop him from making a conference call and giving a client presentation in his underpants.

He and I had a nice morning of video games while Mommy took the bus to the farmer's market. I formed a secret club for the two of us - "Clover's Famous Only Clover & Daddy Secret Club." (By the end of the day, Cinnamon Bunny would also join). Once Mommy came home and we had some lunch, the thunderstorm that had quickly rolled in rolled out just as fast. The bunch of us drove out to Yorkdale mall for some window shopping - we had a nice time.

Mommy and Daddy went out for an anniversary dinner, so my grandparents babysat me. We had a nice dinner, went for a nice walk (where I got to pet a baby Dachshund), watched some TV, and did. Not. Sit. Still. Mommy and Daddy had to come home and put me to bed!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August's Day of Fooling Day

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After yesterday's multiple thunderstorms and the torrential downpours, the back yard was soaking wet, the ground was muddy, and my swing was pretty damp. I tried swinging on it with a towel, but I only ended up adding a dirty towel to the clutter in the back yard. The humidity inside the house is bad, too - all of Daddy's art books are getting damp!

Mommy and I played some board games inside, and took a walk over to that new flower shop next to the corner store and bought some stargazer lilies (because they're Daddy's favourite flowers).

According to me, today is 'August's Day of Fooling Day' - Mommy and I swapped tall tales, and then baked an 'August's Day of Fooling Day' pie (aka Mixed-Berry Marshmallow Pie).

After Daddy came home from work, he realized he left his anniversary present for Mommy in his desk at the office, so we all had to go down there to get it. I had a blast, but was exhausted and pretty crabby when Gammy and Grandpa gave my folks their anniversary gift - I was hoping there'd be a new dinosaur in there for me!

Listening to: Datarock - Red

Monday, August 10, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

We got hammered by a crazy huge thunderstorm this morning - it was pretty awesome and really intense! Of course, it vanished just as soon as it appeared... so Mommy and Daddy and I decided to make good on our plans to go out and pick some fruit after watching a cool movie with Daddy.

We drove west towards Milton to find one of our favourite berry patches, and got kinda lost... eventually we figured out where we were going and arrived at our destination. We emerged from the car to discover that it was the hottest day of the year (by far) - so humid that Daddy was spent after about 10 minutes of blueberry picking. We got some snacks and headed home.

As we drove back, I pretended that Cinnamon Bunny was Superbunny, and flew him around the car to the Superman Theme. Once we got home, we discovered that the rain had drawn out the biggest dragonflies any of us had ever seen in the city! A second, even more majestic thunderstorm hit right as I was trying to go to bed.

Listening to: Superman Returns - Music From The Motion Picture

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Time Flies at the Beach

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Yesterday I mentioned to Mommy how cool I thought this toy is - imagine my surprise as I woke up this morning to discover that Mommy had made me one (I named her 'Coraline'). It's so awesome!

Mommy and I had breakfast and stuff and let Daddy sleep in. Once he finally got out of bed, he took us out for lunch at the local sushi joint. It was okay, I guess... we followed that with a quick grocery run, where Mommy and I ended up chatting up some stranger about wheat allergies. Daddy and I made up funny songs.

After a quick stop off at home, we drove down to the beaches, got some delicious ice cream, went to the shore and threw rocks in the water (and made sand sculptures) and then did some window shopping in the area. We were surprised to discover how much time had past, and quickly headed home for dinner. I had a bath and played Rock Band with Daddy before bed!

Listening to: Spinal Tap - This Is Spinal Tap

Saturday, August 08, 2009

All the Iron's Fault

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I had another quiet day at home - at one point she was working away in her sewing room, and I walked past too fast and kinda accidentally nudged the hot iron (which was perched upon the ironing board) enough to get startled. I didn't get burned or anything, but was surprised enough to get upset. Later on, in describing the event, I angrily defended my actions - "It was the iron's fault!"

I was really really into playing outside, and kept trying to goad Mommy into joining me, but she wasn't really into it. That got me kinda down - Mommy felt bad, but I didn't wanna play if she didn't want to... so it was her turn to goad me into playing outside. It worked! We had fun.

Mommy made French Onion for dinner, and I didn't like it. Once Daddy came home from the office, we were all gonna go out for ice cream, but I didn't finish my dinner, so... no ice cream. Instead, I threw a tantrum and went to bed early.

Friday, August 07, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy's headache raged again from the moment she woke up. Once she dragged herself out of bed, she became determined not to be defeated by it, and set out on a nice walk with me after making me a big stack of pancakes. Unfortunately, I was pretty whiny and complainy and cantankerous, so we didn't make it too far on our walk. Mommy didn't feel like putting up with my very public freakout (over wanting a glass of water).

The rest of the day was much better. I drew some great pictures, asked a million questions about the lovely lunch Mommy made for me (tuna and tabbouleh) and visited with Gammy and Grandpa. I played in my sandbox for the first time in a while, swung in my swing, and played with my toys.

Daddy was late from work (again) and I didn't really see him. Fingers crossed that he won't have to give up his weekend to work again. He's worried that I've forgotten what he looks like - when he got home he found a portrait I did of him that looks nothing like him.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Swingin' And Singin'

[As transcribed by Daddy]

What a great day outside today! The weather was so wonderful that Mommy and I spent most of the day in the back yard... we played tag, hide & seek, ring around the rosy, had a picnic, and just kinda generally hung out there. I did a lot of swinging and singing on my backyard swing, which was adorable... my folks really need to see if they can videotape me doing that.

I went for a nice walk with Gammy to the new flower shop that opened next to the corner store, and I did some cool drawing and watched a little bit of television. I was more than happy to have leftover lasagna for lunch, and didn't expect Daddy to come home before I went to bed today - but he did! We watched my Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer DVD and then gave Gammy and Grandpa (who is sick) their 40th wedding anniversary present from us & Cool Uncle Gareth.

At bedtime, I told Mommy that I loved her more than "all the dinosaurs who ever lived throughout history stacked up on top of each other."

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Scarfing Lasagna

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Look at the picture Daddy posted on the blog yesterday. Check out the size of that guy's head!

Mommy and I had a pretty quiet day - you know, the average stuff. I drew some pretty cute pictures, watched some TV, played some video games, played with my toys. Meanwhile, after a long weekend's worth of work, Daddy had a pretty horrible day at the office and kinda had a big blow-up, so Mommy and I were gonna go to his office and bring him a lasagna.

Unfortunately, we couldn't get a sitter for the dog, so we kinda had to stay home and eat the lasagna ourselves. Well, actually, I ate most of it (I carefully managed to eat around the vegetables and only eat the noodles, cheese, and sauce).

Mommy and I had a nice quiet evening of Hallowe'en books and songs. It's Gammy and Grandpa's 40th Wedding Anniversary - as soon as Daddy has five minutes where he's not at work, we'll give them a nice present.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Seaton Trail X

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Since it's Simcoe Day here in Canada, lots of people get the day off, including Daddy (who, alas, still has lots of work to do). Mommy made me pancakes for breakfast, and then when time for lunch rolled around we all had a lovely picnic in the back yard.

Grandpa took us up on our offer to take him out for a hike - we all drove out to The Seaton Trail - one of our favourite places to trudge through the woodlands (our tenth time, as you can tell from the title of the blog). We had a great walk - I brought Cinnamon Bunny along, who apparently broke his leg at some point during the walk, and thought it would be hilarious to wade through a shin-deep creek.

I fell asleep on the way home, which caused us to bypass a trip to get some ice cream. When I woke up, Daddy and I set Cinnamon Bunny's leg, we had a delicious dinner, I had a bath, and played Rock Band with Daddy.

Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik

Monday, August 03, 2009

Chasing Frustration 'round the Playground

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I had something of an uncharacteristic morning - Mommy and I snuggled up in my bed and read Hallowe'en books. Pretty sweet! Once we all got some lunch into us, we made good on the coupon emailed to Daddy from The Gap, and drove to Scarborough Town Centre to buy a bunch of new clothes. We spent a good chunk of change - I got a new hat, some shirts, and some snacks, too. Call it early back-to-school shopping (although I've never been to school, so... whatever).

We visited the bookstore on the way home, where I played nicely with a little girl in the kids' section. Once we got home, Daddy took me out to the playground so that I could play and he could work on the project for work he's been obsessing over. At first I played nicely with this little boy, but then he wanted me to chase him. Once I realized I couldn't catch him, I got pretty upset and frustrated. He kept asking me to chase him, and I kept trying, and I just kept getting more and more distraught.

We went to another playground (the kid followed, so we went to the third) - the playground in front of my future kindergarten! Daddy and I had a nice time, and made it home in time for dinner.

Listening to: Yim Yames - Tribute To

Sunday, August 02, 2009

JBGFE No. 12

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was all about playing with Annabell today - she came with Mommy and Daddy and I to the grocery store, and rode along with me in the shopping cart. While we waited for Mommy at the butcher, I told Annabell the story of Little Red Riding Hood, which she really enjoyed!

We all had leftover pizza for lunch, and then we loaded up into the car (Basil in the trunk) and drove out to York Regional Forest for a post-rainstorm weekend hike (Annabell and Cinnamon Bunny waited in the car). We had a great time - we told stories, drew arrows in the dirt, played in a grasshopper-infested field, and called ourselves JBGFEs (a term of endearment that goes back). I was "JBGFE No. 12."

We all came home and had a nice evening - I played on my swing a lot, and hung out with Daddy - we watched television and took turns making funny noises. It's one of the things JBGFEs do.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

The 'Red Carrot' Ruse

[As transcribed by Daddy]

The folks from Daddy's old comic store regularly drop his comics off at his office now that they've closed their retail location, but since Daddy had the day off from work, we all took the subway down to the Eaton Centre to meet Doris with Daddy's comics. Once we had 'em, we went for a delicious Thai lunch - they tricked me into eating beets by telling me they were 'red carrots', which I loved.

We went to the big bookstore around the corner from the restaurant, and aside from the blood-curdling scream I let out on the escalator which terrified every soul in the store (I'm extremely afraid of down-escalators), I had a nice time. We went to the record store, got some ice cream, and headed home, where I played.

Due to a lack of available wheels, we couldn't do the planned grocery run, so we ordered pizza and wings and watched an awesome but kinda scary movie during dinner. What a great day!

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!